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Some things are meant to stay in the dark.

Every time Suzuna went to the training grounds, she just wanted to turn around again. “I’m too lazy”, “My parents forced me into becoming a kunoichi”, “I have no talent whatsoever”, “It would be a waste of time anyway”  – These were some of the common excuses she liked to use in front of her friends, who would either laugh with her or shake their heads in disapproval.
Among her family, she didn’t need to make up any fake reasons, they knew the truth.
Suzuna let herself plop down on a tree stub, suppressing a melodramatic sigh. If she had it her way, she would have never passed that unnecessary Genin exam… again. She would have never even taken a look at a weapon. But after everything that happened and the web of lies they all had gotten stuck in, living a peaceful life as civilian was impossible. And frankly, she didn’t even have any right to complain. It was her fault.

Brushing these dark thoughts aside, Suzuna decided to do what she’d come here for. The training grounds seemed to be empty this morning; she couldn’t spot anyone else around her. Practising one’s skills alone sounded even more boring. No, not boring, more like… harder for her to switch to happy-go-lucky mode.
Reluctantly, she drew a kunai out of her pouch and faced one of the dummies set up on the training grounds.
“Okay, take that,” Suzuna mumbled without any enthusiasm in her voice before throwing the projectile. It hit one of the dummy’s eyes on the spot. This accuracy frightened her, so that she quickly took out another kunai and missed the target deliberately. “Phew, back to my untalented self.”
Her lips curled up into a cheeky smile, but it didn’t reach her eyes. No matter if she kept lying to herself and everyone around about her abilities, she would never be able to forget what had happened that fateful night. The demons would always lurk inside her… all she could do was shut them out over and over again.
“Is he still there?” she mused unintentionally, knowing that she shouldn’t allow her thoughts to drift to such forbidden topics. “I wonder if he hates us now.”

Training 388


It has been exactly two weeks since Nanashi had stepped foot into Konohagakure no Sato, having visited the hidden village to check up on the number of small medical facilities that he had a hand in monitoring and running through a designated proxy. In most cases the proxy was either a former medical shinobi of the village or a retired doctor who still enjoyed helping others. It pleased Nanashi greatly that these proxies had kept the facilities up to his standards, some even going beyond his high expectation, not like he would admit the latter to them.

Of course not everything were business oriented for the silver haired male, Nanashi had also came here to find out information regarding his wayward father. A man who he hasn't seen at all, simply a sperm donor who couldn't be bother to stick around for the woman's pregnancy. He had thought that the endeavor would be fruitless, Nanashi was surprise that it actually bear some fruit, not enough to quench his hunger but enough to make him want more. In short Nanashi founded out the name of his father and the clan he was from.

It matters little seeing how I didn't inherited anything from that man. Nanashi mused to himself lazying laying on a tree branch in one of the giant Oak trees accompanying a training ground within the village. He wasn't really do anything today, having completed everything that was needed to be done, and was now simply enjoying some relaxation in a tree. . . in a training ground. He didn't feel threaten by the idea of becoming an accidental casualty of a stray jutsu or the likes, believing in his skills to dodge or counter anything that might come his way. That didn't mean he wasn't alert though; for despite having his eyes closed and lazily twirling a rather large senbon between his fingers, Nanashi was fully alert.

The sound of footsteps caused Nanashi to open his lone eye, head turning towards the direction of the sound, as the reptilian like orb looked out in the distance – a silhouette appearing in the distance. As the silhouette of the person got closer, Nanashi was able to identify them as a female, and that peaked his interest for a moment. Yes, a moment. . . for as she got closer Nanashi got a better look at her and immediately noticed that she was a kid and thus his interest was lost for the time being.



The sound was unmistakable it was the sound of metal hitting wood, more specifically a kunai hitting a training dummy. Unlike some who might find themselves nostalgia of the academy days where they learn the finer points of knife and shuriken tossing. Pst. Nanashi didn't have none of that his targets consist of the scum that visited his home and dared to hurt his family. When others first held their kuani their targets was wood, for Nanashi his targets was living beings who wanted to kill the little shit who stopped them from having their jollies with their victim. Ah what fond memories they were.

