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1A Test of Skill [Squad 4/Training/No Kill] Empty A Test of Skill [Squad 4/Training/No Kill] Sun Sep 22, 2013 12:54 am



Satoshi stood solemnly in the rocky area known as the Fissure Training Grounds. His eyes were closed as he focused his chakra. He carefully molded the energy in his lungs and throat as he prepared a jutsu for use. This jutsu was a powerful one that he had wanted to train for a while, but just hadn't had the opportunity. He felt as if this was the perfect time, as he was waiting on his squad who were to appear here to train with him. He inhaled deeply as he aimed at the boulder that sat about 20 meters away. He was fully concentrated and ready to use this powerful jutsu. He exhaled suddenly, allowing a bursting stream of flames to erupt from his lips. After exiting his mouth, the flames to the shape of a grand dragon, barreling in a straight line for the target. However, this was not all the jutsu could do. With concentration on his jutsu, he made the dragon move to the right and perform a circling motion around the rock. After a few seconds of build up, he allowed it to crash into the rock. The sound of burning earth filled the area as he continued to stream flames from his throat. This jutsu was awesome.

After he thought he had expelled enough fire for training purposes, he stopped the flow of chakra and therefore stopped the flames. He closed his mouth and waited on the hot vengeance to die down, eyeing his target carefully. After a few more seconds, the blistering flames died out, leaving nothing but charred earth where the boulder once stood. It seemed the techniques power was incredible and would kill an opponent if landed in battle. He would make sure not to use it on an ally then, as he didn't want to be a murder. He then turned, deciding that was enough for one day. He walked casually over to a nearby rock that had been crafted for the purpose of sitting. He took his seat and calmed his body down via meditation. He smirked involuntarily as he was quite satisfied with himself. Now, all he had to do was simply sit and wait on the arrival of his chunnin. He had quite a day planned for them.

Fire Style: Dragon Flame Bomb Training: 916/2000 (Continued from this thread)

Chakra 275/300:


Grey had began walking to the destination of where his sensei had told him to meet up for the training. Walking alongside with a flower in his hand, smelling it. The conditions were perfect for training, and the sun was out and shining brighter than a star. He started to smile while nearly at the Fissure Training Grounds, where his sensei had most likely been waiting for him. Toshin wasn't in any rush though, he took his own time. He had the feeling this training would be stupid, but he would just have to find out for himself. Nearly to his destination, he heard a loud noise of in north direction. This is when he started running, curious of what had happened. When he had reached though, all he saw was his sensei relaxing, and what had seemed to be marks from a fire. "Was he practicing a jutsu?" he said curiously. Either way, he didn't care to find out at the moment. Walking over to his sensei, Satoshi, he looked at him. He had been relaxing on the rock like this training wasn't going to be hard, boy is he in for it. Toshin sat a distance away from him on a rock, as him and his sensei awaited on their other team member.

Waiting sure was a handful, waiting for no reason at all. Grey bet he could take his sensei on one on one, but something was wrong about the idea. He grew bored, and started walking off in different directions to think. Thinking is what Toshin was best at, and how to use what he knows to better his fighting. Now sitting on the same rock, he let the suns heat brush against his face, and relaxed.

[OCC: We aren't genin, if you forgot.]



After waiting for what seemed like an enternity, it seemed Cazan was not going to show up, on at time at least. Satoshi turned to Grey, who paced around like a mad scientist. "It seems our teammate is not going to show up, so there will be a change of plans." Sato said the Chunnin as he jumped up and walked over towards him. "Now that Cazan is not here, I guess there is only one option for training in a meaningful way. A spar between the two of us." He smiled as he spoke the last part. Out of everyone he met, he always seemed to get in a fight with them, even if it was just a friendly spar. He walked back about fifteen meters and turned around to face Grey. He made eye contact with the boy and stared at him intensely. He hoped the boy would prove interesting, as he didn't really want any weak students. His ruby red hair moved gently in the wind as his brown eyes sat still like a stone monument. His stance was on of the alertness, but not aggressiveness. He wanted Grey to make the first move.

He flipped through a few options in his head. He could trap the boy, out shoot him from a range, or just take it up close and close the deal. However, he wanted to see the boy's capabilities first though. They boy was similar in the fact that he used Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and Katon. It seemed that the fight between them would be one of skill, not versatility. Luckily, Satoshi had a trump card in his pocket. His Lava was one thing that would set him apart in this fight, and he intended to make sure this boy knew that. It was time to prove why he was the teacher and Grey was the pupil.

