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1Hanka Empty Hanka Mon Jan 27, 2014 1:22 pm



Symbol: Hanka Symbols_tattoo_design_prev_1

Clan: Hanka

Kekkei Genkai: Mixed Elemental Jutsu Specilization

Elements: Any two

Specialization: Ninjutsu

Location: Iwagakure

Clan History: The Hanka clan throughtout the years has remained a obscure clan in Iwagakure and it members even more obscure. The obscurity was caused by the fact that 100 years ago when the clan was founded they were frowned upon because they didnt use any normal ninjutsu, their clan stuck to mixed element jutsu, like Doton and Suiton making a mud bomb jutsu and etc. and the clan itself tried not to use single element jutsu though when faced with any Advanced element jutsu they were bet out due to the strength of the Better elements.

Kekkei Genkai Description: Members of this clan get +1 in damage to any Basic Mixed elemental ninjutsu due to their natural training with Mixed Basic Elements.
These can not emulate KKG advanced elements, eg. water and wind can not make ice, and Fire and water can not make acid etc. these count as Water and Doton can make mud and simple mixtures like that.
Drawbacks: Due the effecifness of their Jutsu, their jutsus take 20% more to train.
Members of this clan had dedicated their minds so much to Ninjutsu that when hit with a Genjutsu they have to use 10 more charka to use Kai on any Genjutsu.
Members of this clan cannot take Genjutsu

Members: N/A

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu: None

Last edited by Wolfgang on Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:51 am; edited 3 times in total

2Hanka Empty Re: Hanka Mon Jan 27, 2014 6:02 pm



There are some spelling issues that need to be cleaned up, also you need to explicitly state that you cannot emulate KKG elements, even if you are mixing elements for them (eg. Suiton + Fuuton can't create ice) Fix those things and otherwise I don't see much of an issue with this.

3Hanka Empty Re: Hanka Wed Jan 29, 2014 4:40 pm



I think i fixed i up :)

4Hanka Empty Re: Hanka Mon Feb 03, 2014 7:10 pm



Add another reasonable drawback or two, and i'll call it good. While you are only getting a +1 to strength, you are applying it to not just a single element, but every jutsu that uses more than one. Which means when you start you'll get 1 thing +1, when you pick up another element you'll get 2 more groups you have a boost to, and when you pick up a fourth you'll get even more. So a bit stronger than a normal +1.

5Hanka Empty Re: Hanka Mon Feb 03, 2014 7:23 pm



Added one

6Hanka Empty Re: Hanka Wed Feb 05, 2014 7:27 pm



One thing I missed before. The +1 to element mixes you use. Is that the general power(IE his like a rank higher, and needs to be blocked as such) or is it just damage(still blocked just as easily, but if I does hit, hurts more. Kind of the reverse of senjutsu)
I assumed that you mean +1 in power(the first option) and as such went from there as to how to balance.
If that is the case it's all good. If you meant just damage and damage alone then the previous form was good(with 1 less drawback). I am very sorry If I mistook what you meant.

7Hanka Empty Re: Hanka Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:51 am



I meant+1 to damage

8Hanka Empty Re: Hanka Wed Feb 19, 2014 9:01 am



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