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Kagayaki Inuzuka

Kagayaki Inuzuka

Kagayaki's eyes slowly widened as streams of light cracked through the blinds. Seconds passed as the Shinobi tried to ignore this, beginning to grow irritated due to keen sight. He felt Hewai stretch out at the bottom of the bed, realizing he had accidentally woke him up. "Well..." sighed Kagayaki, glimpsing down towards the pup. "I guess there's no point in lying around, especially today. Isn't that right, Hewai?" Like always, Hewai never agreed with waking up early. Kagayaki adjusted himself, his pup grunting due to the movement. He plopped himself on to his feet, using his arms to push himself off. The Inuzuka took several footsteps forward, peering into the mirror on his wall. His bright blue eyes drooped, luckily there were no signs of bags. His eyes scanned his facial's structure, seeing whether his complexion was well enough for the day. Everything seemed well other than the Shinobi's hair, so Kagayaki decided to take a full-on shower.

Twenty minutes passed before the boy leaped out of the shower, drying himself thoroughly before wrapping himself up. Again, Kagayaki walked over to the mirror, this time ecstatic about his full-out facial appearance. His left hand unravelled the towel off of his waist, moving the cloth-fabric towards his hair. Since Kagayaki's hair was unnaturally thin, only a few strokes with the towels was necessary. With the same hand, his flick wristed to the left of the Shinobi, the towel landing into the laundry hamper. Kagayaki shuffled through the confined spaced called his closet, grasping onto his headband first. He'd place one sinde in each hand, tying it losely around his neck. He extended his right arm back into the closet, grasping onto a black T-shirt with the Inuzuka symbol on the back. After getting completely changed, Kagayaki made his way for the door. Suddenly, the shinobi came to a sudden halt in his footsteps, contemplating momentarily. "Today will be my first mission... I can't wait to see how it's going to turn out." Smirked Kagayaki, finishing up his daily rituals before leaving.

Clouds passed slowly as the outside breeze brushed against Kagayaki's hair. A warm sensation grew in the Shinobi, peering over towards the Hills. His eyes locked onto the location, destined to get there as fast as possible. Again, the Inuzuka contemplated to himself. "Perhaps if I arrive early, the leader of this mission will be ectastic." A grin appeared nearly ear-to-ear on the individuals face, enjoying the sound of his idea. With that over and done with, Kagayaki pushed off of his balcony. His body spiralled several times through the air, earth approaching him faster each and every second. Within the last second, the Shinobi clasped his hands together in order to maintain chakra flow. His feet started to glow, chakra basically brimming from the palms of his feet. Kagayaki attempted to coat his feet in order to embrace impact. Dust flew up in several directions, almost coating the individual after impact. Whimpers approximately 20 feet above the Inuzuka seemed to be getting louder with each second passing, Hewai falling to his dismay. Even if the situation seemed terrifying, Kagayaki tried to keep calm, extending both of his arms in the air. The force of the eight pound dog crashed into the Shinobi's already opened hands, causing discomfort to both his wrists. "A-ck! D-damnit... Hewai" mumbled Kagayaki, slowly placing his pet onto the ground. "You're getting heavy, I guess that's something I should have expected with your recent eating habits." Another smile appeared on Kakayaki's face, Hewai's facial expression growing into an unpleasant glare. A "Hmph" like noise emitted from the pup, turning around in order to face the opposite direction. The Inuzuka sighed, resting his left hand against the back of his head. "Oh come on Hewai, you know you're possibly one of the fastest Canine's around. Enough with the childish attitude, you're three years of age. Come, we have a mission to attend to." Kagayaki shifted his weight around his left foot's ball, changing his current direction. The Shinobi waited moments for Hewai to negotiate, however the pup ignored Kagayaki's desire. This wasn't the first time the canine has acted up, however it doesn't fool his master. "Right then, while I'm off taking care of 'bad boys' you can rest at home without me." With that, the Shinobi started walking away, Hewai following behind his footsteps.

