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1Nise {Seijutsu Pet} Empty Nise {Seijutsu Pet} Thu Feb 13, 2014 9:13 pm



Nise {Seijutsu Pet} Ch1QNaf

Name: 偽 {Nise - False}
Species: Raven.
Rank: D-rank.
Specializations: 幻術 {Genjutsu}
Elements: 風 {Fūton - Wind Release}
Appearance: Nise is less a bird and more a shadow, his wings do not look defined, his shape is hard to discern. It almost seems as if he is not covered with feathers, but rather a thick shroud of shadows. He is slightly larger than the average Raven, but most of that size is in his wingspan. He has a long beak and his cry is uncharacteristically long and shrill for a Raven, but other than that, he is a very dark bird.
Personality: Nise is introverted and obedient, he exhibits very few personal tenancies at all.
Techniques: Will be apped in my jutsu registration.

2Nise {Seijutsu Pet} Empty Re: Nise {Seijutsu Pet} Thu Feb 13, 2014 9:32 pm



Approved for 2000 Ryo. Deducted.

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