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1The Basics [D rank mission/Private] Empty The Basics [D rank mission/Private] Fri Feb 14, 2014 4:24 pm




It was not a total waste of his time, no it actually was a total waste of his time but he needed the money; he would simply see this as a part time job to get him by so he could make ends meet this month. The sole of his boots tapped on the village grounds as he walked down the beaten path that led to the Academy, not even there yet he was already being mentally barraged by memories that associated with this place. From his first days in the academy to the moment when he graduated, "Every step of the way, he was always there” he could say in a smooth tone, the piercing golden eyes staring through the thin veil of the morning mist as they settled upon the entrance of the academy. It was time for him to step inside, and get this job over with; a low sigh escaped the man as he began his march into the academy his duster swaying at his ankles with his body’s movement, stepping into the academy the male would look down both sides of the hallway. There seemed to be no one in sight, thankfully the scroll describing this mission gave enough detail to mention the class in which he was supposed to give the lesson.

His memory seemed to be as sharp as ever, easily finding his own way down the twists, and paths of the many hallways that made up this institution, with his journey reaching its end he found himself standing in front of the door that led into the classroom that was surely filled with eager minds ready to learn from an experienced ninja. Placing a hand on the door he slid it open, instantly silence befell the room, the atmosphere was now filled with the curious eyes of the young unranked students of this classroom, whether captivated by the interesting choice of clothing that Tsurugi wore, or just his overall demeanor; they were dead silent. Walking on in, the door slid shut behind him he was not staring at them but he had already counted their total number hitting a solid ten, this was not a full class did they believe him not capable of teaching a bigger class? He was somewhat offended, but then again relieved that he did not have to deal with a class full of brats, once he reached the center of his stage he turned full body towards the curious eyes that glued to his being.

With that he raised his arms up towards the students, “Alright everyone gather around, and pay attention. The ninja world is a dangerous place that is filled with so much peril that your safety is never guaranteed! It is for this reason that I beg you all to please try your best to absorb the information I will share with you on this day…” hands lowered form is sides, with his grand announcement over; he could now focus on performing the technique he was to teach these young minds. The children all watched quietly waiting for the lesson to begin, oh at least he found himself with a smart bunch or maybe they were too intimidated to speak? Whichever it was he would go on with the lesson, “The most basic of jutsu, the Transformation jutsu. Its use is simple, disguise yourself as something or someone you are not, great for information gathering, and for blending into a crowd when you need to do so. Now, pay close attention to my hand seals, focus your attention on what you want to become, manipulate your chakra and…” with that a cloud of smoke enveloped Tsurugi.

The cloud of smoke found itself fading away in the place of the towering male with blue hair, now stood a young man about four feet in height, short black hair, a rather long white scarf which concealed his face from the nose down, and an overall white outfit. The students eyes widened when they saw a mirror image of one of their classmates, the young man in question stared at himself with awe filling his eyes, as soon as this doppelganger appeared he would fade away enveloped by another cloud of smoke. When the smoke faded the students found themselves staring at the tall man with blue hair once again, his golden eyes focused upon the many faces of the young students, a smirk tugged at the corner of his lips “Now that you have seen the jutsu, please come up to the front one by one, and perform it. I shall correct any mistakes…” he would take a step to the side allowing the students to come up one at a time, he watched as each student stepped up to the plate. They were all varying in skill, and what not some got it on their first try however the majority found themselves failing horribly. Regardless in the end he knew it would take practice!

“Enough!” he finally called out as the students stirred in their sits all getting comfortable again “You all did well, I will not say any of you is above average. Continue to practice, just because you leave these academy walls today does not mean you will get to relax, get home, and practice more! Otherwise you may end up finding yourself a dead corpse one day for lacking any real practice. That is all” with those words the man turned from his temporary students making his way towards the door, once he was out he would sigh letting the door slide shut behind him, he was well aware he had to come back here tomorrow for a second lesson.


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