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1Convoy [Private/Seven Bells] Empty Convoy [Private/Seven Bells] Sat Dec 21, 2013 1:39 pm



Chisaki had been in the Hidden Mist for a few days now, and already she had been put to good use. Her medical skills and abilities as a ninja proved to be a worthy asset to all around her. She was using one such asset now, healing someone of a major cut. She finished the operation, much to the grateful thanks of the man who she had saved. She smiled and simply said "Do not thank me, kindness should be free" The man's own smile grew, before he slumped back down on the bed. Chisaki left the medical tent, and looked around. The camp was strange to her. Having never seen campaigns on such a scale as this it was most curious to see something on such a large scale as this. Chisaki began to slowly weave her way through the throng of tents and people. Determined faces met her at every turn, along with brave talk of what was going on. Chisaki had heard about Io before this, and even done things to help bring him down. She listened to the talk around her, talk mainly of the psychopath medical nin. She frowned, before reaching her destination. A tent from which missions where dispatched among the ninja. Chisaki headed inside to retrieve her orders. A gruff looking man met her there. He turned to her and spoke “That twisted psychopath has finally shown his weak-spot . A caravan of medical gear has been spotted retreating at a high pace. Catch up to the procession and destroy or apprehend every bit of damned equipment that he has. We have spotted guards around the proximity who seem to be posted under Io’s orders. Show no mercy as I am certain they have been given orders to kill on sight. " Chisaki nodded, understanding. Supplies for a medical nin would be key to performing some more difficult things. Taking out these caravans would prove to be fatal to Io. Chisaki then learned that she would be performing the mission with one more person, a man from the Leaf like her. She nodded before heading out of the tent and back into the camp.

Chisaki headed out of the army of tents and towards a nearby location. She was supposed to be meeting the shinobi out here. She sat down on a nearby stump before looking around. The area would do. She looked over to her left then, and in the general direction the had to head in order to catch up with the caravans. There would be guards like the gruff man had said, so she could expect a fight for sure.


2Convoy [Private/Seven Bells] Empty Re: Convoy [Private/Seven Bells] Sat Dec 21, 2013 7:45 pm



Finally arriving in Kirigakure it was midday and the wagon ride there took about 9 hours from Sunagakure.  Rinshi’s back was extremely sore but he would soon get over the pain, in the mean time he pulled out the letter from his jackets inner pocket.  The letter could somehow pinpoint him in the right direction of the barracks.  Rinshi looked over the letter and it did not direct him to the barracks but to a location where he would meet up with someone, a woman from the leaf village.  Rinshi began thinking to himself, Hmm wonder who I will be working with... Rinshi took a brief minute to absorb the essence of the Village Hidden in the Mist.  As predicted there was a light fog that covered the village, just visible enough for one to see about 10 meters ahead of themselves.  Rinshi asked a nearby soldier where he might find the barracks after showing him his Ninja Info Card, the soldier guided him towards the barracks then to a tent where the platoon leader conducted business.  The soldier notified the platoon leader that Rinshi is from the Leaf Village and is there to aid them in their attack.  The platoon leader began to explain to him the situation, Well looks like I will tell you the same I told the woman that has been stationed here for a few days.  A man known as Io is the cause of all of this.  That psychopath has finally shown his weak-spot, a caravan of medical gear was spotted by our scouts and is travelling at a rapid pace.  You and your partner, who i am sure is already at the checkpoint, destroy or apprehend every bit of equipment you see.  It will not be easy are scouts have also spotted guards around the proximity under Io’s orders.  Show no mercy, as you can be damn sure that they won’t.”  Rinshi nodded but was extremely unprepared since the time it took him to get there affected him so. Rinshi exited the tent and made his way to the checkpoint where he would meet his partner.