Several guards greeted Kagayaki and Hewai as they passed through the gates, showing them the slip specifying their mission. The boy asked if any of the guards heard of any other team members passed through yet. Luckily, the Inuzuka was the first one to reach the gate so far. "Yes!" Thought Kagayaki, trying his hardest not to show his pride. "I'll be the first on there, this will definitely show how determined I am." Both the two thanked the guards, finally making their way outside of Konohagakure no Sato. Kagayaki glimpsed to his right, seeing a sign specifying the different routes of Hi no Kuni. In seconds, his eyes locked onto the Rolling Hills, deciding that it must be the path. Under the sign stated the estimated arrival time, approximately one hour, GREAT. The Inuzuka however was at an advantage, having his reliable companion to keep him company for the entire way.

The location specified on the mission scroll was stated to be nearly fifty meters away from Kagayaki's proximity, currently concealing himself within the forestry. He glanced around momentarily, noting the surroundings in the back of his head. Even if the Shinobi didn't spot anyone, the camp was nearly impossible to miss. The first sign Kagayaki discovered was the smoke from their camp-fires. After walking five minutes into the bush, ran down bushes and garbage was noticed almost instantaneously. Yet, the largest distinctive clue the Inuzuka picked up on was the aroma of food, as if the bandit's had their own personal chef. "Damn... That smells good, doesn't it Hewai?" Whispered Kagayaki, Hewai nodding his head in hunger. The Shinobi sat down onto his rear, awaiting for his fellow team members.
Word Count: 1048

Last edited by Kagayaki Inuzuka on Mon Jan 13, 2014 5:04 pm; edited 2 times in total

Inuzuka Kiyo

Inuzuka Kiyo

Today had been the day, not any ordinary day, but a specific day. The day that all shall rejoice in the art of killing and slaughtering of throats, it was all the best sensation for an Inuzuka to use their claws and teeth, such as Kiyo. Though, there may have as well been some small flaws within the plan, based on how this day would go. Who knew, Kiyo could die on this very day if he wasn't careful of his choices, but in the end he would die in piece. Not knowing whether to be careful, or loud and destructive was really a problem Kiyo had had though.

Looking out of a bare window frame, Kiyo had watched the little children play outside, as if they had been so innocent. But really, everyone has done or committed something they weren't very proud of. These words had been spoken from the same person that had felt something as shameful and horrible in the past, the words of a true murderer. Though, based on the horrific event, never again did Kiyo refrain to such bad options. Kiyo had become someone better than his father, his old-self, he had become a proud shinobi of Konohagakure. Truly, it was a great honor to be a shinobi of such a victorious village, being able to be called an hero. Not everything had seemed the way it was though, so of course he insisted that someday Konohagakure would fall, but with pride. Noticing how sunny the sky had been, nearly blinding his eyes. The young Inuzuka had hated the whole mere fact of light, but he had to bere with it for a single day. Kiyo had noticed that one of the kids had fell on their knee, scraping it. For some reason though, Kiyo had the feeling to laugh, and so he did. Though he laughed so hard and loud, the kids had noticed that he was watching. Quickly, Kiyo ducked so he wouldn't be noticed and stayed on the lonely ground, curled up. Though, the young shinobi wasn't so lonely, after all he had Hakuseki, his canine partner to keep him company. Hakuseki had walked over slowly, but carefully, curling up right beside Kiyo, and winning in a sorry manner. Kiyo smiled, and patted Hakuseki's soft skin. Then almost immediately he got up from the ground, stretching in all directions. Kiyo had assumed it was about time he headed out to meet his companions for their mission. After all, Kiyo hadn't wanted to be the late one for his first mission.

The young Inuzuka had been quite the lazy one, not noticing his odor or his surroundings at his abandoned place. So he insisted he had to take a shower.
'Stay here Hakuseki, I will be back. he said, but of course Hakuseki started barking in anger, and Kiyo had to quickly silent him before the kids noticed he was actually there. Heading towards his cramped room, Kiyo noticed a lot of mess everywhere, so it was going to be hard to fine something decent too wear. Peaking through his closest, drawers, piles of clothing, etc. he noticed it was hopeless. He came to the conclusion he had to whip out the big stash, which was his off-limits clothing. These type of clothing had been safely locked away inside a box, and he never touched it until now. Managing to find the key for this box, he stared upon its fine designs. Touching its soft fabric, he put the key into the slot. Once he turned it, it made a rather loud clicking sound, making him want to undo the whole process. Pulling out a good loose konohagakure t-shirt, he smiled. After finding his towel as well, he headed into the bathroom, singing, shaving, and brushing his teeth. Washing his hair had been a waste of time, because some how that had been super clean.

