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1The Rolling Tide [P/Wingale] Empty The Rolling Tide [P/Wingale] Wed Jan 22, 2014 4:06 am



The Kirigakure no Sato shore side was like any other island harbor. Ships came in by the dozen carrying fish and other things for trade. Men strapped in ragged pants from years of labor patrolled back and forth from one side to another making attempting at trade and selling their various items to likely customers. Women scattered around the harbor eyeing at the fish they would soon feed their husbands, many dressed in long dresses whereas some dressed simply in shorts and tank tops fitting the attire. The distinct smell of fish mixed in with the constant rolling fog that made its occasional appearance, while naturally one would be blinded by its thick mist the people of this village have since then become accustomed to it.

A young man stood amongst the masses, standing as one of the shortest albeit the smaller children that accompanied their parents. Brown curls danced along his face as he moved throughout the large crowds making way not to be noticed by the other villagers, golden eyes darting to and fro from the many trading posts that tempted him to come near. He wore a kimono styled attire mixed with hues of navy and white. The hood of his pancho, made entirely of brown and white rabbit's fur, shielded his face from view.

He came upon a small stand of trout owned by an older gentleman. The man bore wrinkles on his face and held a certain tiredness about himself, more than likely from years at owning a fish market and living in what appeared to be on end's meat. His brown eyes met with the boy and he smiled, greeting him as if he were a normal customer. "Back again Shotō?" the man said. "Of course Ran-Sama! replied Shotō a smile slowly easing upon his face. The man reached into a small basket that stood beside him on a small stool and began gathering the small pink and brown colored trout, pushing them into the brown paper bag. "The usual I suppose?" he muttered to himself, just loud enough for Shotō to hear. Shotō said nothing only nodding his head in approval and the man continued.

As the bag filled he handed it over to the boy, and the boy handing him a small bag filled with coins. For a moment the man looked shocked feeling the heaviness that the bag carried but before the he could utter a word the boy had darted from the stand and back into the crowd.

The crowd had become larger now, more villagers were coming by the masses. He found himself in the middle of these large crowds making attempts at scurrying through them like a small mouse in a forest, each time he was met with success. That was until he felt his body collide with another, sending him spiraling to the ground his fish tumbling along with him. As his body met the floor he quickly uttered "GOMEN!" as he scrambled across the wooden floor beneath him making attempt at gathering the fish and stuffing it back into the back before it was devoured by the birds or stepped on by a passersby.

He didn't even look at the figure above whom he had knocked into, all he could say was "gomen."

2The Rolling Tide [P/Wingale] Empty Re: The Rolling Tide [P/Wingale] Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:32 am



Walking through his home, Wingale caught the scent of breakfast. “Wingypoo!” The Genin’s glee expression was replaced with one of shame after his mother summoned him with his dreadful nickname. Wingale normally would choose to ignore her, but the delicious smelling breakfast was incentive enough for him to set aside his pride. His silver hair, which was normally straight, was wild and messy. He ran his fingers through it as he walked down the hallway ordained with his family’s many accomplishments. The Osada had a long history of greatest within the ninja community. “Mother… is all this for me?” Wingale was an only child and his father was out on business as usual. Ms. Osada smiled, “You know it Wingy, but first I need you to shimmy down to Shore Side, and pick up something from the Hoshigakis, they're expecting you.”

Wingale shrugged, shoreside was but a 5 minute stroll from his residence. After 30 minutes he was finally ready to exit. He equipped himself with a white long sleeve dress shirt with a navy blue vest over top. His blue creased dress pants and blue dress shoes finished the ensemble. Before leaving he swung his black trench coat on that extended just below his knees. “I’ll be back in a jiff!”

His brisk pace caused his straight and silver hair to trail him gracefully. The metallic strands would drop to his chin, upon reaching the shore side area. As usual, it was bombarded with the many citizens making purchases, mostly fish. It was also crowded due to the unloading of ships and other sea transportation. The constant ebb and flow of imports from the sea was obviously essential for a village such as Kirigakure. Employees roamed the grounds carrying large crates of imported goods.

Despite Wingale’s constant visits to shore side, the mania today would prove difficult for even him to move through. I gotta get that breakfast. That is all Wingale continued to say to himself as he slipped and weaved through the crowd with expert coordination. Wingale was working his way to the far side of the shore. It was a Hoshigaki run stand. They always had the best fish.

As he continued to sift his way through the waves of people, he caught an especially strong scent, Trout.

It caused him to look down, locking in on a kid even smaller than him. He appeared to also be in a rhythm, but it was leading him on  a crash course. It was too late for Wingale to adjust enough to avoid the boy, so he went for the next best thing. Wingale slid his right foot out wide, outside of the other kid’s foot, so that his shoe wouldn’t get scuffed. The boy tumbled to the ground, his brown tufts of hair swaying wildly. The force of the collision also broke his grip of his trout. “GOMEN!” the fallen guy exclaimed.