”She's good.” Nanashi muse watching at the unknown girl accuracy hit the training dummy in the eye with a kunai – she had talent. As the second kunai missed the target completely, Nanashi immediately knew that the woman missed on purpose but he didn't know the reason why. ”Time to find out.” Without moving from his position, Nanashi spoke loud enough for the woman below to hear him all the while twirling the same senbon as before.

“Nice accuracy you have there. Why did you miss on purpose the last time?”

WC: 618



Suzuna took out another kunai, glancing down at it with a grimace. Could this training session get any more monotonous? Of course she could run a few laps instead or pheew… train one of her jutsus or elements or… On second thought, there was actually quite a lot to do. It was just that nothing particular caught her interest.
At that moment, she suddenly picked up a male voice, obviously talking to her,
“Nice accuracy you have there. Why did you miss on purpose the last time?”
Surprised, Suzuna whirled around, her jade eyes searching for the voice’s owner until she spotted him up in a tree. Had he been there all along? Maybe… she couldn’t say she’d really paid much attention to the world above her. Curiously, she regarded the man more closely: a very handsome face, partly hidden from view by strands of his long white hair and yellow, reptile-like eyes staring down at her.
At once, a wide smile formed on her lips. Another person and he'd spoken to her! She wasn’t alone, after all. Excitement bubbled inside her; an excitement which wasn’t even a pretence, she just really loved socialising with others. And it always helped to take her mind off things.

“Good morning!”
Suzuna called up to the man and waved cheerfully. “Why don’t you come down? Were you sleeping in the tree? I’m Suzuna by the way! What is your name?”

Only then, she remembered the man’s original question. He had immediately noticed that she’d  missed the target on purpose. She was almost certain that he must have the rank of a Jounin at least. Not only because he paid close attention to details, but also because of his age – He did seem much older than her.
Not that this would pose a problem. She wasn’t picky about her acquaintances.
Deciding to go for a half-truth, Suzuna went on with a slight chuckle, “I’m usually not so good at anything, so it surprised me that I’d actually hit the dummy for once… I want to improve, but this sudden success kinda frightened me. I know, it's dumb, I just have a lot to learn!”
Pausing only a short moment, she was quick to add, “I’m a Genin, I passed the exam only recently! What about you? Are you here to train as well?”
Okay… enough. She should probably give him some time to answer. 



A low, shallow chuckled rolled from the deepest pit of Nanashi’s being. it being filled with merit, but tainted with something that would cause those in tune with nature, especially animals, to be wary of the silver haired man simply hanging in the tree. The chuckle wasn’t meant to scare the young girl below him; who didn’t have any qualls in checking him out so openly. Nanashi didn’t mind it at all , being a former geisha meant one get use to being checked out by strangers.

Not like he wasn’t doing the same thing.

That’s right gentlemen. Nanashi was checking out a girl that was clearly younger than him by a couple of years. Of course could argue with that statement for the former geisha didn’t look older than eighteen despite being almost thirty years old and thus didn’t appear that much older than her. His lone yellow eye meticulously looked over the unknown female’s body taking in every minute detail regarding her persona, from the slight curves of her hips to her developing bust, that will undoubtedly get bigger, to the misplaced strain of brown locks they having been violently moved out of position from her throwing motion and finally to her brown, childlike eyes that held pure innocence.
Unlike other guys, who never got laid or was simply jerks, Nanashi gaze didn’t last long nor did he linger in one spot for more than a split second. Though that could be because the girl was to young for his taste.  

”Tell that to Alessi and Saiyuki.” Nanashi told himself, another chuckle escape his lips this one being noticeably softer than the other. Nanashi’s lips peeled away, showing his beautiful and straight pearly whites, as he return the smile to the girl below. “Good morning to you to.” Nanashi retort, waving back at the cheerful girl with his free hand, standing up on the branch, stretching a little to get the kinks out, before jumping and landing with cat like grace at the base of the tree - hardly making a disturbance. “Nice to make your acquaintance Suzuna. I’m Nanashi. And to answer your question. No, I wasn’t sleeping just lounging around after a night of work.” He replied back with a small bow, finding it pointless to go by an alias seeing how the majority of the Elemental Nations knew who the doctor was. Sometimes being famous sucks . . .