After Kiyo had returned out of the shower, loads of stream had irrupted from the shower, creating a very smoky effect as if his whole small apartment had been on fire. Though Hakuseki had been extremely happy, and so was Kiyo. Hakuseki had been a best friend and partner to Kiyo ever since he was little, and shared every little experience with him. The young Inuzuka instantly put on his konohagakure t-shirt and pants, as he noticed he was running extremely late. Hakuseki had been extremely pumped up, and so had been Kiyo. Racing out his little apartment from the back way entrance, he whistled for Hakuseki to come, and so he did. They both had ran at an imense speed, creating a smokey pathway of dirt.

The two partners hadn't even been close too the Konohagakure gate, but Kiyo had insisted he had to get there on time. Because of this he had to pump up the speed, and sadly Hakuseki hadn't been as fast. Nearly leaving Hakuseki in his dust, Kiyo turned around and picked his loving canine up, struggling to carry him and nearly made it in time to the Konohagakure gate. Putting him down, he rested for a short second before encountering the guards that had been stationed there for the whole day. Walking up too one of the guards that had been wearing a konohagakure flak jacket, he smiled.
"Has any of my companions pass through these gates by any chance?" he asked politely.

"Only one, Kagayaki Inuzuka." the old man had sad firmly.

The blonde haired shinobi had been very pleased to hear that only one of his teammates had made it to the Rolling Hills. As he passed through the gates, he saw a sign that indeed had given a lot of locations towards different area outside of the Konohagakure Gates. Spotting it almost instantly, he noticed the "Rocking Hills" in an upward west arrow formation. Heading that way, he quickly zoomed passed the tree and bushes, but he noticed a very similar smell.

" couldn't be.." he mumbled. Could Kiyo had been smelling another Inuzuka?

He noticed something must have been messed up or going on from the fat that Hakuseki had been acting wildly crazy as they both ran through the woods and trees. Kiyo stopped for a second, smelling around to see if he could sense the same smell again, and so he did. Slowly walking, he had saw the group of bandits, and across them a bunch of bushes that the smell had been coming from. It had been a risky decision, but he had to cross all the way through the outside part of the bandit camp, because of this smell. Tip-toeing and nearly breaking a sweat, Kiyo had reached the other side of the bandit camp, but stepped on a twig. The bandits surely did noticed, and inspected the bushes, but then went back to laugh and talking as they were. Turning around, Kiyo was nearly in shock, this smell had indeed been another Inuzuka, but his partner.

"So tell me, are you hiding here because of the smell of food, or is it to camp out the bandits?" he smirked. This was the question of a life time, because him hismelf was getting sort of hungry, and there and then it began to rain hard.

Wordcount: 1187/1500




Reag stood at attention in the interim Hokage’s office, wishing that his Sensei wasn’t out fighting a war in Kiri. Truly, he missed his Hokage-sensei, and the current jounin commander was an ill substitute for the charismatic leader. Unlike his team, and village, leader, this interim commander was completely useless at his job. For example, the woman had begun this meeting with pleasantries. Pleasantries! Did she not know how valuable a shinobi’s time was? Did she not know how important it was that he continue to work towards his next promotion, all the better to impress Mitsuhide? Did she not understand how annoying it was to wake up five hours earlier than usual? However, all of these reasons paled in comparison to the Big Problem. Of course, he was use to performing B ranked missions. Hell, he had even earned his field promotion during one. However, baby-sitting green genin during one would test his patience like nothing else.