Wingale looked down with a smile, “Don’t be sorry. Crowded days like this, you’re bound to run into someone.” Wingale said as the boy was scurried along the ground with his head down, picking up his fish and placing them back in his brown bag. As fast as a heartbeat, the tempo of the area changed, from a constant rush, to a frenzy. Wingale kneeled down and pressed the brown bag into the kid’s chest, assuring he wouldn’t lose the grip once more, and then still keeping a grip on the boy, he jumped to a nearby roof of one of the stands.

Wingale sighed, as it was just a pack of dogs that were running wild. A few people were frightened, causing a chain reaction. But if they hadn’t got out of the crowd, they would’ve been trampled. Wingale then looked over to the guy, his cheeks turning a faint pink. “I’m sorry for grabbing you like that, are you all right?” Wingale’s attention momentarily averted back down to see the dogs being corralled by one of the employees. He used some water style jutsu that extended ropes of water, which he then used to wrap around the four loose dogs. There was a constant chatter down below as everyone had calmed down. 

Training ???: 714

3The Rolling Tide [P/Wingale] Empty Re: The Rolling Tide [P/Wingale] Fri Jan 24, 2014 4:56 am



The barking of dogs echoed into his ears. He could hear them, singling them out individually, listening to their voices. "FOOD!" they were saying, expressing their desires to devour the dropped fish that was now placed in its respective bag. Because of the dog's constant barking the area of the entire shore side changed, it reverted from its once calm demeanor into a frenzy. The women and children were screaming, some began running in the opposite direction. The once happy children began crying, screeching rather as if they had been attacked. Even the men were panicking as they were desperately trying to asses the situation. Shotō couldn't fathom as to why however, the dogs were not dangerous they were simply hungry.

It was in this frenzy that a hand gripped Shotō's clothing. Another hand pressed the paper bag hard into his chest, it made him uncomfortable if you will. All this physical contact. The hand that gripped his shirt seemed to lung him and the body it was attached too out of the stampede of panicked men and women. While it took only a blink of the eye to the common man, Shotō felt every second of it, it was an uncomfortable feeling especially since he wasn't ready for it. They moved from a small stand then up to higher ground, a roof that overlooked the current scene that was beginning to die down. Someone had obviously found a way to contain the dogs via ninjutsu. The small collars of water wrapping around their necks causing them to whimper just a little. Shotō turned his eyes from the scene as he hated to watch animals cry, his eyes met gaze with his "hero". “I’m sorry for grabbing you like that, are you all right?” he asked.

One could say that Shotō's timid nature often got the best of him, and in an instance such as this they were absolutely right. Almost like being in a class for the first time, the boy's once pale face brightened with a pink color and his eyes quickly met the concrete ground again. Whilst he had gotten a glimpse of the boy's features, it was his silver eyes that seemed to strike Shotō to the most, they stood out. They were in direct contrast with his own golden colored eyes. His face near as red as an apple Shotō began to twiddle his thumbs ever so slightly as he stood onto his feet, now realizing the height difference, he replied in a near whisper "I...I-I-I...I'm fine! Thank you for uhm...uh...uhm saving me!"

He bowed his head quickly as a sign of obvious gratitude and respect. He then proceeded to lift his head up again trying to forge eye contact with his saviour but alas he could not. Instead he put his head back to the ground and prayed the boy didn't make him have a panic attack.

4The Rolling Tide [P/Wingale] Empty Re: The Rolling Tide [P/Wingale] Fri Jan 24, 2014 10:52 am



Wingale looked down at the kid, he only caught a glimpse of his bronze eyes before they darted back to the ground. He was clearly uncomfortable with the whole situation, so Wingale would make an attempt to make him more comfortable. Wingale dusted himself off before saying, "You're welcome. My name is Wingale by the way, most people call me Wing... what's yours?" Wingale stood tall with a slight smile. It was in the Genin's nature to want to meet and talk with new people. It was impulsive really the way he found himself drawn to just about anybody. This situation was no different. The extreme reserved demeanor that the person who stood in front of him displayed was intriguing.

The bright shimmering eyes of Wingale fell squarely on the kimono dressed boy.

The commotion that had once nearly collapsed onto them had now officially subsided, and the streets were back to an easy ebb and flow that granted the two an easy environment, a less raucous one, hopefully making a conversation possible. The formal shinobi loved to talk, so any conversation would be a delight to him.