Fire Style: Dragon Flame Bomb Training: 1230/2000



Cazan Had been runing very late today and cursed himself for not making to his training session on time. He had run the rest of the way towards the training grounds, when he did finally arrive to the grounds he was short of breath and huffing and puffing. They had started fighting already and he ran as fast as he could to the middle of the fight, right after his sensei had released a fire style jutsu, he then yelled Sir...sorry late... it coulnt be help may... i train with you still today. He hoped his lateness wouldnt affect wether his sensei would train with him or not, he really wanted to test his mettle with his sensei to see what kind of jutsu he had and the same with his teammate.
OOC- Sorry iv had notstop work and forgot about the site really sorrry



As Satoshi waited for the young boy to make a move, he was stunned at what actually happened. Grey simply left. A scoff escaped the Kanetsu member's lips as he watched the boy leave. He was lucky he wasn't dead because of his disrespect. However, there were more important things to attend to. Sato's eyes darted to Cazan, who just appeared. Regardless of his lateness, he wouldn't take out his anger on the poor boy. It's not like he was intentionally late. Sato's body shifted toward his pupil as he listened to his statement. "That's okay. It seems that Grey decided this wasn't for him, so it's just us. Would you like to spar?" Satoshi simply asked with a calm tone. Knowing Cazan, the answer would be yes. However, he always liked to give the option.

Fire Style: Dragon Flame Bomb Training: 1375/2000

((Seeing as I gave Grey plenty of time to reply, I'm going to skip him. We will act like he left and we will now spar))



His sensei had asked if he wanted to spar, Cazan didnt know why he had to ask this would be awesome training. You bet i want to spar Sensei, But it may be a bit one sided for you but ill try He said as he took his Iwa headband off of his forehead, and placed it over his eyes, more so to try to throw his sensei off, if only a little, he needed not hisa eyes after all, he then called out to his sensei, Are you ready for me sensei, dont go easy on me ok, i wouldnt want you to take me as a weakling that would ruin the training He said as as he took a kung fu stance and waited for his sensei to attack, he wouldnt attack first he would counter attack this time, unlike his last fight with the spec jounin he wouldnt get burned and made fun of this time, even though he was blind he would make his sensei run for his money or so to speak.
Word count 183 thus far



Satoshi eyes light up like the sun as he heard his pupil accept his challenge. Finally, he would get to do something interesting today. If he remembered correctly, Cazan used Taijutsu and Ninjutsu, which is the exact same things that Sato used. This would be a lot of fun. As Cazan took his battle stance, Satoshi did the same. His kickboxing stance was strong and offensive, aiming to keep the boy on his toes with strong and precise strikes. Waiting long enough for the kid to prepare himself, Sato dashed forward with incredible speed, leaving dust in his tracks as he crossed the dry ground. This was a tactic to hopefully catch the kid off guard by surprising him with speed. As Satoshi closed in, he shifted his weight to the side of his body, causing himself to spin into a roundhouse kick. He left the ground with a simple movement of his leg as the kick came quickly at his student. The fight had only just begun.

The next move was a simple one, but one that proved effective over the years. If the Chunnin managed to dodge the strike, Sato would land gracefully and lower his center of gravity. He would once again spin, but this time to try and sweep the boy's feet. Such tactics weren't that advanced, but they were reliable and that is what Satoshi enjoyed about kickboxing. His eyes stayed on his opponent when possible, watching for movements that would be out of the ordinary. Sato was a bit faster and stronger than the kid, so he had a bit of an uphill battle ahead of him.

Fire Style: Dragon Flame Bomb Training: 1650/2000



Cazan felt his master change his stance, into a more offensive one, he noticed that it was a Kickboxing one, which he knew well, but out of the blue he felt his master rush towards him, He though that he matched most jounin in speed but this was definitly faster then him, he barely felt the movement, he rushed him with a roundhouse kick, Thankfully cazans reflexes saved him from that blow, He brought his arm up in a kung fu block, blocking the blow with his forearm, although feeling a sting for the blow, but his sensei quickly swung around for a sweep, cazan jumped over the sweep and with a front flip gave a heel drop kick towards his senseis head, he then jumped back and drew Gin and Tonic from his pockets, he slid his fingers into his spiked knuckles, feeling the weight of them on his hands. Cazan then called out to his sensei You dont mind if i use these do you mind if i use these, He smiled and went on the attack this time, Cazan rushed forwards hoping to us his own taijutsu against his masters taijutsu, he rushed forward and delivered a punch to his masters head and quickly spun around for a backfist to his masters mid section, all the while using his spiked knuckles hoping to acutally make contact.



