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He was doing it again...

Yuumi was walking around the area, he was walking up some stairs exactly, though he didnt know where he was at the moment, though he wasnt to keen on finding out either, it was always better this way if he knew not where he was it was always funner. He was walking up to a plateau of some sort, there were four pillars around it and genin and chuunin training in the yard, they were sparring with blunted knifes and shuriken, some were just sitting gathering chakra and others were sparring with taijutsu with their friends and rivals, they were all young boys, around 12 or 13 years of age, he seemed old compared to these ones, though he had no lines on his face and he looked young for his age, he was the average age of a jounin, though he wanted not to go to higher ranks just yet, he was enjoying his free lifestyle.

He was looking around for something to do, he now knew where he was, he was at the battle plateau and he assumed that he could fight one of them, or flirt with one, but he was far too old to flirt with any one here they were way way too young for him and there were only a few people his age around here, they were supervising and he wasnt in the mood to watch people fight, he wanted to let off some steam though with who, he pulled on the brim of his hat while he though, the big fedora blocking the sun out of his eyes, even though he was wearing his glasses, he didnt like the sun in his what to do



Hamthrax is sparing with some random genin when he saw this old man walk up. Everyone knew of this man. His name was Yuumi, the oldest person to be a genin. He was in his thirties, how can someone so old be just a genin!

Hamthrax was the first to notice Yuumi walking to the Battle Plateau. He starts whispering jokes to the other genin and chunin. They all start to giggle and look at Yuumi. Soon the jokes reach all of the kids on the Battle Plateau and they stop and look at him still giggling a little. Now new jokes are being said and some just bust up laughing. One in particular falls to the ground laughing.

Hamthrax then emerges from the crowd and walks up to Yuumi. Hamthrax, looking abnormally old for his age, has a huge, some what innocent looking smile on his face.

When Hamthrax gets close to Yuumi he starts to open his mouth then stops. Finally he raises his hand for a hand shake and say, "Hi, I am Hamthrax. A genin of 12 years old. Are you not Yuumi?"



OOC~Sorry i fell asleep it was very late XD

"Hi, I am Hamthrax. A genin of 12 years old. Are you not Yuumi?" was said from a very old looking genin, though he wasnt his age obviously since he said he was 12 but looked much older... now Yuumi considered himself good looking, but this guy was just odd looking and now they were all giggling, he knew the laughs they were joking about him being a really old genin, he knew the jokes he found a few of them funny but not from a twelve year old...

He looked this Hamthrax as he took his glasses off slowly as he stared at him deep in the eyes as he sayed in a thick Transylvania accent, Hmm, Hamthrax is it, what joke was it this time,  was it how unskilled i was or was it another one of the jokes, their are many of them, now Hamthrax what is it that you look to me for, if it is a spar or a chat just let me know, though you will be surprised by either one i promise you he said all of this while staring his blood red eyes directly into Hamthraxes, he wondered how much courage this twelve year old could muster he wondered how he would deal with the fact that he wasnt as weak as people thought they were.

He flapped his cape in the wind that had started up, and as he awaited a response a female jounin had walked by, to which he winked at her and smiled causing her to blush, now back to dealing with this kid...



When Yuumi flapped his cape, all of the genin started laughing again. Hamthrax just barely keeps himself from laughing. After holding it in he exhales quietly still keeping his smile. He wonders why this man is so weird and creepy.

Hamthrax says "I didn't make any jokes about your ineptness. I just asked someone why you are so old, and people started making things up. Oh I am not sure, I just wanted to introduce myself. I want to meet as many people as possible. I meant no harm at all and if you want to chat I will chat, if you want to spar I might spar.

Hamthrax continues to smile at Yuumi waiting for his responce.

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