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Here he was again, training the same group of kids that he had been training before the same ten faces that he had come to become familiar with where all here, he was starting to suspect they stuck him with this class on purpose; but it mattered not he had taught these kids one thing, to respect him, and to pay attention. They were like perfect little soldiers to him, golden eyes moved from face to face watching them, and wondering just how capable they really were, unfortunately he would never find out these kids would one day be sent out to the world of ninja on their own. With a nod of the head he silently agreed with the fact that once they were out there they would face the true ferocity of the cruel shinobi world, but for now he would prepare them best he could, prepare them for the keen sting of the world’s icy touch should it ever take their life. ‘No attachments’ he thought to himself, shaking off the feint feeling of worry that seemed to have attempted to crawl up, and grip his focus, he would not allow himself to fall to such petty thoughts.

Whether masking his concern or just doing his job, he told himself that he would prepare these young ones for the cruel world, “Today I will teach you a jutsu that may very well save your life one day. Although it is by no means a perfect technique, if applied correctly it can give you precious seconds that you can use to make crucial decisions. Remember, out in the field you will be forced to make!” his voice boomed with authority, he had gotten quite accustomed to this. The young students all nodded in agreement, his eyes trailed from student to student from the scarf wearing boy that never spoke, to the green haired girl that coward at the sight of blood, and even down to the only other Osada in this class a boy he felt a strange kinship to. Nodding at them in return he would raise a hand, “There is ten feet distance between us, all of you at once, cover this distance, and attack me…NOW!” he called out without a moment of hesitation, the students charged! Their tiny battle cries echoed throughout the open field, as they charged towards their sensei.

A smile tugged at the corner of his lips the sound of their voiced echoing into his ears, and the looks on their faces, each one of them an individual in their own right, and hopefully would one day become decent ninja to serve this village. He tipped his hat to their bravery, they had all chosen to be ninja, all knowing full well what awaited them once they left the safety of this academy ‘I will prepare them…they will grow strong!’ he thought to himself as his eyes glared with an intense focus. They analyzed ever incoming attack, their inexperience shined at its brightest here, every attack, and every move so obviously projected by their bodies. Two took to the air jumping high, one was the scarf wearing boy, Tsurugi would perform a single hand seal as they all came at him, then he split into five other Tsurugi’s. The sudden increase in number of himself, caught the students off guard many attacks went through the clones, and many students just stopped completely frozen staring from clone to clone unsure who to attack. Only for the scarf boy did Tsurugi actually step to the side avoiding his diving kick, when all was said, and done the clones vanished they had been hit after all by the wild charge of the students.

When it was all said, and done the students all found themselves confused, “That was the most basic of Clone jutsu, the clones cannot move they are just stationary mirrors of yourselves. When using this jutsu, time it, and use it at the right moment. As I said if done correctly, they can be of use” walking over past all the students, he would turn on his heel to face them all, now that each was in his line of vision he would perform the hand seal once more. “Focus your chakra, then imagine yourself splitting” he explained as he suddenly split into a single Tsurugi, “….once you have mastered this, you can control the amount of clones you make. For now try to make at least one clone” relaxing from his stance he swung his own arm at his clone dispersing it from existence. With that he focused on his students, watching them all, each was performing the hand seal, and each was doing their best to try to perform the jutsu at first nothing was happening, but then….clouds of smoke emerged from nowhere, each student creating a clone. Well more like abominations, Tsurugi watched with careful eyes as each student created either a bloated version of themselves, a tiny version, or too tall…some even lacked limbs! Once they were all done, the students stared at their respective clones, the green haired girl fleeing from her one eyed counterpart “GAH SENSEI!” she yelled out rushing towards Tsurugi, who was prompt to stop her with his long arm from getting any closer.

“This!” he said grabbing the green head of hair, and turning her towards her clone, “Is the result of not knowing how to control your chakra, the technique is not easy to perform, so I understand. However, you must learn to control your chakra, focus more, and then perform the technique. As with the others, practice this one hundred times…when we see each other again, we will review the other techniques including this one” with that he would pet Kikio once to calm her down. Turning he began walking away, “…Sensei! Does this mean you will be continuing to teach us moves?” the voice that spoke belonged to the fellow Osada, Tsurugi only stopped his walk, instead of verbally answering right away he raised a hand with a dismissive wave “Practice” he said as he lowered his hand back to his side, and walked towards the exit of the academy. He didn't understand why these brats kept calling him 'sensei' he was just volunteering for this.


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