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1HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Empty HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Tue Nov 12, 2013 1:44 pm



HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Navi_Artwork

Name: Navi the Wasp

Rank: A

Species: Wasp

Appearance: Navi is 6 inches tall and ball of light. The light she gives off a periwinkle aura. The only thing that can be seen of her while she is in the ball of light is her wings, which are moving at sub sonic speeds to keep her flying for long periods of time. Whenever she flies around, tiny bells could be heard.

Personality: Navi met Sanosuke in the woods of the wasps when she was adventuring in the depths of the forest. After Sanosuke saved her life, she is forever grateful and so is his partner when it comes to fighting. The two are bonded with a connection since Sanosuke's training in senjutsu. Sanosuke is the only person from the outside world, so far, to have seen her without the ball of light wrapped around her body. When she meets someone new she will be in her ball of light and will say nothing to the new person, the only times she will say something is either in the form of an insult or to berate them. But after sometime, she will drop her guard around someone she has recently met and begin to speak with them with some respect.

Normally she is carefree and a playful being, whom loves to fly around. She is in love with the sounds she makes when she flies. So she is mostly flying around Sanosuke when she can. She follows Sanosuke's orders when needs to, but will not be afraid to voice her opinion. She is not familiar with the outside world, so she is very naive of the customs of the outside world.



Fairy Link:

Hive Shield:

Last edited by Sanosuke on Sun Nov 17, 2013 2:49 am; edited 7 times in total

2HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Empty Re: HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Tue Nov 12, 2013 11:40 pm



Curasa: Describe the extent of the wounds this can heal, in terms of depth, burn degree, etc.

Hive Link: You put one post under duration, but I doubt you mean that the link only lasts one post, so change this to however many posts you want it to last. No, it can't be maintainable, unless you up it to like S-Rank. A +1 to effect and duration is already A LOT for an A-Rank technique. Also, add a chakra cost per post and some sort of drawback for both Sano and Navi once the link ends. Increase the cooldown as well.

Hive Shield: No, no invincible shields at all. It's A-Rank, so naturally, it should only be able to deflect around 2 A-Rank attacks or 1 S-Rank, and SS-Rank will destroy it and still do damage. Increase the cooldown to twice the duration, as well.

3HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Empty Re: HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Wed Nov 13, 2013 12:04 am



Saw the 'HEY! LISTEN!' on the home page and just had to click this. So glad I did. AWESOME JOB.

4HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Empty Re: HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:29 am



Edited, and thanks Suzume!

5HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Empty Re: HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Wed Nov 13, 2013 4:12 pm



Excuse me if I'm stepping on anyone's toes.

I feel that only -3 per person is way too low considering you're essentially casting the same A rank healing each time to each person within range.

Hive Shield
No, you can't even block a jutsu of a rank higher than this. It should just go straight through. "Maintainable shields by proxy do not receive the ability to defend against higher ranks due to their maintainable nature, but are still broken by the same 2 techniques of equal rank, regardless of their spacing."

6HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Empty Re: HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Wed Nov 13, 2013 5:25 pm




7HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Empty Re: HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:33 am




8HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Empty Re: HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:19 pm



Make it like -10 per extra. An A rank is typically 25 per use, so if you're essentially increasing the area, you can't have it be so little.

Aiza wrote:
Hive Link: [...] Also, add a chakra cost per post and some sort of drawback for both Sano and Navi once the link ends. [...]

9HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Empty Re: HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:30 pm




10HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Empty Re: HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:33 pm



I think this looks good now.

1/2 Approval from me... if I'm allowed o.o


First and foremost; You were apparently banned during the Timeskip and as such you didn't/don't get to claim the prize for it.

You do not have Seijutsu which is required to have pets capable of doing anything other than Ninjutsu/Taijutsu. Thus, this kind of technique is not possible.

Fairy Link:
This is senjutsu, not ninjutsu. Same as above regarding Seijutsu.

Hive Shield:
This should not deflect/negate genjutsu and the like. You need to more specifically describe what it can deflect/block as "any chakra based techniques" is too vague and therefore too powerful.

11HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Empty Re: HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Sat Nov 16, 2013 12:39 pm



I know i can't claim the prize for this pet, I will be purchasing Navi with my own ryo. I looked at the guidelines and it doesn't say anything about pets NOT having anything but ninjutsu/taijutsu. I decided to change Curasa into a barrier type technique which is ninjutsu based.

I also edit Hive Shield so it can block any physical chakra techniques so it will not be able to block genjutsu. I also changed Fairy Link so it applies to ninjutsu techniques and not senjutsu techniques.

12HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Empty Re: HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Sun Nov 17, 2013 2:33 am



Reduce the effect of the first jutsu by 1, A rank attacks give + or - 1 at their rank not 2.

After that, this is approved.

13HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Empty Re: HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Sun Nov 17, 2013 2:49 am



Aya edited. How much is this gonna cost me?

14HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Empty Re: HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Sun Nov 17, 2013 1:30 pm


Priced at. . . 4,700 ryo

Unless another staff member has a problem with it. . .

15HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Empty Re: HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Sun Nov 17, 2013 1:35 pm



The guidelines says that the price for A-Rank items ranges from 1500 - 3200 ryo

16HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Empty Re: HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Sun Nov 17, 2013 1:38 pm



Sanosuke wrote:The guidelines says that the price for A-Rank items ranges from 1500 - 3200 ryo
That's nice.
A-Rank Pet: 3,500 - 6,000 Ryo

17HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Empty Re: HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Sun Nov 17, 2013 1:40 pm



Oh my bad guys xD
Yeah go ahead and deduct already

18HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Empty Re: HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Sun Nov 17, 2013 3:16 pm

Strafe Aisu

Strafe Aisu

Ryo has been deducted, enjoy!

19HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Empty Re: HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Wed Jan 29, 2014 1:58 pm



I would like to request the change of Fairy Link so that the technique doesn't have a debuff on Sanosuke's speed? Fairy Link only lasts for 3 posts and it's an A Rank. I just believed that the need for the debuff wouldn't make much sense since A Ranks are given + 1 and the effects are prolonged for an additional post as well; but the thing is that the technique can only be used for a maximum for 3 posts. So would that be gucci with the staff if I make that change?

20HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Empty Re: HEY! LISTEN!(Sano PTS pet) Wed Jan 29, 2014 3:00 pm



No. The jutsu is balanced as is.

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