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1Wopple Dopple [Open/ No Kill] Empty Wopple Dopple [Open/ No Kill] Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:55 am


Egon does his daily routine but somehow ends up in a place he normally does not go. He is in a park, nothing is wrong with the park just Egon and his extremely strict routine. He is slightly on edge because of breaking his normal actions.

For some reason Egon decides to just stay at the park and see what might happen. He sits down on a bench and starts to read a book about some ninja's exploits. He ignores all the noise and totally gets into the book. He starts laughing out loud and groans at various points, stuff that is mainly embarrassing to do while reading a book.

It became midday before he realized that he way into his book. He had been reading for at least four hours. He felt so bad that he wasted time when he could have been doing something productive and so much time at that. He stands up and stretches his arms somewhat disappointed in himself. HE then starts to walk off.

2Wopple Dopple [Open/ No Kill] Empty Re: Wopple Dopple [Open/ No Kill] Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:52 pm



Tamasazuki sat down in the grass where he pulled out a foot long sandwich he has made, and brought with him from his house. This sandwich had beef, and mayo that was it, for he was in a rush, and could not make complicated sandwiches. After he had finished he wiped up with a napkin, and begun thinking of how he was going to use fuuinjutsu offensively.
    He finally came up with an idea that seemed legitimate to him. He would make a jutsu were you do a few hand signs. Then you smash the seal to the ground. It would project a spear from the ground in front of the user at a fast speed. If the spear hits a human the seal on the tip of it would spread to the person, and slow them by .25 rank. He began to do the signs Ox, Monkey, Rabbit, Rat, Boar, Bird, Ox, Horse, Bird, Tiger, Dog, Tiger, Snake, Ox, Sheep, Snake, Pig, Sheep, Ox, Monkey, Bird, Dragon, Ox, Horse, Sheep, Tiger, Snake, Rat, Ox, Monkey, Bird, Rat, Boar, Monkey, Dragon, Bird, Ox, Horse, Sheep, Tiger. He did this for a while tell he could memorize it, and do it a fast rate. He continued for about five minutes then he began putting the seal onto the floor, and all that came out was a tiny three inch spear. For he knew this was no easy task to learn. He began to increase the size, as he focused more chakra, but another issue was they would fly in any direction.


3Wopple Dopple [Open/ No Kill] Empty Re: Wopple Dopple [Open/ No Kill] Sat Feb 15, 2014 2:25 pm

Ember Mist

Ember Mist

Ember had decided to walk around town for a little as her home and the training grounds just didn't seem to be the right places to stay around for the moment. She sighed while making small clicking sounds in the back of her throat, watching for the signs of curbs or trees coming up to surprise attack her into fall on the streets...again. She hated when things like that happened to her, though she knew she could jump right back up again.

She managed to find her way to the park she always loved to go to, and 'found' a place to sit down and relax under a tree. She did love hanging around trees a lot seeing as that's how she used to train. She then decided to try and jump up into the tree to sit there, as something seemed off around her, even though she couldn't tell what it was. Almost as if, just maybe, someone was practicing a jutsu that wasn't necessarily working right. She shivered at the possibility.

4Wopple Dopple [Open/ No Kill] Empty Re: Wopple Dopple [Open/ No Kill] Sat Feb 15, 2014 5:00 pm


Egon stops when he noticed everything going on. Someone was preforming a jutsu and another was climbing a tree. This could turn really interesting he thought to himself. Maybe I could waste more time and see what becomes of this scenario. Maybe he could have fun with this. They are not breaking any laws right? Of course not.

The one preforming a jutsu was making spears form from out of the ground. He was making a seal and hitting it on the ground to create the spear. The spear was not all to impressive. Maybe three inches long or so. He must be trying to learn a new jutsu.

The one climbing a tree is acting odd. Egon is puzzled by her. It takes a couple seconds before he realizes that she is blind. He could see it in her eyes and the way she moves. How odd, she is a blind ninja. Never seen that before but she might be a good one.