Rinshi knew that he did not get his fill of cracking skulls while on vacation in Sunagakure, but would for sure get his dose with this war.  Rinshi left the outpost of tents and headed towards the checkpoint.  Weaving through the tree branches, coming across a small clearing not far from the outpost he saw a woman sitting on a tree stump.  Her ink black hair that flowed down to her back and a few strands covering her right eye mesmerized Rinshi.  The woman wore: A simple white overcoat with a light blue trim, underneath her overcoat was a skintight black shirt showing just a bit of cleavage.  Rinshi ignored that, as perversion was not his thing.  The shirt the woman wore was also some sort of combination of a shirt and mini skirt, along with this she wore black fingerless gloves with metal plating that covered her forearm, much similar to his own.  With her legs crossed, he saw her footwear consisted of steel tipped shoes that extended to just below her knee caps, along with her forelegs wrapped in bandages.  Rinshi looked at the diamond necklace she wore around her neck, his necklace resembled it slightly but look more naturally shaped than hers did did.  The woman  noticed Rinshi approaching her, to his surprise his heart felt funny as he made eye contact with the woman.  Rinshi for some strange reason knew not what to say, and found him tongue-tied.  Snapping out of the woman’s hypnotising looks he found the words he needed as he introduced himself, ”Hello there I am Rinshi.  I was sent by Mitsuhide to help in the war, and i assume you are my partner for this assignment.  I have also been notified that you have been here for a few days, maybe you could fill me in.  As well as giving me an idea on a strategy you had in mind to ambush the convoy.”  Rinshi would make sure this mission would be a success it happened to be a mixture of a B and an A ranked mission, and he thought about maybe getting closer to the woman.[/color]

3Convoy [Private/Seven Bells] Empty Re: Convoy [Private/Seven Bells] Sat Dec 21, 2013 8:42 pm



Chisaki continued to sit in her small little clearing, her legs crossed at the same time. She didn't know how long she waited, whether it be a few minutes or a few hours she did not mind. Chisaki was a very patient woman at times, and she enjoyed the respite. She had been non-stop working for the past few days, and it was a very different pace to be sat in this clearing. The fog made her feel... Separated, like the war had vanished all around her, and the clearing was all that remained. That would be a nice change of pace, when she got back to the Hidden Leaf she intended to have at least a weak of nothing but walks in the woods and respite in her small little garden. She smiled at the thought of the flowers which she prized so much, they represented a whole lot of her life, and a very interesting way of life for the both calm and angry person that was Chisaki Senju. .

A noise disturbed her then, snapping her out of her daydream. She looked up at the noise, to see a man standing there. She didn't feel anything right away, which was to be expected. She did however remember the fact he was off the same village as her which made her smile. It would be nice to finally be working with someone who was not off the Mist, they were all so grouchy. She looked at him again, and drank in his appearance and committed it to memory.Slightly thin figure, yet toned enough that he wasn't skinny. Black shirt, fingerless gloves, blue pants. His face was easily one that stuck out as well, it gave Chisaki a slight pause but she moved on. When he spoke, she listened with a smile, that made her teeth shine out slightly. He was slightly tongue tied, which made Chisaki giggle ever so slightly, but she then listened. ”Hello there I am Rinshi.  I was sent by Mitsuhide to help in the war, and i assume you are my partner for this assignment.  I have also been notified that you have been here for a few days, maybe you could fill me in.  As well as giving me an idea on a strategy you had in mind to ambush the convoy.” Rinshi... It was not a name that Chisaki knew straight away. She looked into his eyes for a few short moments, before speaking herself "Io is a Medical Nin of great skill. he fabricates and uses all manner of strange creations. He will need supplies which is what is in the carriages. I am guessing possibly seven carriages in total. They will be guarded by skilled Seven Bell's Ninja. If he is wise about it he will have three ninja too a carriage. The mist however will be thick, and I know a jutsu which can thicken it. You may have trouble seeing, but it should be alright. We can then sneak up on each carriage and destroy them. By the way, I am Chisaki Senju, it is nice to meet you Rinshi" Chisaki smiled.

Throughout her entire speech she had remained seated, but now she stood up, smiling still. Her face was a kind one, and her words were also kind and her voice relatively pleasing. She looked at him, before neatly clasping her hands in front of her.


