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Uchiha Masaaki

Uchiha Masaaki


Masaaki glanced at the notes on the mission board as he walked by, but he quickly stopped to take a closer look. Priority missions? Well with the war it isn’t surprising. Three missions caught his eye. Supply run, setting up camp and explore Konoha. Well travelling has been one of his goals so why not start by exploring the land of fire? The other two D-rank missions involved a supply run that the western training camp needs, and well the last D-rank mission involved setting up camps throughout Konoha and since Masaaki isn’t exactly worldly he figure he’ll go with exploring Konoha first just to get a feel of travelling back and forth. Plus, he could always do the supply run and setting up camp together.

With a smile the boy whipped away the three mission notes and set off to complete his first one: Explore the land of fire. He dashed off home, taking the easiest path on the rooftops to collect travelling equipment just in case the weather takes a foul turn, an umbrella, some snacks and a extra pair of sandals. The objective of the mission was to supply up-to-date maps of Konoha, so he should be prepared for any changes in the weather, that and any attacks from wild critters.

It’s just his luck for a storm to start brewing as he left the door, the sky a mess of angry clouds and already puddle of water everywhere he looked. With an irritated sigh he told Shiro to stay behind before pulling up his hood and tucking in his crimson red scarf before racing off the gate.

Uchiha Masaaki

Uchiha Masaaki

He breathes in the rain and humid air, it times like these he appreciates life. The in it might not be great, but nature is.  He pulled out a pencil and a few sheets of paper at the mission givers kindly gave him for the purpose of the objective. He looked around him to find the sign to figure out where he is exactly, he always made his way around town through memory and didn’t really pay attention to the names so when he spotted ‘nortern gate’ he jotted that down on paper while his hand creatively shot across the pace at the speed of someone used to drawing and writing as he elegantly drew.

By the time he was done,  only a fraction of the overall map was finished and that was just the village. He put his pencil and the sheets of paper away before disappearing in a instance in a bustle of leaves and wind that suggested he had used the shunshin jutsu.

He swiftly appeared in the southern part of Konoha, atop a build he doesn’t care enough to find out what exactly is he standing on. He began his method once again, using his viewpoint to get a more accurate picture of where everything is as he wrote down labels of the various shops, districts etc. and before he knew it, he has the entire town of Konoha on a map in his hands.He is now exicited now, since he can now head out of the village go map the lands that surround the village.

Uchiha Masaaki

Uchiha Masaaki

Yet again he disappeared in a bustle of leaves and found himself in the eastern part of the land of fire, in a forest. He was continuously distracted by the various movements in the bushes and utterly fascinated by the wildlife, so amused that he couldn’t help just note down a few details about the large abundance of deer in this woodland and that a cull might be required in order to keep their numbers down and to ensure the invasive deer species do not interfere with the native deer. He marked all the locations in the woodlands, including lakes and waterfalls before making his way to the western part of land.

Just as a precaution he did a general circle of the entire western part just to make sure he didn’t miss anything before finally calling it a day to head back home to put on the finishing touches and that included watercolour and inking. Four hours later he presented the map to the administration building and felt his chest fill with pride at their subtle nod of approval, obviously quite touched that Masaaki put in the extra effort to colour in the map for the sake of it.


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