5Wopple Dopple [Open/ No Kill] Empty Re: Wopple Dopple [Open/ No Kill] Sat Feb 15, 2014 6:02 pm



Tamasazuki used more, and more chakra trying to make the seal more stable, and trying to produce bigger faster spears. Again, and again, and again he tried he got one to two feet. He took a small break lied down, and looked up to the sky it was a bright blue sky. He  lied down for about six minutes then sat back up determined to successfully get the spear to its max. He continuously used the jutsu some people passing by were looking at him odd for he did not care he wanted to learn this jutsu no mate what it took he did the jutsu again and again to the point were it go around two feet long. He had achieved something out of this harsh training he is putting himself into. He thought he should reward himself he laid back took out a book about two girls who are fighting over a guy. Tamasazuki just thought how awesome it must be to have two girls that like you so much they compete, and fight over you. He began to get really off task and was day dreaming. Once he realize this he instantly got back up took out a piece of paper, and a pencil from his pouch, and began to wright down all the things he could do to improve his jutsu.


6Wopple Dopple [Open/ No Kill] Empty Re: Wopple Dopple [Open/ No Kill] Sat Feb 15, 2014 6:40 pm

Ember Mist

Ember Mist

Ember continued to click her tongue in the back of her throat as much as possible to see what was going on, and whether or not the weapons one of the guys kept summoning were going to hit her.....and a couple almost did on a few occasions!

She had actually ended up backtracking to the base of the tree with a small gasp, trying to keep herself from being hit by one of the weapons. Though when she stopped hearing the whizzing of the air by the weapons, she almost jumped down from the tree to see what was going on. "Oh.....what is going on? Who is doing this?" She asked herself quietly with a small snap of her fingers in frustration.

It was times like this when she hated the fact that she was blind and couldn't do anything to heal herself, or at least fix it for the moment. Of course though, she was never able to do so because of the limitations on her own body she was able to do...though she can't fix anyone else's handicap either. She sighed to herself and shook her head, clicking her tongue some more before jumping down and slowly walking around the other side of the tree in hopes of not getting hurt by a rogue weapon.

7Wopple Dopple [Open/ No Kill] Empty Re: Wopple Dopple [Open/ No Kill] Sat Feb 15, 2014 7:03 pm


Egon decides to introduce himself to one of them. He is not sure which one is the problem. The blind girl or the fuuinjutsu user. The dude or chick. He then pulls out a coin a flicks it up. Heads the girl, tails the boy. He catches the coin and flips it, reveals that it is heads. So he will talk to the blind girl.

He creeps up to her in the attempt to surprise her. As Egon gets closer he hears a clicking noise. He stops for a second trying to figure it out. It seems to be coming from the girl. He gets it and knows that the girl is making the sound to know her surroundings. So maybe surprising her wont be nearly as easy but hey why not try.

Egon gets right behind the girl and says, Hello, my name is Egon Mayer. I noticed you are blind. May I ask you your name and what you might be doing here?

8Wopple Dopple [Open/ No Kill] Empty Re: Wopple Dopple [Open/ No Kill] Sat Feb 15, 2014 7:14 pm



Tamasazuki hears the girl hollering, and activates his phasing jutsu, and then when he sees all the spears around he understands, and d'phases, and come out of the tree. He goes up to the girl, and notices she doesn't move her head as he move. He realized she was blind, and he told the girl he was sorry, and that he didn't mean to hit her for he was practicing a jutsu that he had developed. He saw a man approaching her from behind as he was walking away, and said well shes not my issue here her fault for walking around blind. He return back to his training area, and continues to practice the spears for he has got them to their maximum potential of five feet long. Know he had to learn how he was going to make them accurate for he needed to focus on making the seal to activate straight ahead of the seal. So once he could hit the tree in front of him with repetition he would move on he really focused on nailing this objective. He was able to hit four in a row, and then he began to run out of steam, and went back to analyzing what kind of seal he would attach to the sword itself.


9Wopple Dopple [Open/ No Kill] Empty Re: Wopple Dopple [Open/ No Kill] Sat Feb 15, 2014 7:32 pm

Ember Mist

Ember Mist

Ember stiffened at the sound of two different people approaching her. The first one seemed to be the one that was practicing his jutsu as he tried walking up to her to apologize before giving up and walking away. She shrugged and was about to continue her walk when someone else tried sneaking up on her from behind, making her spin around fast and try taking his arm and slinging him over her shoulder.