With a quick flip of his wrists, he opened the dossier on his charges. His face fell further when he read the identities of his charges: two Inuzuka’s, both without a mission to their name or a kill under their belt. He would be playing proctor to them during their first kill, a tradition passed around all the shinobi villages. Quietly, he closed the personnel dossier, and opened the mission file. Atleast this would be simple enough. A single jounin ANBU would be shadowing them, with direct orders not to interfere unless absolutely necessary. That took the young wire users mind off of the horrible idea of having to watch each of his charges every move. Flipping the page, he took in the mission objectives. Simple enough: Sixteen D ranked bandits to dispose of. He just had to make sure that his charges got at least one kill each.

Closing the file, Reag saluted his commander, and left the office. Quickly checking his watch, he noted the time. If he kept up his standard speed, he would have about half an hour of ‘free’ time before he would have to leave for the rendezvous point. He would have to gather some additional equipment for this job. A short stop to his apartment would solve his munitions issues. Rapidly rummaging through his own drawers, the wire using chuunin began to arm himself to the teeth. Chances where that whoever informed the two Inuzuka children about this mission did not mention the fact that significant amounts of force would be needed. As such, he packed a few extra bladed weapons, just in case. He would give the dagger to one of them, and possibly his Kopis to the other. Hopefully, they would understand the concept of ‘swing it at their heads’.

Once again checking his watch, Konoha’s future hang-man began to make his way to the village’s eastern exit. A quick inquiry later, and he was aware that his charges where already headed towards the meet up point. Good. That kind of behavior showed initiative and a positive attitude, both key abilities for prospective chuunin. With a smile, Reag picked up his own pace, as to arrive in a timely manner. It was important to show the ‘youngins’ how to act. The fact that Reag was only about six months older than them never crossed his mind. Within three fourths of an hour, the last practitioner of The Dance arrived near the rendezvous. In the distance, he could make out the glint of two metal sheets. It would appear that was where his charges where hiding. He would have to remind them to watch out for that kind of stuff.

As quietly as he could, he approached the two waiting Genin, careful not to make his presence known. They were upwind of him, so the famed Inuzuka sense of smell would not help them in this regard, though the wind did bring about the smell of roasted meat. It would seem the sixteen bandits where having a little party, most likely to celebrate their latest haul. Reag stopped when he was a few feet from his charges, and put on his mask. It was his favorite piece of equipment, hiding his face and giving him a very intimidating appearance. The young chuunin had won it at a festival, hosted in another dimention. It was a bizzar event in itself, what with the demons and Yuki-onna that had chased him around. Still, he remembered it fondly.

Taking another step forward, the masked Chuunin spoke quietly. “Good afternoon, Inuzuka Genin. I am Taira Reag, your commanding officer for this exersize.” Calmly, Reag nodded, before continuing. “The objective of today’s excersize is simple. We will be eliminating the sixteen bandits inside this camp. None of them have formal training, and should be easy pickings for us. The plan itself is simple. I will enter the camp pretending to be a lost ‘child’, and attempt to draw them in. The signal to commence your own attacks will be when I ‘lift’ several bodies into the air. Sound simple enough? I am allowing you the operational freedom to deal with the foes how you see fit.” With another nod, the masked Chuunin began to remove various weapons from his person.

He unhooked his Kopis from his belt, and tossed it to the older of the two Inuzuka’s. Moving to his wrist, he pulled out a small blade, handing it to the younger one. Finally, he removed his mask and placed it into his jacket pocket. With a smile, he asked: “Ready? Good. Lets get you two inducted into the ninja corps properly.”

With that statement, the wire using chuunin’s face flipped into a look of utter despair. Turning around, he walked towards the camp, quietly ‘crying’ the entire time, while apply a henge to himself, making him look to be about eight years old. Of course, this alerted the bandits, nine of whom where conveniently huddled around the fire. They approached the crying ‘child’ with confusion, not quite sure what to make of him. Seconds later, his chakra enhanced wires lifted nine bodies into the air, slicing their throats, and bleeding out their lives.

B Ranked Mission: 1025/1500
RP Notes: Nine of the bandits have been eliminated. The two 'leaders' are still at large.

