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1Aikomasu(Ninneko Pet) Empty Aikomasu(Ninneko Pet) Thu Jan 23, 2014 7:27 pm



Name: Aikomasu(Aiko)
Species: Cat(Ninneko)
Rank: D-Rank/Combat
Specializations: Taijutsu(Speed/Hybrid)
Appearance: A standard looking, slightly larger than normal black house-cat with golden yellow eyes that match Tamiko's.
Aikomasu(Ninneko Pet) Yoruichi_Cat
Personality: Aiko is a mischievous cat, he is a ferocious fighter and tends to be extremely wary of new people around. He's always on edge and when he gets a bad feeling he will often relay warnings to Tamiko and become paranoid, even when nothing is wrong with said individual.  Aiko is 100% loyal and would do anything for Tamiko.
Techniques: N/A(to be added)

2Aikomasu(Ninneko Pet) Empty Re: Aikomasu(Ninneko Pet) Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:47 am



Bump for completion~

3Aikomasu(Ninneko Pet) Empty Re: Aikomasu(Ninneko Pet) Fri Jan 24, 2014 12:51 pm



Aikomasu(Ninneko Pet) 7khkzIW

For 2k ryo, enjoy~

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