She squeaked in surprise afterward and held her hands up to her mouth. "OH gosh I'm sorry! Um, I'm Ember Mist Hinode, but you can call me Ember. I was just trying to walk around the town and park area before I 'saw' that person over there practicing his jutsu and got a little worried. So I tried hiding in the tree to at least block the blows of the weapons." She said with a small shrug afterwards, holding her hand out to shake.

10Wopple Dopple [Open/ No Kill] Empty Re: Wopple Dopple [Open/ No Kill] Sat Feb 15, 2014 7:53 pm


Egon shakes Ember's hand and smiles. He then feels bad because she cannot see his smile. He shakes her hand for a painfully long amount of time while thinking of something to continue the conversation.

Finally Egon thinks of what to say, "Soooo... have you always been blind? Also how old are you? I am thirteen and I have never been blind. Another thing, what do you like to do. I like to read and get away from my family. My parents are so over barring and are really difficult to deal with. I probably sound like a common teenager hating his parents but they are so difficult.

Egon finally lets go of her hand. Egon stares into her eyes to really see if she is blind. He looks to see if her eyes look at him or not. After a couple of seconds he finally believes she is actually blind.

11Wopple Dopple [Open/ No Kill] Empty Re: Wopple Dopple [Open/ No Kill] Sat Feb 15, 2014 8:04 pm



Tamasazuki comes up with an idea a seal that would slow the user that is touched by the tip of the spear. Tamasazuki Focuses chakra into the seal, and not thinking about direction shoots it off it goes zooming to his left, straight for the two people to his left he holors watch out for Egon is looking straight at it, and dust has her back towards it.


12Wopple Dopple [Open/ No Kill] Empty Re: Wopple Dopple [Open/ No Kill] Sat Feb 15, 2014 8:23 pm

Ember Mist

Ember Mist

Ember blinked and squinted her face slightly in concentration of the questions being asked before hearing the weapon's whooshing through the air. She squeaked in surprise and ducked under it, kicking it into the air and running to the other side of the younger boy asking her all the questions. She then sighed and shook her head and body, hoping that it didn't affect her as much as she thought.

It left her leg stinging a bit as she kicked a fast moving object up in the air without the proper stretching, and she knew it would probably hurt a bit later on, but there was no serious damage that wouldn't affect her in the long run, or force her to use her mednin skills at the moment.

She 'looked' at the kid in front of her now and sighed. "Um, listen....Egon. I'm sorry to hear about your 'rough' life of being a young teen and all, but I've had to deal with this my whole life and it's not really something I can just talk to someone about, you know?" She said softly with a small frown.

13Wopple Dopple [Open/ No Kill] Empty Re: Wopple Dopple [Open/ No Kill] Sat Feb 15, 2014 8:46 pm


Egon is surprised at Ember's block of the spear. He probably didn't look to good cowering behind her, but hey she couldn't see him. He laughed it off and listened to Ember's response. He realized that she took his question wrong because of his random talk about his family.

Egon tries to clear it up by saying, Thank you for saving me from that spear, you are flexible. Sorry, I didn't mean to ask about your family. I got off on a tangent about my family. I meant to just get to know you but if you do not wanna talk that is cool. Sorry again.

Egon shrugs and laughs nervously at his random statements. He sounds like a crazy man rambling about nothing. Hopefully no one will notice it.

14Wopple Dopple [Open/ No Kill] Empty Re: Wopple Dopple [Open/ No Kill] Sat Feb 15, 2014 8:51 pm



Tamasazuki sees there all ok, and continues on with his training, he began to understand how to control the seal, and keep the accuracy, and speed up. Tamasazuki approaches the two talking, and says are you guys ok? He offers to get something for the hurt lady.


15Wopple Dopple [Open/ No Kill] Empty Re: Wopple Dopple [Open/ No Kill] Sat Feb 15, 2014 9:21 pm

Ember Mist

Ember Mist

Ember chuckles and shakes her head at the younger boy. "You certainly love to talk. Sorry for misunderstanding you, I'll gladly talk with you if you want." She said with a small smile.

She then looked up in the general direction of the other one coming to talk with them, asking if they were okay. She nodded her head with a smile. "Don't worry about me, I've trained with worse. It'll heal up in a few minutes." She said waving it off and chuckling at the two.

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