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Before Leaving For the Mountains

Wolfgang had sent his letter the other day to the shark kid he fought, he wanted to kill the guy but he at least had one use before he decided to kill him, he looked one more time at his letter,Hey Dunki Hoshigaki, this is Wolfgang Osada, i have need of you, i need someone to teach me the way to swordfight, and thus far you are the only man i know that using Swords that i am aiming for, i would like to meet with you in town, around the town center, you know what i look like and i know what you look like, and you know what I look like, im not one to trifle with and you seem like the kind of man to enjoy a fight, think about my offer He signed the bottom as, Bloody Wolfgang Osada, he hoped the fish man would know his part and join him, though after his use was done he had nothing against killing this man, he would like after he learned the skills to...test it out, it really depended on where he was to train, if it was...secluded he would not care if he killed him, no man would find out that he had asked for help, no one...

He walked out of the mail place, knowing that the mail would be sent within a few hours, so he had some time to spare, he started walking out towards the bar for a drink, he was thirsty and it wasnt for water, and he was lusting and it wasnt for a women, though he was not too sure if he would get what he wanted, though he may be able to get a taste, and that was all he was looking for, something to sate his appetite. He arrived at the bar and walked in and ordered a full bottle of gin, he grabbed a tall glass and starting drinking, though the amount h was drinking wasnt even affecting him since his weight and the fact that he drank since he was 10, but it tasted better then water so it was all the same. As he drank he got a bit of what he was looking for, a drunk man bumped into him and told him off, then the drunkard pushed him, which made him giggle inwardly, this man must have been real drunk to go and mess with someone of his size, either that or he thought he was invincible...Wolfgangs fist met him jaw with *CRACK* and the man was sent flying across the room into a table, not conscious but still alive and well, he may have a broken jaw of some sort but he would live, he knew that it was store policy of no fights, so he stood up and took his leave to avoid conversation with anyone who had questions, he also downed the last few drops of the bottle and handed it to the bartender, he had a meeting to go to.

He walked down the road, grimacing that he could not get drunk, though he probably could if he found enough of it, but he wasnt in the mood of buying that much, he really drank it like water. He arrived at the town square and started looking for a place to sit, he spied a little bench that he could sit down at, to wait for a the Shark man...

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