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Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

The Yuzu Clan have been at ends with the Mizukage over the arrangement between the clan and the rest of the village. Tension has been building as the current head of the clan and the Elders meet with an opposing group of Elders and a mysterious man who had returned sometime shortly after the Seven Bells War along with a woman who was originally exiled from Yuzugakure.

Deep beneath the bottom of the bottom of the lake an intense meeting is taking place as people are sealed off from entering the clan village. With messages being sent out detailing small bits of info on the clans status.

Starting this in May because this is a major clan plot which will include carefully approved missions which will decide the situation of my clan. All are invited to apply for this but to take part must be in Kirigakure during middle of May when it starts.

1. The current Yuzu Clan leader who feels that relationships should become peaceful and that the clan should be allowed to export their fruit they supply to the village, as well as ending the contract which forces them to have a clan member serve the village regularly.

However on a darker side she has been planning to have the Mizukage assassinated due to the fact that she just hates having someone with a higher status then her. While the current clan leader was good at first over time her emotions and thirst for power have begun to corrupt her.

2. The mysterious man who wishes to break of from Kirigakure and demands that they receive payment as well as a higher position within Kirigakure.

This man believes the Aisu clan has taken over and will not stand for this, he also wishes to remove the law that prevents them from using their kinjutsu and is secretly planning to have some people invade the vaults of Kirigakure to find the scroll that will allow them access to their forbidden jutsu.

3. The faction of double agents have infiltrated the ranks of the Yuzu clan inorder to learn what the clan is planning and to put an end to it. They suspect a coup de taut within the clan but also a potential uprising against the entire Kirigakure village. These people know that they will be betraying their clans but have taken to being members of Kirigakure as they are tired of the peaceful life farming in the Yuzu clan village.

Would be nice to have a list of anyone interested in taking part in this large plot and depending on the outcome the Yuzu Clan might become a scattered clan after this event, remain in Kirigakure under a new arrangement, or maybe just maybe they will take over the hidden mist.

Due to the nature of the event their may be a clan war between the Yuzu Clan and the Aisu Clan.

Will also be applying for NPC's late April in order to make the event go smoothly. This is my own plot event since well we can not leave everything to staff all the time.



You can Count Wolfgang in anywhere he is needed,and since i am the leader of the Osada Clan, assume that you can put the clan itself on a side, and i will back the side im on :), and if you need me as a person i can help also :)


Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

Thanks its noted anyways for those interested while the missions will only be coming out in May i have begun with the write up of the story and will post the first part of that story this coming Monday...

i will bump this once a week every Wednesday from now on

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

Plot being delayed for unknown period of time due to unforeseen circumstances

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Even if it may be delayed, I'd offer my own NPC to act as a supporting role and behind the curtain ally with his Black ANBU organization to those who want to try a coup d'etat. If you're interested, just give me a PM about the specifics. (Supporting coups is becoming a routine for Enaka now XD)

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

First Section of Event coming middle to late May
This will just give a very very small portion since i do not want everyone except those who want to be a part of its main plot to know all the details.

The Yuzu Fate

Location : Yuzu Clan Village
Members of the clan begin to gather the children get sent out with a woman to a secret location in Kirigakure, guided towards a new location unknown to anyone but the current leader of the clan Yuzuroku and The Elders. Several strong shinobi gather at the circle where they had originally trained their arts in Kenjutsu Fuuinjutsu as well as Ninjutsu. The 3 Elders and Yuzuroku then met with a team who had just arrived from Kirigakure to enter their village.

"Yuzuroku-sama! his coming!" the man shouted as the other three members of his team stood behind him breathing heavily. They were wet having swam full speed through the lake, not for once thinking that being hurt by the barrier if they miss timed their entry while the one had blood bleeding from her knee having fallen wrong. The Elders stood quietly while Yuzuroku looked to them and asked. " Which one?" Then they replied "Genpachi"

Location : Somewhere near the Osada clan village
A very bad woman with a scythe walks behind a man who stood out, with his large arms and shoulders not caring at all. His cape blowing in the wind as he looks around impatiently as the woman smiles and speaks. "Genpachi, why we going to the Osada clan aren't we going to surprise the Yuzuroku brat?"

As she spoke the man just ignore her walking on while several men behind him roughly thirty to forty hard trained shinobi. As they kept walking on a bunch of bandits who had been waiting for a big bounty for days noticed them. They attacked with their numbers while the man just pointed behind him to one male shinobi in a mask.

The masked shinobi vanished and then all that was heard was silence. All one hundred bandits died silently not even knowing what had happened. This mysterious shinobi possessed unknown abilities and the other men just laughed while the woman spoke again. "Genpachi that was no fun i wanted to hear them scream" The man looked towards her with a glare. "Kin, we can not make noise here and his the only one who can attack without revealing his chakra and i would like not to reveal my techniques or make too much blood shed we are meeting with him. The leader of the Osada clan"

Location : Kirigakure underground

"I do not care about our stupid clan, we should just let them kill each other and move on". Then a woman in a mask spoke out loudly. "Silence!! we are here to watch over and ensure the safety of all those in Kirigakure and not the few in our own clan. However it would be wrong to take out the clan itself without proof and our actions will rattle all the clans allied to Kirigakure. This is a top secret mission and we can not allow any beginners to mess this up for us. "

The woman had a scar on her face as well as her eyes possessing a strangely fake look to them. Next to her was a blind child who was at most maybe fourteen. He did not say much but he was held in high regard for unknown reasons. They then raised their hands into the air and for perhaps the last time paid respects to their clan before discarding their seals.

"Get ready we have an important meeting ahead with our leader"

Missions coming soon
The missions will vary from collecting and dealing with trades and deliveries, to potential massacres, assassinations as well as kidnappings among other things. To those interested this event will shape the clan of Yuzu and maybe just maybe change the world.

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