Satoshi grinned as his pupils eyes became wider. It was as he suspected, Satoshi was faster than this chunnin by a good bit. However, the fellow Taijutsu specialist showed impressive reflexes. He was able to block the roundhouse kick and jump over the sweep in a fluid movement. As he jumped, he turned into a front flip, aiming a heel kick toward Sato's head. The Kanetsu member would not be so easily countered though as he thre his arms up to block the kick. He rose to his feet and turned as Cazan landed on the ground strongly. Another surprise came to the Jounin's attention as his student pulled out spiked gloves. Half asking permission to use them, Satoshi responded with a smile. "Sure, you might need them." He teased as he prepared for the next round of combat. Cazan moved forward, striking towards his head. Satoshi quickly moved his head, dodging the attack simply.

As he finished his dodge, he noticed the opponent's other hand coming around for a follow up. It was parallel with the ground and aimed towards his stomach. Smiling, Sato bent back into a matrix like dodge of impressive acrobatics. Using his momentum, he lifted his right foot and rolled his body to the left, hoping to land a solid kick to the enemies' mid section. Doing a barrel roll after the kick was launched, he landed on his feet once his foot returned, landing gracefully. The kick was a distraction in reality, as he simply wanted to make some distance between the two of them. It was time for him to test the boy's ninjutsu skills. He built up the gloriously warm Katon chakra in his lungs and throat, preparing his next attack. After a moment he released fireball after fireball in the chunnin's direction. He made sure to widen the spread of them as he aimed them so that they would be harder to dodge completely. Twenty in total escaped the man's lips before he stopped. If the kid managed to dodge all of the fireballs, Satoshi would be impressed. It was now his move.

Fire Style: Dragon Flame Bomb Training: 2008/2000 COMPLETE

Chakra 260/300:



Cazans attack had been blocked and dodged again, his sensei was good it seemed, Satoshi sensei then delivered a barreling kick to Cazans gut, it connected, thankfully it didnt actually damage anything too much, but it caused cazan some pain and shortness of breath, That hurt i may have a broken rib he thought inwardly to himself as his sensei made a bunch of hand signs and fired out a whack load of little fireballs, cazan had to get around these somehow, so Cazan dropped down and grabbed a 6ft by 6ft orb of earth out of the ground using Kazan no jutsu, and kicked it at his sensei and the moment after ran after the boulder, as such hopefully blocking all the little fireballs with his giant rock acting as a shield for him, (using C rank). the moment the rock came in contact with his master he would twirl into a leaf hurricane, feinting a kick to the head and actually delivering a kick to his ribs hoping to hit with the second kick.
175/200 Chakra
Jutsu used:

Also traning Earth Style Earth tearing palm



Sato's eyes shined with excitement as his kick hand landed, meaning that he still had it. His pupil, Cazan, was surprisingly great at hand to hand combat, meaning that he could be lacking in other areas. An eyebrow was raised after the fireballs were released at the Chunnin, as his student ripped a boulder out of the ground and kicked it towards Sato, effectively blocking his jutsu. "What an interesting tactic." muttered the Jounin as he prepared himself to counter. A jutsu sprung to mind that he had not used in battle yet. It was still a little rough around the edges, but he was confident enough in his own abilities to use it now. Not having to move a muscle, but only concentrating on the chakra in his body, Sato built up chakra and rushed it into the earth below him. As he did so, a large wall of earth surged up in front of him, growing with every second. The jutsu was a success, as he knew it would be. After a moment, a thud was heard against the wall, signalling that the boulder had smashed against the wall without breaking it. It was now time to counter attack.

Using his speed and agility, Satoshi dashed to the right, going around the wall to hopefully catch his student off guard. He formed a few hand signs, ending with the horse and finally the tiger sign. He lifted his hand to his mouth signaling the use of one of his favorite jutsu. Chakra had been previously molded in his chest and throat as he moved so that when his hand reached for his mouth, a large fireball, spewed from it, allowing his hand to guide it's direction. As it rushed forward into the air, it grew in size, heading directly for the fellow squad member. He was confident in the chunnin's ability to dodge and counter, so he knew he would not corner the kid with this simple jutsu, but it was only a lead up to his next technique. He had a plan that even a fellow Jounin would have trouble dodging. His signature Quicklime was about to be entered in to the battle and he was curious as to how the red haired ninja in front of him would handle it.

