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Ninjas being sent to find lizards, this is what the world is being brought to, was necis thoughts on his  next mission, though he would do the mission well and fast, there were other missions that were actually fit for a ninja though it seemed that the Kazekage needed him to do this menial task unfourtunetly, because the Kaze sent a letter instead of telling or asking him. He got himself dressed in casual clothes, all of which were red and black, he then strapped on his Arakh though he doubted that he would need it on this mission, he was to go and talk to some old lady whoes pet iguana had run off when the door had been left open, and he was to go and fetch it where ever it was, it probably hadnt gone far in any case, it probably just wanted some fresh air and was chilling around the house waiting to be found and brought back.

Neci arrived at the old ladys house around 12pm, it was a simple looking house with two open front windows that at the moment were slightly ajar, which meant that was how the damned lizard got out of her house, though he would end up talking to the owner of the house and tell them to always keep the windows shut when the cage was not closed. Neci walked into the house and looked around, he saw the old lady sitting in a chair waiting for him and he also saw the cage that the lady used for her lizard, it was a nice sized cage, though the front door of it was opened, and that fact alone adding on to the fact that the windows were opened really showed this ladies intelligence quite badly.
he would have to ask her what happened and whatnot.



As it turned out the old lady didnt have much info for him regarding the lizard, all she had to tell him was that it was gone and that she knew it wasnt in the house, which he already knew form the mission breifing that he was already given, though he had guessed that that was all he was going to be told, so he then walked over to the lizard cage and looked at it, looking for any slight tracks or things that would give away where the lizard, and he was right to do so for he found a few little claw prints that lead from inside the cage to the outside the cage in the direction of the window, though the tracks ended shortly after they left the cage due to the stone shelf not making any tracks, but Neci followed the direction that they would go if they were going straight, which leaf him outside and there the tracks continued int he sand. The tracks lead right around the house into an alley way, and what was at the end of the alleyway, it was the small green little lizard laying down on the ground as if it didnt have anything better to do, Neci walked up to it and grabbed it and walked in back into the house and handed it to the women, who at the sight of it thanked him gratefully. He then told her that she should not leave windows open when the cage was open, which the lady listened quietly, even though Neci doubted that she was actually listening. Since Neci was done the job, he started to walk home, this task hadnt even taken him an hour it was only 1230 which was good in a way because now Neci could do whatever he wanted for the rest of the day, which woul probably involve sleeping and eating junk food, though he knew he should train today since he had the free time, but he woudl see what happens when it happens.


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