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1The War in Heaven - Panfandom Roleplay Empty The War in Heaven - Panfandom Roleplay Fri Feb 21, 2014 8:24 pm

Grandfather Paradox

The War in Heaven - Panfandom Roleplay 0lZrEif

How does one do battle with history? How does one maim and weaken the enemy through the use of words, through simple actions and tiny nods? Battle is often the canvas for grand gestures, of sweeping armies pushing away the weak and defenceless, of the titanic wills that drive countries crashing against each other. But this is a battle for the conniving and the cunning. Battle that can change destinies and twist the Master Narrative to the whims of the clever. This is War on a scale beyond the dreams of the smartest strategist. This is War where soldiers fight for not with bullets but with time. This is War where the greatest victory is holding on to your past.


The War in Heaven is a brand new panfandom roleplay site aimed at exploring the fullest extent of battle for “cause” and effect. Where heroes and villains and characters of all stripes are given the chance to warp history to their ends. Beyond the poncey talk, any character goes, from live-action to animation to videogames to even your original ones. All of them taking part in a war throughout all of time and space. From world-conquering plots to timey-wimey, willy-nilly history alteration with a dash of copious travelling through alternate universes, how the worlds will turn, well that’ll be all up to you.


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