A frown founded it’s way onto his face momentarily before disappearing, his face reverting back to it stoic nature. The frown being caused by the low self-esteem that Suzuna exhibitted with her training, Nanashi brieftly wonder what in her life has caused it to manifest; being a doctor not only meant that you’re responsible for physical injuries but also, in some cases, mental ones. Which is why Nanashi find himself being slightly curious but not enough to pry. “Don’t sell yourself short Suzuna, you got potential, Just believe in yourself.” Giving her some words of encouragement “Success shouldn’t frightening you, for it the result of growth. The same can be said for failures because one will grow from their mistakes.”

He noted rather quickly that Suzuna was a very bubbly girl and when she talk her voice was filled with energy. A stark contrast to Nanashi.

“Congrats on passing the exams.” That explained some things, Suzuna was relatively new to the shinobi life style and haven’t witness the horrors of this occupation - it would be interesting to see if her bubbly personality will remain in tact.

“I’m a Jounin of Iwagakure.” He stated finding mentioning that he was a medic pointless, seeing how it was already known . . . everywhere “I didn’t come to train but I’m willing to be a sparring partner, if you need one or if you have a fancy for medical ninjutsu I could part with some knowledge.”

This would be the second Konoha shinobi that Nanashi willingly offered to trained. Many will wonder why a shinobi of another village would do such a thing. Wasn’t they making a potential enemy stronger? Yes, that might be the case but there was a reason behind Nanashi madness. A reason that’s only known to him.

WC:: 718(1336)



Nanashi? The Guanyin Nanashi? Suzuna’s jaw dropped in a rather comical manner; a moment of speechlessness which didn’t last long, though.
“My mother works in one of Konoha’s hospitals! She’s a big fan of you. She has told me so much about the famous Iwa doctor! I can’t believe it’s you!” she beamed, arms flailing around in the air out of pure excitement. If she could get an autograph of him… oh dear, her mother would skip up and down and do somersaults.
The wide grin on her lips wavered ever so slightly when he told her to believe in her skills. Instead of feeling proud, his praise rather served to dampen her enthusiasm for reasons she tried hard not to think about.
“Uh… thank you very much,” Suzuna mumbled before clearing her throat to regain the usual cheerful tone in her voice. “I’m glad I’ve finally passed the exam. It was really hard work.”
It really hadn’t been. All those basic academy jutsus… she knew them; she’d always known them by heart. More than often she just wished she didn’t. Then none of that would have happened that day… nothing… if only she hadn’t… Stop. Refocus on the conversation.
“Share your knowledge?” she blurted out, eyes widening. Hang on, the famous Guanyin Nanashi offered to train her in medical ninjutsu? Part of her was itching to accept right away while, on the other hand, she couldn’t help but feel scared at the same time. Scared of a prowess she both longed for and distanced herself from.

“I don’t want to improve,” the dark, whispering thoughts ran through her mind, causing her to hesitate. “I don’t want to experience something like that again. But I know I have to keep training for my family’s sake. I know I have to… I know.”
“Can we… Can we practise some medical ninjutsu techniques?” she would then reply almost sheepishly, justifying her own decision in silence. She had the chance to have someone as famous as him train her - how could she even consider to refuse his offer? Furthermore, there was nothing wrong with that. Medical ninjutsu could heal others, not hurt them. And this time, she planned to heal the right people. “I should better my chakra control as well. What do you want me to do, Nanashi-sensei?”
Regaining her signature grin, Suzuna tilted her head to the side and awaited his response.  