Kagayaki Inuzuka

Kagayaki Inuzuka

Kagayaki's ears caught onto the echo of the man's footsteps before him, however his attention was directed to the bandits. The boy assumed that Hewai was simply taking a few steps back in order to use the bathroom, that is until the voice of another Inuzuka ringed inside of his ears. Instantly, Kagayaki twisted his body in order to gain a new perspective of the proximity, facing his older relative. A large sigh emitted from both Kagayaki and Hewai, startled momentarily. "Jesus, I didn't even pick up on you." Stated the Shinobi, resting his hand onto his beating heart. His eyes moved down towards Hewai, both slowly squinting at the pup. "I guess the smell was too much for Hewai to comprehend, seeing that he never picked up on you either." Like previously, the dog simply glared at Kagayaki, trying to ignore his witty attitude. A moment passed before glimpsing up to the Inuzuka, answering his question after his nerves settled down. "I'd have to say a little bit of both, I must say this aroma is heart-warming... However, as I'm sure you've put together our current situation." Kagayaki's face went back to its usual serious appearance, preparing to elaborate the current situation.

"You see, I decided to come early in order to gain a better perspective of the situation." Kagayaki lied, seeing that his true purpose of leaving early was in order to get the leader on his side. "After noticing the black smoke in the proximity, I began to sneak through the forestry in order to keep secretive. Garbage and ran-down bushes appeared side-to-side, so I went with my instincts and continued to move on. Once the angelic aroma of food hit both Hewai and I's nostrils we couldn't resist the temptation of getting closer. Now here we are, estimated fifty meters away from the proximity..." A large drop of rain landed in the epicenter of Kagayaki's forehead, stopping him in mid sentence. The individual glanced into the sky, realizing that it's beginning to rain. Hewai ran between his rested legs, trying to take cover. "Great, this will surely effect our sense of smell. However, we can use the smoke on the bandit's clothes in order to pin-point them." Three bandits left the camp-fire, walking towards what seems to be their burn pile. Two of the men grasped onto multiple logs, the last practitioner watching their backs. Just as Kagayaki contemplated on attacking, a child's voice emitted in his porximity. To his dismay, the individual was already masked and ready to go. It took everything Kagayaki had to maintain the thought of screaming out loud, however with the direness of the situation the shinobi proved to be succesful. "Dear lord..." Panted Kagayaki, grasping onto his chest yet again. "We haven't even attempted the mission, and my nerves are already shot." As weird as it seemed for the Inuzuka, all the individual could do was laugh silently.

The Shinobi began to elaborate himself, specifying that he's the leader of the mission. The Inuzuka noted the child's name, let alone the size of his structure. The Shinobi found it astonishing that such an individual could be classified the current rank he is now. However, Kagayaki didn't allow his ignorance to completely over-whelm him, contemplating the boy's talents. Taira Reag continued to specify the meaning of the mission, stating that we must take down each individual bandit. At first, the thought was dreaded on Kagayaki's behaf, until he specified the lack of training they consist of. Before he could answer to the Shinobi, he threw both Inuzuka's weaponry. Kagayaki grasped onto the small blade, noting the size to be large enough to kill an individual. "Thank you, I'll be sure to keep our blade in it's current condition" promised the boy, glaring into the eye holes of the mask.

As Taira questioned both Shinobi whether they're ready, Kagayaki nodded. The child didn't agree with killing innocence, however the convey was the least bit innocent. Stealing from merchants, assaulting one another as if it's a normal day routine. Such filth couldn't be comprehended as human-beings. In an instant, the leader gave his signal. He had explained to both Inuzuka's that he'd attempt to play off his complexion for a child, lost in the wilderness. He specified to strike AFTER the Shinobi had made his move. With that said, Taira made his descent into the opening. He pretended to cry, as if he was a lost cause. The bandits around the camp-fire stumbled upon the crying child, contemplating what on earth he was doing in the wilderness. "Get ready Hewai, climb onto my back and prepare for Combination 'Three Headed Dragon." Hewai nodded to this, jumping onto Kagayaki's back. His claws dug into the shirt in order to cling to his master, preparing to move at high speeds. As soon as Taira sent several bandits, approximately nine into the air the Inuzuka decided to make his move. He looked back to the burn pile, realizing that they haven't quite caught onto the situation. "Here's my chance!" Yelled Kagayaki, lunging towards the group Eight meters to the left of Taira.