If the boy responded, afterwards a female Hoshigaki would come up to him. And like all Hoshigaki she was lucky enough to have fish like characteristics. Her pale blue skin was flawless and her gills elegant. "Wingale, I saw up on the roof so I thought I'd come over and give you the order your mother put in." She handed him a medium size gray box, likely filled with bread and spices. "Thank you so much, see you next week." There was a note atop the box, and as she walked away a gust of wind sent it gliding off, landing next to golden eye.

Training ???: 1016

5The Rolling Tide [P/Wingale] Empty Re: The Rolling Tide [P/Wingale] Wed Jan 29, 2014 1:38 pm



He would smile because he remembered when he was younger his mother always told him to do so. He never understood why, granted yes it was a polite gesture but even then most people thought him to be too friendly when he did such things. And they took advantage of this trait, something he hated with a burning passion. Even still he smiled politely at the taller young man, more so he lifted his head upward to make eye contact as he attempted at making conversation. "You're welcome. My name is Wingale by the way, most people call me Wing... what's yours?" The boy, now revealed to be named Wingale said. Wingale? It was such a strange name, foreign really. He had never heard of anyone with a name such as that but then again he only knew a handfull of people in his village, considering that most people preferred not to associate with the Jūgo boy.

In some meager attempt to carry on a conversation that should have died seconds after he replied, making some attempt to not sound as shy as he actually was. "Sh...Shotō. My name is Tenshino, Shotō! It's a uhm...uhm..pleasure to meet you!" At this point you can obviously say that he failed as his face turned a bright red. He truly was one of the most awkward of Kirigakure no Sato residents.

The crowd had now died down and the people were now proceeding with their normal daily routines. It was almost like the small incident with the dogs had never happened, considering that they were now chained to a post it couldn't happen again. And if it did it's not like anything bad would come out of it. His eyes began to dart back and forth from the market then back to Wingale. It wasn't that he was loosing interest in the boy, it was simply that he was just curious as to what the people were saying about the whole fiasco. He so desperately wondered whether or not they blamed him for the entire thing, he knew they would. It would make him ever more of an outcast than what he already was, which in itself was a tragic thing.

As he had only seen male Hoshigaki you can only imagine his surprise when a medium sized female Hoshigaki appeared beside him. He analyzed her, in every detail as he did everyone else. No doubt, she was beautiful spectacle to behold. Near flawless and untouched pale blue skin with round black eyes. Her gills are what stood out to him the most however, he found them to be the most interesting thing about her. While yes he could manipulate his own body to obtain such a thing, she was just naturally born this way. The Hoshigaki family was truly an amazing thing to him and the small golden eyed male stood in awe as she made her presence to speak to Wingale. "Wingale, I saw up on the roof so I thought I'd come over and give you the order your mother put in." she said. In the midst of Wingale responding he zoned out for those select few moments. He was astounded, by the Hoshigaki. Now he did want to say something to her, to marvel at her beauty, but instead he dropped his head to the floor and said nothing. He inched away from her ever so slightly to keep himself from fawning all over her.

6The Rolling Tide [P/Wingale] Empty Re: The Rolling Tide [P/Wingale] Wed Jan 29, 2014 8:00 pm



Shore side still had a nice flow of people in the area but it had dwindled a bit as most the citizens had reached their intended stands and were now mostly shopping. There was still enough activity to cause Wingale to scrunch up a bit every now and then to let being get pass him.

Tenshino Shoto was the bashful kid's name. "It's a pleasure to meet you too." Then when the Hoshigake vendor came he seemed to withdraw even further. Wingale found Shoto's entire demeanor amusing. He shook his head playfully as he stepped off slightly with his head tilting forward. Wingale picked the letter up and read it. Shock was plastered over his face. His eyes shifted over to the boy that stood beside him. He cleared his throat. A crumbling sound followed. The note was thrown to the ground; however, the contents could still be read.

"I not only saw you, but I saw your tail. The dogs weren't an accident."

Wingale let out a worried breath and began to look around discretely. "Who could be after me? So the dogs was just a distraction to attempt a strike on my life... but retreat to the rooftops must have foiled their plans..."  Wingale was unsure if Shoto saw and was able to read the crumbled letter on the ground, so just in case he didn't he resumed his cheery disposition and friendly tone. "Uh uhm. Well, once again it was nice meeting you, but I have to deliver this. Hope to see you around" Wingale wanted to get away from Shoto as quickly as possible, he didn't want for the innocent kid to get involved with whatever was going on. Wingale was unsure of who this stalker was, but he knew he would be better off if he could separate himself from the innocent citizen he had just met.

Questions lingered, questions that would change the course of the peaceful day at Shore Side completely. Was Shoto able to read the note? What did Wingale's stalkers want, or were they even stalking him... it remained to be seen? Perhaps, Shoto was the one endangering Wingale? Also, how long would they have before the pursuers would make their presence known? Did they already leave shore side... or were they or him/her waiting right around the corner...

Training: 1414

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