Azumi Hyuga

Azumi Hyuga

Leanna was sitting in a tree watching the whole scene from west of the training ground she watched the man jump down from the tree and begin walking towards the young Genin girl. Leanna recognized the girl from academy, they had graduated around same time but never said anything to one another. Then again Leanna never said much of anything to anyone. However the Boy ninja she didn't recognize, hell she hadn't even seen him around the village before, and judging from the way he portrayed himself, and given from the fact that he was much older, he seemed to of a higher rank, probably Jounin or higher and this made her a bit on edge. If he decided to attack the two of us wouldn't be able to take him. Leanna watched the girl speak back to him in an excited pitch, though she couldn't make a word they were saying she could tell that she didn't feel threatened nd this put her nerves at rest little but she still felt edgy. she jumped down from the tree and slowly crept her way through the trees into ear shot of the two. “I’m a Jounin of Iwagakure." Leanna noded as her part of her suspicion was confirmed, she moved closer hoping to get into a range where she could attack if the situation went sour ignoring a bit of the conversation trying to focus on moving silently. she reached a range she reached the edge of the forest and stopped thinking that this was a good range as to which she could launch an attack then focused on their conversation once more “I didn’t come to train but I’m willing to be a sparring partner, if you need one or if you have a fancy for medical ninjutsu I could part with some knowledge.” She watched the girls shocked reaction.“Can we… Can we practise some medical ninjutsu techniques? I should better my chakra control as well. What do you want me to do, Nanashi-sensei?” Leanna watched the girl grin with excited and leanna relaxed and sat down thinking she would for alittle bit longer. Of course she sat on a branch giving away position but at this point she didn't care she was just going to watch and not interfere.

Word count: 392

Reason for joining:



OOC: @Leanna: Don't worry, I'm glad you joined! The more people the better :D

Azumi Hyuga

Azumi Hyuga

OOC: @Suzuna awesome! thanks and i hope more people join it.


A low, warm chuckled erupted from his lips. So, her mother was a fan of his, eh? Seeing how he had no knowledge on weather the woman was a civilian or not, he would assume that she was the latter of the two. Was there a reason to assume, she was a shinobi instead of a civilian? Not at all. He just founded it more humorous to picture a kunochi having a fan girl moment over someone who's, more then likely, younger than them. Allowing the chuckling to run it's course, Suzuna wouldn't noticed the flickering of his eye; they weren't alone. Subtly shifting his posture to a more relax and defenseless one, Nanashi focused his attention back on girl before him -- paying rapt attention to her. He didn't bother is commenting on why she didn't seem to be excited about being a shinobi, or why her eyes, for a fleeting second, showcased hurt before returning back to what they were now. Her past was hers and Nanashi has no need to ask about it.

That's apart of the reason I'm teaching you."He mused to himself, having locked on the hurt earlier, though it wasn't as pronounced like it was just then. The fact that he offered to train her in medical was a flute, but a skillful executed ploy on his account. Iwa's standing with some of the other villages are rocky at best, especially after all crimes done by current and previous Tsuchikage, and he knew if something wasn't done to get Iwagakure back into positive light then . ..  well he could kiss his homeland good-bye. Therefore, he made it his side mission to gain the trust of other villages. How you ask? By, unknowingly, training their future generations medics - Suzuna being the second of many he would train. Of course, there was another reason; Nanashi was searching for two successors. They would gain his medical knowledge. One would gain knowledge of all his healing techniques and the other will gain the knowledge of all his killing medical techniques. The yin&yang of medical ninjutsu. Sadly, he haven't found worthy candidates yet, so his search continues but that will be pushed aside for now because . . .

He nodded to her rhetorical question. Of course, he was willing to share his knowledge; certain knowledge must be shared with others. He stoically watched as a fierce battle raged within her person, both struggling for dominance before, finally, a winner was declared. A ghost of a smile spread across his face, eye sparkling with warmth "Medical Ninjutsu? Good choice. It's a real life saver." He thought back to a specific incident where, if it wasn't for medical ninjutsu, he would have died. Yes, he would teach her the art but only the healing aspects, she didn't seem like one who would suit the more . . . darker aspects of it. However, before doing that, Nanashi spoke in a loud commanding voice, head swiveling to the direction where he felt the presence earlier "Are you going to show yourself? Or will you hide all day?", spotting a girl sitting on an expose branch. Once that was done, he focused his attention back to Suzuna "What control exercises have you been taught? Tell me what you know about medical ninjutsu. "


OOC:: Sorry for not posting sooner. 