Dust spat up from Kagayaki's previous location, leaping into the opening at unbelievable speeds for a Genin. One could estimate the Shinobi moving at speeds of 25 miles per hour, slightly increasing momentum by the second. Before impact, the boy maintained his chakra into the blade given by Taira himself. "Look out below, you sadistic freaks!" shrieked Kagayaki, ramming one of the bandits who had their hands full with wood. The top of his foot smashed into the side of his neck, the momentum being enough force to give his opponent temporary damage. Both Kagayaki's feet impaled the ground around the bandit, the two other bandit's watching in shock. In an instant, Hewai leaped off of his back at the other bandit with his hands full. The canine dug his claws nearly an inch into his face, clamping onto his nose with his own mouth. Just as Kagayaki noticed the weight difference on his back, he sent himself towards the all ready prepared bandit, the small blade coated in chakra contained in his right hand. However, Taira was right. These individuals didn't have a clue in close-combat, let alone how to fight in general. With ease, Kagayaki dodged multiple punches, using the momentum of the last punch to his advantage. The bandit threw his weight into a haymaker, missing the speedy Shinobi horribly. As his weight moved forwad, Kagayaki rammed the tip of the blade into the individual's neck. With the benefit of chakra, the blade easily passed through the skin, tearing roughly into the muscle. Again, the bandit tried to his the Kagayaki, however this time he proved to be successful due to Kagayaki's divided attention. Luckily, the individual was hurt to a great extent, leaving the Inuzuka with a slight bump on his forehead. With one last push, Kagayaki felt the blade push all the way through, tearing multiple veins instantaneously. Chokes grew violent from the bandit, blood beginning to fill the inside of his throat before being kicked backwards. Kagayaki understood the situation he was in, turning around  to the sight of the first bandit running over to the other.

He grasped onto the dog, trying to rip Hewai clean off the individuals face. Bad mistake. The bandit's eyes widened due to a sharp pain in the back of his neck, ignorant of the child's well-being. Again, The Inuzuka used his weight in order to press the blade deeper into the bandit's neck, however the processes proved be slower than before due to no chakra coating on the blade. Luckily for Kagayaki, the individual couldn't throw any hits due to the positioning of the two. After the Shinobi realized the blade wasn't going any deeper, Kagayaki yanked down onto the blade. Thus, causing a large cut amongst the bandit's neck. As his grip grew loose on Hewai, so did his grasp on the last bandit. Hewai leaped back to his master, Kagayaki already winding up his blade for yet another attack. "Bet'chu didn't see this coming!" Grinned the boy, the bandit's eyes opening to his dismay. Before the man could even react, the sound of logs hitting the ground filled Kagayaki's ears. Since the child had time to aim his attack, he directed the blade into the center of the man's chest. Not a lot of force was needed, seeing that the blade skimmed his opponent. This however, proved to be good as the blade skimmed against the bone before finding a pocket. Kagayaki watched as his opponents eyes drooped, the blade finally being lodged into his chest. The Inuzuka attempted to pull the blade, slightly warping it due to impact. However, the difference wouldn't be more than a five degrees. In moments, the blade finally dislodged from the corpse. Disgusted, Kagayaki flicked the blood off the blade in order to prevent staining. "Good Job, Hewai!" Kagayaki awarded Hewai before looking over into the right area of the proximity. "I guess the rest lies in everyone else's hands..."

Wordcount: 1577
Total Wordcount: 2625
Chakra: 145/150
Item Reinforcing Technique (5 Points of Chakra.):

Last edited by Kagayaki Inuzuka on Sun Jan 12, 2014 9:12 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Forgot to space out a paragraph. / Forgot Chakra / Wordcount)

