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1younka   Empty younka Sun Feb 16, 2014 6:30 am

sunkia younka

center]Symbol: younka   (Put your clan symbol here. Small images only [/center]

[b]Clan: younka
[b]Kekkei Genkai: shadow’s eye

[b]Elements: shadows, sound

[b]Specialization: uses musical items to help control the shadow’s eye

[b]Location: the village hidden in the leaves

[b]Clan History: started 900 years before the war when to waring families always trying to kill each other Intel the heads of the two families deiced to marry of their eldest and merge the families about 900 years later a woman gave birth to the first demon host in the family and then 16 years later sunkia younka was born the next in line to rule over the younka clan but her younger sister has other plans and she plans on restarting war between the branches and take over the family clan

[b]Kekkei Genkai Description: shadow’s eye or the demon birth as some people in the clan call it has 3 stages each stage change’s the users body in and/or outside of it the first time the person uses it a demon named shadow reaper is born within this person
1. The Demon’s eye
In this stage only the eyes have changed this stage has one set back the user loses the ability to speak for a short time
2. The Demon’s soul
The chakra is stronger but the control of the demon in side is weaker
3. The demon’s form
The use’s appance has changed if female the user appears to be older and also takes on a demonic appance with 8 arms and extra muscle heighted speed strength the drawback to this stage is the inability to use there right arm and right leg and tempory loss of his or her body to the demon

[b]Drawbacks: has very little control over shadow’s eye

[b]Members: suakinu younka, munkia younka yunkia younka, sunkia younka and countless others

[b]Kekkei Genkai Jutsu: shadow sound wave and body growth

2younka   Empty Re: younka Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:41 pm


Almost all of your coding is broken. After the colon (:) of each header (like Clan: and Kekkei Genkai:) that has a before it, put to bold it like it's supposed to be.

KKG description: You don't really state how your Doujutsu evolves. I would prefer if you detail this.

1. Does the eye change do anything by itself, or is it just cosmetic like I think it is?

2. Your 'Demon Soul', what? 'the chakra gets stronger but the control of the demon inside is weaker'. That....doesn't make any sense. Was their chakra weaker in the first place? If not, how is their chakra 'stronger'?

3. You seriously need to detail Demon's Form; not to mention this is probably a Jutsu. 8 arms, enhanced speed and strength....definitely a jutsu.

Does the KKG do anything besides Demon's Form?

Drawbacks, these depend on 1. the answer to the previous question and 2. whether Demon's Form is a KKG ability or a jutsu. However, you say 'have little control over the shadow's eye', but you don't even say what the shadow's eye does.

Members: Detail NPCs only if they have a relation to your character somehow/ are planned to be used in RP.

Jutsu: Find the Jutsu Template in the Jutsu Guidelines, in the Guidelines section; with that, you can create your jutsu properly.

3younka   Empty Re: younka Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:55 pm

sunkia younka

demon form is a KKG all 3 stages of shadow's eye are

4younka   Empty Re: younka Sun Feb 16, 2014 10:01 pm



Maybe take a look at some of the approved clans to get an idea of how things are worded/laid out here, first?

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