“Medical Ninjutsu? Good choice. It’s a real life saver.”
“Uh... yeah!” Suzuna replied hastily before following the man’s gaze to a young girl standing at the edge of the forest and watching them. Something about her face seemed familiar... could it be that they’d been in the same class at Konoha’s shinobi academy? Suzuna wasn’t sure. She hadn’t exactly been the most attentive student there.
Nonetheless, that girl shouldn’t have to hide. No-one would bite her!
“Hello!” A wide smile split Suzuna’s face as she waved enthusiastically. “Yes, why don’t you join us? We’re about to practise medical ninjutsu techniques. Are you a medic nin, too?”
Having said that, she turned back to Nanashi and thought about his question. What she’d been taught so far? As if on cue, a small spark of fear lit within her when she recalled her childhood in Amegakure. She believed that her chakra control was surely above average, both because of her biological heritage – the Mikami clan was known for its superior medical ninjutsu skills – and the fact that Hisao would constantly urge her to become better in general. Back then, she’d trained so much more than these days, all in order to leave a noticeable impression on her crush.
Things had changed. She didn’t want to be a hyper-motivated nerd anymore... or a love struck fool with no opinion. Or... a murderer. None of that.
“Medical Ninjutsu derives from basic ninjutsu and is associated with healing. It requires an advanced chakra control and extensive knowledge on the human anatomy,” Suzuna responded after several moments of silence, head tilted to the side as if in thought, words chosen carefully, voice surprisingly calm and neutral for once. When she noticed the change in her demeanour, the slight tendency to fall back into old patterns (her former senseis used to scold her for any childish behaviour at all), she blushed, trying again, “I mean, to keep this short: we need it to heal others.”
She paused a short moment and then continued, “I often meditate to focus my mind. And... I’ve learnt to walk on water and climb trees without using my hands.”


Azumi Hyuga

Azumi Hyuga

"Are you going to show yourself? Or will you hide all day?" Leanna laughed a little knowing that the branch had given her away, but she fully intended to sit down on a branch of a tree and watch them do whatever they were doing well that is until the the other one said “Hello! Yes, why don’t you join us? We’re about to practise medical ninjutsu techniques. Are you a medic nin, too?” Now Leanna had no choice but to go and be more social, it was a unanimous two to one vote.

"Yeah, sure i guess ill come over" Leanna stood up and slowly walked over to the two people standing there, she felt it best to walk because she still didn't want to give away any of her abilities. Her eyes quickly surveyed the Jounin sizing him up and making a guess as to his capabilities. "No im not a medical ninja and have no interest in it, but i wouldn't mind some training" Leanna said shaking her head. there's no way she could possible have the patients or the chakra control for medical ninjustu and even if she did she still doesn't like people enough to willing go out of her way to help them. She stopped standing roughly four meters away from both of them giving her just enough space to see and react to an attack. She still didn't trust the male enough to let her guard down for a second. "well since i don't know either one of you i guess ill start by introducing myself. My name is Leanna, I specialize in Nin and Tai justu" She said grinning then shooting a glance at the Jounin to make sure he got this next part "I also specialize in speed" She figured he better know that just in case he got the idea of attacking her, and/or trying to run away with the other girl. "whats your name?" She said now turning towards the other girl curious about her.

Word count
This post: 345
Total: 737


Avoidance. The way which she had agreed with him, in a hastily manner, told Nanashi that Suzuna was either hiding or running anyway from something in her past. Of course, she could just be nervous, being around someone like himself can do that to others, but this idea was squashed almost immediately for she only exhibited such emotions when the conversation turned to anything shinobi related. He was curious but again he would pry; besides there are always other ways to get information.  And if there was one thing he excelled at, not including medical ninjutsu, it was getting intel. on others. For it would only take him a few minutes dorm his former occupation as a male geisha, and as anyone would tell you, men and women have loose lips when they are enjoying themselves.

Shifting his attention to stalker who had been spying on them, Nanashi noted the way she carried herself with the control finesse of a taijutsu practitioner. How could he analyze that about her without even asking? Simple, any taijutsu expert will tell you that those who practice the art has a subtle air of confidence and power eluding from their body. A simpler and more easier way to tell if someone further their taijutsu pass that of the Academy style is by the grace in which the move. They don't walk on land; they 'glide' with the ease of an ice skater and it shows even if you try to hide it.