Inuzuka Kiyo

Inuzuka Kiyo

These kids had just been truly unbelievable, using such silly plans to lure the bandits into their 'trap'. But to his dismay, Kiyo had noticed that the first one to go out had been Taira Reag. This insolent little brat had actually managed to lure in nine stupid bandits, all into one. Such idiots they were, since they had no clue what had been coming to them. What had been in front of these dumb-founded bandits, was the devil himself. The killer of all things you could say, but Reag seemed as if he didn't care whether they died or not. Despicable it was, and speechless Kiyo grew. He knew to wait until Reag had attempted his attack, for himself and his fellow Inuzuka friend to do the same. Indeed Reag attack was rather bothersome, being that he kills in such a silent manner. Out of no where it had seemed strings lifted up these nine bandits, basically slicing their necks in silent. Pitiful, he showed no true emotion of killing. After that it had truly been the other Inuzuka kids turn, and his battle had been rather boring. Kiyo, had decided to himself he had to show this idiots how it was truly done, how to truly kill with showing affection for these soon to be dead capsules. The young Inuzuka had been thinking smart after-all, and eh decided to go for the jack pot. Deeper into the camp, he walked, Hakuseki following him in his trail. By the smell of the bandits that had laid ahead, there had been around possible five of them. This had been no problem for Kiyo, and he simply continued walking with a grin on his face. Neither had he been fully prepared, he hadn't had a weapon or anything out, just his bare hands inside his pockets. Kiyo had no worries for others attacking him, hopefully because these people would be dead by now anyway.

Kiyo had reached the mere end of the camp, and spotted a huge tent that had been casting shadows inside. he suspected it must have been the bandits he sensed from before, and insisted to inspect the conversation.

"Oh man, what could be that loud raucous out there, it is quite irritating." said one of the men.

"It is rather quite in my opinion." said another.

This had personally ticked of Kiyo, thinking that one of them said it had been 'quite.' This had not been acceptable. No, no it was not acceptable at all. Immediately, he knew what he had to do. Kiyo had the duty and every right to cause destruction to what had been in-front of him. And with a quick, though he begin his attack.

"Kubirikase no jutsu." he said within his head, letting his bare hands touch the ground. Then, out of a flash, doton shackles appeared from the ground entrapping the three voices that had been heard inside. By the looks of it, they were surely in for it. Indeed this jutsu could be used in different manners, but this was the perfect time to burst out what he had in store. From the side of the tenet, he easily walked himself to the front-and-center of the tent, where he could spot the bandits themselves. They had looked rather weak, but in the end it didn't entirely matter. Kiyo himself laughed inf-front of the bandits, the way the shackles had trapper their arms, legs, torso, and neck. It had been rather funny to him.

"Pathetic fools." he said before finally returning to his normal state. "I guess I better end your lives about now.." he insisted, so he wouldn't waste time of course. Approaching the three bandits that had laid in front of him, he said only one thing before finally ending their lives.


With that being said, in a fast fashion, he stabbed the Kunai Reag had given him, into each of their heads, then made an "X" across their face to symbolize himself, truly remarkable. Of course Hakuseki hadn't been around the time of killing, because personally Kiyo thought that his companion was ready for battle, but not as much for killing. Kiyo himself didn't want Hakuseki to see him in such a bloody state until he was ready for it. Being said, Hakuseki wiped the blood stains that had gotten onto him on the solid ground.

"Annoying." he said walking out of the tent.

All that had truly been left was the two leaders that Kiyo had sensed far up ahead, boy couldn't he wait. As said, he continued walking slowly towards the leaders, he couldn't wait.