Earth Release: Earth Style Wall Training: 387/1500

Chakra 225/300:



His giant boulder was efffectivly blocked by a giant mud wall, it seemed that his master was well versed in earth style jutsu as well as as fire style jutsu, though cazan didnt know why he hadnt used the lava of the Kanestsu clan yet, though cazan wasnt really angry about it lava was quite hard to deal with, and it was a bit hot and would melt his earth stlye with relative ease, so he was okay delaing with earth and fire at the moment. But the thought had been intrurupped by a giant flame flying towards him from the side of the wall, Cazan ran around to the other side of the wall knowing that the jutsu would destroy it, hopefully. Directly after he had dodged the jutsu jumped out form behind the wall and flew at his master with a superman punch, then two kicks for his head and a flourish with a backhand to his masters jaw, hoping to make at least one of these punches.



Brown eyes narrowed with admiration as the ninja used the very wall Sato created to block the jutsu. A very smart move indeed. One that he probably would have used in the same situation. With the disappearing of the blind man, Satoshi went into a state of alertness. After only a moment, the ninja jumped out with a series of taijutsu moves. Sato moved quickly as he jumped backwards and spit rubber out of his mouth in the shape of a half circle. Effectively blocking the attack with defensive jutsu would give him the element of surprise with his next attack. Pouncing off the dirt below him, he jumped into the air while forming hand signs. Raising his hand to his mouth, he released two balls of quicklime at the opponent with a cocky smile. One was aimed at the Chunnin's feet while the other was aimed at his head. Cazan would be smart not to get caught in this technique, as it would mean the spar was over. "Now the real challenge begins. Be prepared." Satoshi added as the substance rushed toward the enemy.

Earth Release: Earth Style Wall Training: 573/1500

Chakra 180/300:



Cazan had looked around using his feet as his master jumped into the air and lauched himself into the air as he made handsigns, though Cazan couldnt see him do it, so when he heard the gooey blobs were flying a him, though when he tried to dodge he felt the heavy glob of substance smack him dead in the chest, wrapping it self around his torso area, making his left arm unmovable and his right arm awkward, this wasnt good, his master had used some weird sort of jutsu, he stood up, thanfully the glob had knocked him out of the path of the second one that his sensei had shot, he didnt even know where his sensei was at the moment, due to the hit he had lost where he was in the air, so he had to wait till he landed to continue the fight, and this goo wasnt coming off Cazans arm or torso either, he didnt know where or what it was and this fight had gone south very very fast, though he was still able to use his feet with some skill and he wasnt going to give up on his sensei yet...he stood and listened and felt through the ground to wait for his master to land.
175/200 chakra
OOC~i was going to wait till my jutsu got approved but its taking longer then i thought it would XD



Triumphant in his attack, Satoshi couldn't help but grin once the quicklime landed on his student's chest. He would not harden it, as there was no need. However, this made it extremely hard for the boy to do much in terms of offense. He would most likely switch to a defensive strategy, which was fine. With the quicklime hindering the boy's abilities in taijutsu, there was no need to use up a bunch of chakra. Satoshi could easily rush in and attack with Taijutsu. As Sato landed about ten meters away from Cazan, he immediately dashed forward at impressive speeds. This spar would soon be over unless the pupil had something else up his sleeve. Now at a close combat range, Sat twisted into a side kick aimed at the boy's leg, hoping to cause him to loose balance. He would follow up with a quick left jab headed for the boy's jaw, though he pulled back on his strength. He didn't want to seriously injure the kid, just make it clear that the fight was over. He would finish by jumping over the red-haired shinboi and aiming an axe kick at his back, sending him forward to the ground if it landed.

"The substance I shot you with is called Quicklime and it comes from my Yoton. It basically is similar in concrete, as I can harden it at anytime, further hindering your movements. It is my signature jutsu, as I'm the only ninja in Iwagakure to know it." Satoshi explained once he landed on the ground behind him. He was sure the kid would be confused by the attack, as it was unusual for a shinobi. At least, this would give him some insight on what to expect when they go on missions in the future. "Now, unless you have a way of breaking out of it, I doubt you will have a way of continuing the fight. However, you can continue if you so choose." He said calmly, hoping to see what kind of person this shinobi was. Did he have a huge resolve as a fighter? Was he a strategist that knew when he had lost? These questions would soon be answered as he awaited the Chuunin's next move. If anything, the young ninja was impressive for his rank, and had a lot of potential. Sato was proud to have him as a student.