Nanashi didn't pay any heed to the girl sizing him up, obliviously trying to determine his threat level, instead he idly listen to the banter. If he took any offense to her not wanting to medical, he didn't show it. Only when she noted her specialization did a chuckle escape from his lips "It's good to be cautious but I would be dumb to attack someone in their own village." He stated offhandedly, commenting on her coil posture "My name is Guanyin Nanashi. I specialize in Ninjutsu, Medical and Taijutsu with an emphasize on speed." The lie about his emphasized on speed wouldn't be detect, for Nanashi, despite being a strength guy, had a deceptively small and almost feminine frame. A frame that came about his former occupation. So unless they got into a sparr, no one would realize his true strength.

After Suzuna gave her introduction to to Leanna, Nanashi would speak once more "I'm going to be blunt. Yes, medical ninjutsu is associated with healing, one of the greatest medics alive made sure of that. However, I have learned that it has the potential to be one of the most lethal specs one can have. Remember this well, the same medics who heal your wounds have the nohow to cause them." He said, removing five senbons from his person.  "Well you have a good foundation." He stated, regarding the chakra control exercises that she has been doing, before continuing on with his speech "Besides those that were mention, there aren't many chakra control exercises and it's up to the shinobi to create their own. One I'm particular fond of is senbon balancing. "He said, channeling his chakra to his finger tips and standing a senbon on each one, the small metallic weapon floating centimeters off the tips "Similar to the leaf spinning exercise; where one takes leaves, using chakra to stick them to their body and spin them. The exercise using senbons follows almost the same principal, instead of spinning them, you simply try to keep them levitated. This is considerably harder due to the small surface area the tip of a senbon has. Why don't you try it? I advise in only using one senbon till you get a better grasp of it." He stated, before ending the exercise, senbons falling harmlessly into his hand before being handed off to Suzuna. Only after making sure she understand everything did Nanashi turn his attention to Leanna, Nanashi paused to consider what he could teach her "Really don't know what I can teach you, but if you are up for a spar I will gladly accept. It will give you experience fighting stronger opponents and to calm your nerves, I will just use taijutsu."He stated, having move six meters away from Suzuna, just in case Leanna attack.




Suzuna nodded and accepted the senbons with a curious look.
“Alright, I’ll try. Thank you!” she said before taking one of the small weapons between thumb and index finger. Channelling chakra into the tip of her finger, she attempted to do as she’d been told. The senbon trembled violently for a split second while Suzuna tried her best to keep it in place… to no avail, though. It fell off right afterwards, much to her disappointment.
“That’s really harder than the other exercises,” she muttered to herself, focusing solely on the senbon in her hand and shutting out everything else to the best of her ability. There was the faint sound of Nanashi talking to the other girl and suggesting a spar, but this shouldn’t matter to her at the moment.
All that did matter was to master the exercise she’d been given. Suzuna didn’t know how much time had passed, but at one point, she forgot everything around her except for the little metallic weapon, pondering on how to make it levitate on such a small surface as the tip of her index finger…

“Don’t act so dumb! You just have to channel your chakra into your feet!”
“What do you think I’m doing? I… I’m trying my hardest here!”
“Not hard enough. If you fail one more time, I’ll make you run another lap.”
“Why are you so rude? I thought you loved-”
“I can separate my professional and private life. Something you don’t seem to be very good at.”
“This is – unbelievable… Hisao, you are such an- Ah!”
“No way! Why can’t you just walk on the water? It’s ridiculously easy. Now go and run around the training ground. Your punishment, remember?”

Suzuna quickly shook her head, waking from her daydream with mixed feelings, desire and shame at the same time. She must have stared at the senbon in her hand for at least a couple of minutes. How could she have let this happen? Thankfully, the other girl kept Nanashi busy… wait a minute, hadn’t that girl just asked her a question?
Oh, right, right!
Looking up, Suzuna answered as fast as she could, “My name is Suzuna. Nice to meet you! Uhh… I have to concentrate on the… senbon now! The one in my hand, haha…”
Okay, no messing up. No flood of memories anymore. This was all in the past. She had to live in the present time.
With a determined facial expression, she once again put the senbon on the tip of her finger and centered her chakra around it. The small weapon threatened to tumble over… almost… then it stayed where it was, trembling, but levitating nonetheless.
“I think I did it! Oh-” She nearly lost her concentration when she called out to her sensei and therefore regained it at once, shifting her gaze back to the senbon.


