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He had woken up in some hotel room today...

He opened his eyes to a dark hotel room, though where he was he knew not, he looked to the right of him and saw out of a window that it was definitely morning. He then looked to the other side of him and he saw some female in his bed, he hadnt done that bad for himself apparently though who she was and how he met her was beyond him, and he wasnt going to try and get her name.

He slid out of his bed and started looking around for his clothes as quietly as he could, he had been told that he was to do a mission today and he also didnt want to be stuck with this girl. He grabbed his shirt and slid it overhead and then buttoned it quickly as he started to look for the rest of his clothes as well, he found his pants beside the bed and pulled them up as well, he was sure he had brought his tux so he continued looking. He eventually found the rest of his stuff and thankfully the girl he had took abed was still laying asleep, now he actually got a good look at her she was a good looking girl he must have found her the other night and he also must have drank too much since he could not remember, but he had to leave and see what mission he was to do this day...

He found a letter that was obviously just placed at his hotel rooms front door, it was from the kage and it was a mission though the mission was more of a task, it was just a quickly wrote note that told of a scuffle going on between an old man and a bully, it was obviously just written since it was badly wrote and smudged a good bit....he was to stop a damned fight....



He knew his way to the area that they told him the fight was taking place in, though the pay was low and it was pretty run of the mill, it would feed and let him drink for another few days at the least, though he knew full well that it was getting in on his wandering time, and he had loved what that had brought him apparently, but it was better then being broke so he started his way there, jogging.

Yuumi walked up to the park that was the area of the fight, or bullying, it seemed like that more so there was some teenager picking on an old man, it wasnt nice and it was too be stopped right away there was to be none of this in the village, and the sooner he finished the sooner he could go and wander around some more.

He walked up as the younger boy was sneering and saying to the old man, Hmm! youre just a worthless old man, nothing you can do is useful just go away geezer, haha you were never an adventurer you can barely walk the old man retorted very meekly and sadly, it was obvious who was the victim here, Stop it please just go away! this was when Yuumi had his turn to get involved, he jumped directly in front of the kid and looked at him directly in the face, he had a sneer that bullies possessed and he looked up at him with disdain, he wasnt taking this from a kid, he started talking darkly to him, Hello there, now i dont think you wer picking on this old man, that would be very very...unfortunate, now walk...away now before it becomes more unfourtunate for you he spoke in his thick accent which made every word he said that much more menacing, the kid didnt move, so he threw his knee up and caught the kid in the gut , knocking the air out of him and sending him a foot back, he got the message then, he left and backed off now and went away silently, he had taught him a lesson, and gained the wink of a hot special jounin with black hair, he was around his height and everything, this was not a bad day after all...

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