Earth Release: Earth Style Wall Training: 980/1500



He felt it...his masters feet touched the ground 10 meters away from him, though cazan was pointed the other direction his fighting didnt need him to look at his opponant so he continued looking in that direction as his master came at him fast, if he didnt have good relfexes all of the attacks would have hit, Cazan jump into the air dodging the leg kick with the best of his ablilies and tried to drop down with a heel drop to his senseis leg, though being slowed down by the weird stuff on his chest and arm made it very unlikley that is attack would hit, and if it didnt work his master jab would come in and nail him in the mouth busting open some of his lip and spraying a little blood on the ground, then to make it worse his master left the ground again and though cazan knew where he would be, he didnt know about the kick that was going to slam into his back and send him flying to the ground getting a face full of dirt. He didnt want to give up he couldnt...but he knew that he couldnt move, but he had a last ditch effort, since he was on the ground and it didnt need any hand signs except for touching the ground, he quickly melted into the dirt and went 3 feet undergorund using his B rank level Earth meld jutsu, he then as fast as he could moved himself through the ground to right behind where his sensei would be, he then launched himself out of the ground at his masters back, using the spinning spiral kick, hoping that he could at least impress him master, he knew he wasnt going to win this but he was going to try at least...his master would see how this blind kid fought...
Charka 155/200



Avoiding the heel that his student trying to attack with during the scuff, his attacks landed perfectly. It seemed that the fight was over, but the young ninja had other plans. As he laid on the ground, Satoshi watched as he was absorbed into the earth below. An eyebrow was raised at the kid, what could be planning. After only a few short moments, Sato heard the ground behind him shift as the Chunnin propelled himself in the air, spinning as he kicked the Kanetsu in the back. Surprised by this move, Sato used the momentum to flip mid-air and land on his feet a few meters away. It seemed there was still some fight left in his student. "As you wish." Satoshi said with a chuckle as he threw a couple of hand-signs at lightning fast speeds. He then lifted his hand to his mouth, spewing out bubbles that were originated from lava in his mouth and stomach. Five of them were created and moved rapidly at his opponent, aimed for various parts of the boy's body besides the chest and arm that was covered in quicklime.

Following up the attack, Satoshi jumped into the air, hoping that the boy would loose sense of where the Jounin was. Taking more chakra into his lungs, he spit out several apple sized balls of lava, aiming them at the area around the boy so that his escape routes would be met with attacks as well. one glob for each side of the shinobi, effectively making him have to either counter or block the onslaught of attacks that would come. Landing about 5 meters to the left of where he initially was, he watched to see how the man would deal with such a strategy. Being blind, he knew that it would be hard to guess where all of the attacks would come from, however, he was confident in the Chunnin's abilities. He had managed to land a hit, though it could have been countered. He was going to see just how much versatility Satoshi had as a ninja. The only thing that was concerning is the amount of chakra Satoshi was using because of his use of ninjutsu. That was no matter though, as he could always resort to taijutsu to finish the fight.

Earth Release: Earth Style Wall Training: 1367/1500

Chakra 155/300:



His master hopefully was either surprised or exicited for Cazans re entry into the battle, but Cazan noticed more hand signs being weaved, so he continued pouring more and more chakra into the same jutsu that had gotten him out of his last problem, he dropped to the ground the moment the hand signs were done and melded back into the ground, knowing that whatever jutsu his master was using it would be either painful or crippling in teh fight, so once he went into the ground he started flying towards where his master was located, it was then he noticed that his master had jumped into the air, though at the moment Cazan was quite calm and he could sense the ground much better when he was actually underneath it, so he judged the strength of the jump and the angle of the jump, and thus he flew to that spot as fast as he could and flew out of that spot in an uppercut aimed at his senseis jaw using his still usable hand and hoping to contact him with his spiked knuckle, it would be a repayment for the last few hits that he himself had taken. Right after his uppercut h would land a few feet away, relishing in his clans kekkei genkai for a moment and hoping to score once in this fight...