Wordcount: 1500/1500

Training Seijutsu C > B - Wordcount: 457/2000



At this moment in time, Reag wished he smoked. It just felt like exactly the right thing to do in this situation. After all, what was more awesome than casually flipping open a lighter and breathing in smoke while nine corpses dropped to the ground around you? With a mental sigh, the young Konoha wire master settled for something a little less flashy, but no less ‘badass’. Carefully, he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out his pseudo ANBU mask. The kid was really fond of the extra-dimensional mask. He had picked it up during a Yokai festival, and he had stuck with it since. Over time, he had changed it from its original blank white to a grey checkered pattern, with black highlights; Perfect for stealth or intimidation. Carefully affixing it to his face, the Chuunin let the nine bodies around him fall to the ground, removing the wires that bound their necks to the trees.
At least that part of the plan had worked well. The biggest danger to his Genin charges would be if three or four of the bastards ganged up them. Now that possibility was eliminated, leaving ample time for the two younglings. Assuming they didn’t freeze up, they would be able to easily find and neutralize one of the poorly trained bandits. If they did freeze, it wouldn’t be a problem either. Hell, for most of the civilian children, it was almost expected to happen. Reag would step in and take out the hostile, leading to a ‘failed’ mission for the Genin. Not that it would go on their record. The Jounin commander would give them a talk, they would see a psych, and repeat the mission; No harm, no foul. In a sense, this was a class room, and he was the teacher.
Moving his head, the leaf shinobi tried to track down the two Genin he had be tasked with escorting. It took him a second to find the first of them, as he had been hiding in a tree. Reag had only noticed the kid when he had dropped from it, apparently talking the entire time. Odd habit, that. The Chuunin frowned, making a mental note to put that in his mission report. The kid’s Jounin team leader would have to be aware of his charges quirks, after all. Plus, if it was in the middle of a proper combat senerio, talking like that could be fatal. What if they were fighting a high reaction enemy who functions via echolocation? It was one of the reasons seamless ninjutsu techniques had become so coveted: They could be performed silently. It was why the Rasengan was the ultimate assassination technique, not the Chidori.
The leaf Chuunin continued to watch as his Inuzuka charge made quick work of his foes, with quick attacks, jabs, slashes, bites, claws, and kicks. It was interesting to see how the wolf clan fought: Tooth and nail. Plus, the ningen was no slouch either, effectively supporting his team mate in dispatching his foes in a timely and effective manner. One could almost say it was poetic, though Reag wouldn’t go that far. Still, there were problems. For one, the wolf kid had used the dagger incorrectly, leading to a slight warp. Not unfixable, but it was an afternoons worth of effort. The academy should have trained them in proper blade usage, but, strictly speaking, that wasn’t the Genin’s fault. He would have to write a formal complaint to the head of the academy later. In addition, the first Inuzuka seemed reluctant to engage his foes with ninjutsu, focusing primarily on a melee battle.
Turning to his right, Reag took in the other wolf kid. This kid was a little more troubling though. He had caused shackles to appear from the ground, losing his element of surprise. He could hear the shouts that they were causing, no doubt alerting the final two bandit’s to the presence of the group. This would be a problem. The dossier had stated to avoid allowing the Genin to engage with the leaders of this group, and the shouting was sure to draw the attention of the two group leaders. The worst part was that the other Inuzuka kid wasn’t even finishing his foes off quickly. Instead of a quick strike to the throat with the Kopis he had lent him, he was trying to slash into their faces, leading to excessive blood and noise. The Chuunin mentally swore: He would now have to protect the kid from the leaders, rather than take them on solo.
Then the worst part struck the team leader. This wolf kid was enjoying this far too much. As he continued to approach, he noted that the dossier he had received on this one made no mention of psychopathic tendencies, yet this was what he was seeing right there. Problematic. Finally, he had reached the kid. Frowning under his mask, Reag spoke. “Damn it kid, you really did a number on them. Tad loud for my tastes and you seem to have woken up the big bads.” Quickly, he looked over his shoulder and motioned for the other Inuzuka to join them, before continuing his talk. “Also, why in Kami’s name did you carve into them? Go for the soft bits, not the hardest bit of bone on the body.” He paused for a second, wondering if he should bring up the psychopathy he though he saw.
Deciding against it, he continued to speak. “Ok, look kids. The big guys are on their way here. They call themselves ‘Assault’ and ‘Battery’. Unfortunately, unlike the trash you fought here, these two are trained soldiers; runaways from the lords army. Do not engage alone. Do not move ahead of me. Do not, under any circumstances, enter direct melee range with them.” Reag narrowed his eyes at this, almost knowing his orders would be ignored. “They can, and will, crush your skull with their hammers. One direct hit from either of them will put you out of the fight and or kill you. Support however you cab, but leave the direct fighting to me. Any Questions?”

Word Count: 1025 (1500/1500 B ranked Mission. 550/1500 B ranked Mission 2: Electric Boogalo)

Inuzuka Kiyo

Inuzuka Kiyo

OOC: Skipping Kagayaki, as it has been more then six days. I am currently working on my post, but if he manages to get a post in before me, so be it.

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