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1Shinobi Online! Empty Shinobi Online! Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:53 am


Board Name: Shinobi Online!
Board URL:
Board Genre: Anime, RPG, GFX
Description of board: Active friendly Staff crew. We have an Anime Library area where you can discuss individually, all of your favorite shows. You can also add your personal favorites to this library. Our board is very well kept and organized for easing browsing and posting. Soon we will be implementing a Download Now forum where all the latest episodes and manga can be downloaded for FREE. We have a GFX section ran by two talented artists, which include a Showcase, Battles, and weekly Contests. General discussion and debate forums are also available for those who aren't into anime as much as the others. Last but not least we are designing an in-depth, unique, Naruto RPG, which should be finished very soon!

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