Chakra 165/200 (maintaining earth meld)



Satoshi watched as the boy disappeared into the ground once more, He smiled while in mid-air. It seemed that this jutsu could be maintained, which is fine. He had more than enough left in the tank to continue on with this fight. He landed, knowing that the Chunnin would try to attack from below again. This time would be different though, as Satoshi was prepared for such an attack. When Cazan spurted up from the ground like a wild plant, he dashed to the left, effectively dodging the spiked knuckle that was aimed at him. Planting his feet, he stopped only a few meters away. He then channeled chakra in his feet and into the ground around him as he used his next jutsu. Within an instant, the ground below them turned into a minefield of lava, effectively making the earth jutsu useless in this fight. He then proceeded to make a half-tiger hand sign, hardening the quicklime that was on the boy's body at the cost of a little chakra. It would now be even harder for the boy to maneuver, as he now had extra weight added on to his body.

Satoshi decided then to watch and see how his student would react. There was no need to be overly offensive when he could react to his next move.

Earth Release: Earth Style Wall Training: 1591/1500 Complete

Chakra 125/300:



Suddely cazan saw through the ground and noticed a change, a very hot change the ground beneathth and around him start to sprout lava, Cazan dodged the first crack in the ground just as his gooey cast turned into solid rock or cement of some sort, causing him to fall down smack the ground beneath him and sending his cast arm into a fissure of lava, and successly melting it, and melting some of his arm with it, he jumped out of the lava and shook his arm wildly, this lava was extremly painful and had melted most of the skin and severly burnt his hand and arm, it was burnt and bleeding and painful, though he had been in worse pain, this was close though his arm was only covered in small pieces of the heavy concrete like substance, though he wouldnt be able to use his arm either way, it was time for him to make his attack, Cazan ran at his Sensei injured arm dangling beside him, thanfully he hadnt lost his Spiked knuckle in the lava, he quickly put it in his pouch and continued at his sensei though the area being hard to navigate around, he had to jump and hop over ledges of Lava and dodge the little rivers of it, once he got near his sensei, he channeled his charka into his fist and flew forward with all of his speed and might, using crushing rock blow right at his masters chest area, then quickly swinging up his foot and kicking at his senseis head with his right heel in a roundhouse, then if his master would try and get away from where Cazan was using his taijutsu, he wouldnt let him, Cazan would not let the distance between him and Satoshi Sensei grow at all this was going to be in his strong point, he would pursue him with as many kicks as he could, first a straight kick to the chest, then a spinning shoulder round house kick followed by a jab to the mouth and spinning into a back fist, flourishing off with a spinning feint to the head and into a kick into his Gut, all the time following his sensei if he were to try and make any distance between them...this would go his way he was burned and in pain, he wouldnt lose this bad...



He watched the boy try to adjust to the magma fields, but simply couldn't once the quicklime hardened. He fell into a magma crack with his arm, burning the quicklime off and some of his skin. He was now seriously injured and needed medical attention. Surely he would stop the fight. After getting up and getting the magma off, Cazan turned and charged at Satoshi wildly. He was aiming to go into close quarters combat after such an injury? It was way too far. This was just a training session, didn't he understand that? "THAT IS ENOUGH. This training session is over. You need medical attention. I didn't intend for you to get hurt in that way or that badly. I apologize." He said hoping to talk some sense into the kid. He jumped into the air as well, just to make sure the boy couldn't pursue any further. Using the magma below, he created a platform of lava high in the air. It cooled almost instantly, making a large pillar of stone. "You have fought well. Stop fighting, I am more than impressed at you're ability and resolve. Now, go get some medical help at the hospital. I have a mission to attend to." With these words, he then disappeared into a cloud of smoke, using the body flicker technique.

[Exit Thread]

Chakra 115/300:



His master had stopped the fight due to his injuries, that was a silly thing he thought, but he listened to his master and the moment he stopped he bowed deeply to his master, and said, Im glad that i impressed you but my hand is fine, and i should be going to the sightseeing cliffs for more training, ill go to the hospital after that if it please you Sensei he put his hands together in the bowing form which caused him great pain, and opened up his hand and made it start to bleed a little bit, he waited there for a moment and then said one more thing, The next mission i would like to go on with you if possible sensei, only if you would have me that was when his sensei left in a body flicker, he had thoroughly enjoyed that fight and had a deep respect for Satoshi at this moment and wanted one day to be able to beat him, he probably wouldnt be able to but it was a dream worth striving for, he stood there for a few more minutes after his sensei left, thinking on what just went on, and getting ready for more strong fist training, that was when h fainted, from pain or exhaustion he knew not but when he awoke later on, he would take a small trip to the hospital...his Master was right...
Wordcount 2044
1000/1000 Dancing Leaf shadow
1044 toward NInjutsu training

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