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Uchiha Masaaki

Uchiha Masaaki


About a day has passed after Masaaki completed his exploration of the land of fire before he took up the last two D-rank Priority missions, supply run and setting up camp. Laid out on bed he read out the note of his first goal, supply run.

“The army training camp located on the western side of Konohagakure is running war games and needs somebody to do a supply run for them. Pick up the supplies from the administration building and take them to the Army Training Camp as quickly as possible.” Muttered the boy as he read out the note before reading the part about the ice cream, oh so he can’t afford to stall or linger can if he is to get a chance to have a taste of ice cream, and the uchiha looks anything yummy.

He pushed himself out of bed and made his way across the city to the admin building to collect the supplies, his eyes ever vigilant as it automatically scanned everything around him, from the children playing in the streets, to the birds on the wires, and the dogs lying down on the streets. It never fails to make Masaaki smile, how the animals enjoy their non-complicated lives with little strife, not like humans, everything is fragile and easy to knock down.

Uchiha Masaaki

Uchiha Masaaki

He reached his objective quickly and presented himself upon the clerk in charge of handing out the supplies for this mission, she looked like a busy-body type of person, with formal clothes and glasses, and honestly Masaaki would be a little intimidated if it was not for the smile that spread across her cheeks. “Well hello sweetie, what can I do for you?” said the female, a pleasant smile making Masaaki more confident. “Hello, I’m here for the supplies required for the supply run mission.” Replied Masaaki, the clerk pushed up her glasses and beamed “Ah! Just be a minute love.” Said the lady as she tapped a few keys on her keyboard and clicked her mouse before finding the location of where the items are. “You’ll find them in the storage closet, just down the hall, the door on the left and you’ll find a red closet. Have fun sweetie.” Masaaki hid his blush and nodded before disappearing off to the location.

He found the box, along with the requested items but before he left, he recalled the ice cream and had another look in the room, and there it was. In the freezer, delicious vanilla ice cream. He resisted the urge to have a taste as he picked up the ice cream, placed it in a box and then placed said box in the container along with the other items before making his way to camp. He made sure to stay within the shadows of the forest and thanked his lucky stars that it wasn’t a hot day, so that meant the ice cream didn’t melt as quickly but by the time he arrived, he had noticed the ice cream was beginning to melt.

Alarmed he picked up his pace and dashed past the chunin that was stationed there and was quickly greeted with the sight of a rather serious camp atmosphere, there was shinobi training and yelling, medic tents nearby and it made him wonder why they would want ice cream…for morale maybe? He was quickly relieved of his supplies and was allowed a taste of Vanilla along with chocolate and cream and goodness…he loved it. He must learn how to make his own ice cream.

With supply run done, Masaaki pulled out the last mission note: Setting up camp. He looked around and asked the solider questions regarding this mission before embarking on it.


Uchiha Masaaki

Uchiha Masaaki


Before the Uchiha left the western camp, he was approached by one of the men, a tall man who appears to be a tracker nin and a trainer of nindogs. “Hey kid.” He said as he waved to catch the deaf child’s attention. Masaaki made a mmm sound in reply, his eyes fixed on the older man, interested in what the male has to say.

“You the kid that brought the ice cream right?” the boy again nodded to confirm “Well the men told me you been asking questions about the camp mission, well here what you gotta do lad. You need to join my group of tracker nin. We’ll be using our sensory and nin dog skills to judge which positions has the best defences so I suggest you come along man.”

It seemed logical, so the boy accepted and went along. The group at the moment only consisted of him, Asura (the tracker nin) Daisuke and Amelia, both members of the Hyuda clan. “They sent him?” said Daisuke as he saw the genin approach them, the genin was about to speak up before Asura butted in “Rail it in Daisuke, I’m sure the kid got something. Anywho, let’s get a move on. We’ll meet the rest of our team in the western forest.” Said Asura and with the signal, the group shot off and Masaaki made it a point to keep up with them.

Uchiha Masaaki

Uchiha Masaaki


Along the way, Asura talked everyone’s ears off (well eyes when it comes to Masaaki) about how utterly important ti was to have these camps, how they would contribute to the war effort and protecting Konoha. While Masaaki is all for that he couldn’t help but think the man should give it a rest for a little bit so as a result, he did end up spacing out. Eventually the group reached their location and met the other half of their comrade within the forest, Masaaki observed them all, each are different in both appearance and personality. Overall there was three males and three females and one male child, each with different shades of hair colour, facial features (except for the eyes of the Byakuga clan.) and three of them owned nin dogs and the rest used summons and seals. They seemed like genuine good people if not a little ignorant to his deafness. He bowed politely and introduced himself as Uchiha Masaaki, the name tasted like venom on his tongue. This brought forth a rather somewhat unpleasant reaction from the group (In Masaaki’s eyes) he could already tell they were impressed with a uchiha Genin and no doubt already forming unrealistic expectations in their minds. The troops introduced themselves as Sora, Taki, Kimitada, Ichigo, Amino and Mia. Again, they seemed like pleasant people.

Asura explained their goals of the mission before the group set off towards various sites of the camp, the plan was for each forest, they are to set up one camp and one look out as a precaution. Each of the members carried their own supplies and Masaaki was lumped with the job of carrying all the radio equipment. It made him kind of happy, that he wasn’t being treated as a genin and was given a rather (well somewhat) important duty. One day he will reach their level, and afterwards? Well who knows what the future holds for him. They did it this way for the rest of the day and before Masaaki knew it, the sun was beginning to set just as soon as they arrived at the last site. He thanked the troops and before heading back home spent some time by the camp fire with them, lip-reading their stories war heroics. He normally doesn’t like war, but heroic acts he can listen to. By dusk he thanked the troops again and exited the camp and made his way back to the village to receive his gold and the knowledge he completed yet another mission. Maybe he isn’t doing too badly at this shinobi thing after all.

FINAL WC FOR Setting up camp: 670

Overall WC: 1287

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