Azumi Hyuga

Azumi Hyuga

Watching carefully as the senbon was passed from the woman to the man Leanna was a little interested. She couldn't say that she had wanted to participate in the exercise but none the less she was a little interested. She carefully as Suzuna tried balancing it, but this only held her interest for a small amount of time more before she got bored and turned to the other who was now beginning to speak. "It's good to be cautious but I would be dumb to attack someone in their own village. My name is Guanyin Nanashi. I specialize in Ninjutsu, Medical and Taijutsu with an emphasize on speed." Leanna gave a grin mixed with a startled expression, Had she really been that obvious about her motives on presenting herself? Damn, well there was nothing she could to about it now. She glanced back over at Suzuna who was still busy with the senbon in her hand. then returned her gaze onto the small framed man named Nanashi standing in front of her. Hmm an emphasis on speed huh? well he certainly did look the part there was no doubt about that. Leanna looked around the training grounds as Nanashi continued to teach Suzuna about Chakra control. Leanna giggled a little... she was terrible at Chakra control and could definitely use practice, but others things crossed her mind as Nanashi foucesed his attention back onto Leanna "Really don't know what I can teach you, but if you are up for a spar I will gladly accept. It will give you experience fighting stronger opponents and to calm your nerves, I will just use taijutsu." Leanna couldn't help but let out a small laugh at this little remark. did he actually believe that she was nervous about fighting him? theres no way... if anything was at her nerves it was excitement, but there was something that she needed before she could spar with him. "No thanks im really not interested in a spar at the moment, but since you are a taijustu user i was wondering if you could help me with a new technique i'm working on. Then maybe we can spar." Leanna looked at him intently hoping he would say yes to her proposition. Seeing as how he was already teaching Suzuna something she figured he must be willing to help her learn some things to. 

Word count!
This post: 401 words
Total: 1138


A smile ghost his features, watching as she attempted to perform the exercise that he had done so with ease.  The smile wasn't from her performing the exercise but rather, the excitement and gratitude she showed upon when he handed her the senbons to practice with. It was genuine. She truly were grateful for his assistance and that cause his heart to swell with a long forgotten emotion - happiness. Nanashi, the proclaimed greatest medic in the world, and unknown murderer and sociopath of Iwagakure, actually felt happiness. Throughout his short life there had only been a few occasions were he had felt happiness with all of them hurting him in the long wrong; even his student Alessi betrayed him in the end. Will the two before him, betrayal him like his former student? He didn't know, for they were from another village, therefore asking them to do so would be pointless. He would not ask them for their loyalty, instead he will train them to the best of his ability before leaving Konohagakure and return home  . . . he missed it very much.

"Keep at it, Suzuna. You will get in eventually." Nanashi spoke in a reassuring tone, having seen her almost got the senbon to float, before shifting his weight and focus his attention on the other girl who he offer too teach.  Listening to the other girl's words, nodding in understanding of her reluctant in sparring with him at the given time, though that's probably ain't the right word given how she seem to carry herself with confidence but also an air of caution; so, if anything, she just didn't have enough information regarding him to engage in a spar with. "Not like it would do her any good." Nanashi mused to himself "Sure, I will help you with the technique.  Explain it to me." He said, waiting patiently for her to do so.

Regrettably, Nanashi wouldn't be able to help the girl for a woman in her mid. twenties came sprinting towards their general direction, screaming.

"Doctor Guanyin!"

"Doctor Guanyin!"

Closing the distance between himself and the woman, Nanashi attempted to calm her down but with little prevail, for she continued to sob as she mumbled in his chest - her words only being audible to him.

"My . . . c - child. The doctors don't think he'll make it, please save him."

Rubbing the woman's back in a soothing manner, Nanashi turned towards the two who he was teaching and spoke "I'm need at the hospital. Sorry I couldn't train you more. Suzuna, keep up the chakra exercise and Leanna, I look forward to sparring with you in the future." He said carrying the woman bridal style and flicking away with the body flicker.

[exit thread]

((Sorry for exiting suddenly, got to head to Iwa.))


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