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26The girl in the mist [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: The girl in the mist [Open] Sat Sep 08, 2012 9:00 pm



Takeo looked down towards the woman, who was ontop of him unconscious. The feeling of her small, and fragile body colliding with his, sent a chill up his spine. He'd press the back of his head harder into the gravel of the training grounds, exhaling a small amount of air in relief. The boy couldn't believe his attack had landed, but he was also amazed how close Hozuki Saya was touching him. Inside of Takeo's mind, he pondered several thoughts through his head as he would lay there. Phew..Now what should I do. Hopefully with this woman blinded for a while this should be to my liking. I just have to plan this correctly, and it's game over.

"Time to start this up!"

The boy liquefied every organ, and cell in his body into water as he performed "Hydrification Technique." The unconscious and now blind woman would likely fall onto the surface of the training grounds without Takeo being there physically anymore. Takeo's water formed body slithered from under Hozuki Saya, and reformed in front of her. When his body had finished reforming, he would now be standing up on both legs with his right hand sheathed into the ninja pouch on the back of his waist. Takeo glanced down towards his opponent as he continued to search for his last Kunai. Most of the items his hands had touched were half-eaten fishes from before or lost jewelry, that he had found near the shore; His ninja pouch wasn't exactly filled with every shinobi weapon since he had just became a Genin.

Takeo eyes widened as he had felt the cloth wrapped around the handle of his last Kunai. He'd place his hand over the hande, tightly grasping it. The young boy would keep his eyes locked down on Hozuki Saya, making 'sure' she wouldn't perform anything, but he had already known that it wasn't possible since she would be blinded. Takeo drew his kunai from his pouch, and hurled it towards the exposed back of Hozuki Saya. If his attack had landed, the kunai would pierce a couple inches into her back. With how close Takeo had been, and with Hozuki Saya blind, his attack had a high chance of succeeding.

Chakra Supply; 65/80


27The girl in the mist [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: The girl in the mist [Open] Sat Sep 08, 2012 9:25 pm



Well then. Sero would turn as if losing interest. This battle reminded him entirely of some friendly scraps in the school yard and truthfully, those had begun to bore him long ago. They where both very capable individuals of that he had no doubt. But all the moves seemed rushed with no preparation. And it had led to several mistakes that had barely been exploited. Having lost interest now Sero was making his leave.

"excuse me. I have other things to attend to."

It was a cold emotionless comment and so Sero was walking away back to town. He was polite still but indeed he had no interest in taking either of them down.

[exit thread]

28The girl in the mist [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: The girl in the mist [Open] Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:12 pm

Hozuki Saya

Hozuki Saya

[OOC: Based on an old PM by Jurou, I'm guessing he's not posting until the fights done. I'll post meanwhile, then.]

The stunning pain was trailing off, but she could still not see a thing. This was not a good thing. She was quickly running out of options, and as much as she hated to admit it, this kid were better than her. She felt the air go out of her body as she hit the ground. Takeo had turned into water. He was a Hozuki after all, so it didn't surprise her. She was expecting him to keep the attack up however, which limited her options even more. She knew there were only moments left until she would be attacked. There was only one thing she could think of that could save her, but she feared what would happen after that. No matter, she had to think of something on the run.

Her body turned to water, the trademark technique of their clan. As she had thought, the attack fell a split second after. She could feel the kunai go through her liquid body. And uncomfortable thought entered her mind. What if she hadn't used the hydrification technique? She shook the thought off and instead focused on the general direction of the kunai. By backtracing it she knew in what direction Takeo was standing, or at least where he had thrown it from. Taking the fact that he couldn't have gone far before throwing into consideration she already knew her next move. She tightened the grip on her second kunai and rolled up into a kneeling position. Despite being blinded, she swiped her kunai against the direction of the throw. Would it hit it would cut right above his kneecaps, but she was pretty sure he wouldn't stop using his hydrification, so it was probably irrelevant. One could always hope.

Chakra: 75/80:

29The girl in the mist [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: The girl in the mist [Open] Mon Sep 17, 2012 10:35 pm



His kunai seared through the water formed body of Hozuki Saya. It struck into the dirt below as it wobbled from the force that Takeo had put into the simple kunai throw. Takeo's eyes widened at the most obvious maneuver which was performed by the woman. He knew she could have avoided his attack with such a simple trademark technique from their clan, but he didn't expect for the innocent woman to have such remarkable reaction speed at their level. Most woman of Kirigakure weren't built to fight or even eligible to dodge most things from men, who had trained all their life instead of socializing.

Takeo glanced downwards towards the woman, who was now attempting to perform an acrobatic roll. Knowing that she was blinded, he knew that the woman would most likely attempt to assault him instead of waiting there on her knees like a sitting duck. He'd liquefy every organ, and cell in his body into water once more to avoid the kunai which she had swung towards his kneecaps. The kunai would go through his body from the result of him activating the "Hydrification Technique." He knew that each time he used the technique it was taking a toll on his chakra pool, but he would do anything to survive in a match with the small woman. The boy didn't want to be defeated by her.

"My turn Sweet cheeks!"

The boy shouted as his body reformed back into it's physical state. Takeo didn't think or plan out his next move. He'd attempt to deliver a quick horizontal kick towards Hozuki Saya's left exposed temple. With her being blinded, she may not have noticed that a kick had sailed towards her. This made the stakes of it landing more higher, but Takeo knew most people would dodge such a simple attack especially someone from the Hozuki clan.

Chakra: 60/80:

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