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1Rebreather (Item - B-Rank) Empty Rebreather (Item - B-Rank) Thu Aug 23, 2012 6:02 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Rebreather (Item - B-Rank) 1000px-Kagari2
Name: Rebreather
Type Of Weapon: /
Rank: B
Elemental Alignment: /
Ability/Function: Allows the owner to breath while underwater for a set amount of time. The small tank of this model allows for a total of 10 post before the oxygen tank is empty and the user begins to suffocate. At this point the apparatus becomes useless until the tank is refilled, or the thread ends. May pay 30 chakra and take 1 post to recharge the oxygen tank via wind chakra. However, the recharge only lasts for a maximum of 5 posts, and may only be used once per thread.
Close/Long Range: /
Appearance: A water and air-tight mask adheres to the user's face via suction pressure and a small bite grip that fits between the teeth. A small tube connects the oxygen container to an air filter and small control dial; which allows the user to control the flow of oxygen from the tank into the filter to be mixed into the recycled air.
History: Kenta squired this device as a Chuunin, while on a mission in Kiri. This particular model is a civilian diver's model, and therefore widely available in villages where sea diving is popular; as it is far easier and much cheaper then full SCUBA gear to use.

2Rebreather (Item - B-Rank) Empty Re: Rebreather (Item - B-Rank) Fri Aug 24, 2012 9:25 pm



1200 ryo. Do you accept?

3Rebreather (Item - B-Rank) Empty Re: Rebreather (Item - B-Rank) Fri Aug 24, 2012 9:29 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Rebreather (Item - B-Rank) 9e9

Everytime baby, everytime.

4Rebreather (Item - B-Rank) Empty Re: Rebreather (Item - B-Rank) Fri Aug 24, 2012 9:31 pm



...Your money is no longer welcome here. Get out.

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