Last edited by Chisaki on Sun Dec 22, 2013 5:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

4Convoy [Private/Seven Bells] Empty Re: Convoy [Private/Seven Bells] Sun Dec 22, 2013 12:08 pm



Rinshi could see her dark blue eyes and he lost himself within her gaze, completely unaware that she was speaking to him he was lost in his own mind.  Oh man she is so gorgeous, crap she is talking about something really important,  Her eyes are so beautiful, SNAP OUT OF IT RINSHI...  Rinshi caught the second half of her introduction which wouldn’t be so bad.  ”...I am guessing possibly seven carriages in total.  They will be guarded by skilled Seven Bell’s Ninja.  If he is, wise three ninja to a carriage.  The mist however will be thick, and i know a jutsu that can thicken it.  You may have trouble seeing, but it should be alright.  We can sneak up on each carriage and destroy them.  By the way, I am Chisaki Senju; it is nice to meet you Rinshi.”  Rinshi began thinking to himself, as the woman’s name ran across his mind like dancers in a ballet recital.  The woman’s name delighted him the very thought, Chisaki, a rather elegant name he would be sure to keep memory of it.  Now remembering the woman was of the Senju clan, Rinshi always found their Kekkei Genkai an interesting one.  Thanks to the Senju clan, they are the reason Konohagakure is even a village with the legendary technique used by Hashirama Senju, the first Hokage.  Rinshi realized his mind had wondered and redirected his attention to Chisaki.  Rinshi recalled her saying she knew a jutsu able to thicken the mist, he thought to himself about the many suiton technique he researched.  The most basic was the Hidden Mist Technique; of course, she knew that after all she was of the Senju clan.  Rinshi would have no problem with her using the technique, though he began pondering about the ninja guarding the caravan.  If they were former ninja of Kirigakure, they would know how to adapt to a jutsu like that.  Rinshi would be capable of seeing through the fog using his Byakugan; he would keep that bit of information a secret.

Rinshi quickly thought over a plan of his own, if this woman was of the Senju clan, she could create wood.  That mere thought gave Rinshi an idea, ”Might i suggest we create a barricade to prevent the caravan from proceeding.  Then while they are all huddled in a group we ambush each caravan, and steal the supplies for the medics of the outpost.  Then destroy the carriages, only problem is I do not know any Katon techniques to set the carriages a blaze.  Rinshi was anxious for action and soon the caravan would arrive, his first mission in a war was about to start.  If Chisaki went along with the plan, it would be smooth sailing from there.  Rinshi thought about how long it might take to raid the carriages.


5Convoy [Private/Seven Bells] Empty Re: Convoy [Private/Seven Bells] Sun Dec 22, 2013 1:03 pm



Chisaki watched Rinshi for a while after he had finished speaking. He seemed lost slightly, and in a very dream like state. Chisaki found this to be very curious, however she did not comment on the matter. Rinshi took a moment to think about her idea, and what else she didn't know. She kept her gentle gaze fixed on him. He then spoke, so Chisaki listened.”Might i suggest we create a barricade to prevent the caravan from proceeding.  Then while they are all huddled in a group we ambush each caravan, and steal the supplies for the medics of the outpost.  Then destroy the carriages, only problem is I do not know any Katon techniques to set the carriages a blaze" Chisaki thought about what Rinshi was saying, and nodded slowly. She could indeed create such a barricade using her Mokuton technique, the thing her clan was indeed most famed for. Rinshi presented a small problem that made her pause. He didn't know any A-Rank jutsu? That was strange, Chisaki herself knew two A-Ranked jutsu, so she said as much "Don''t worry, I know a jutsu that is capable of crushing the carriages. Your plan sounds fine, shall we get ready then?"

Chisaki walked to the edge of the clearing and stretched her arms over her head, before swinging them back down to her sides. She turned and looked back at Rinshi, and smiled slightly at him. "Lets go then" Chisaki began to run through the trees. She ran at a speed that Rinshi could easily keep up with when he began to follow her, but she still set a quick pace. She dodged through the trees before arriving on an open plain. She looked up towards the sky but saw only the mist. She sighed slightly, she missed the stars. Chisaki continued on her way, hoping that Rinshi had followed her, she didn't really have time to look backwards and check to see if he had. She stopped on an overlook, that looked down on the land below them. In the distance, a few carriages could be seen trundling along, they had made it. Chisaki crouched down behind a nearby bush, and turned to look for Rinshi.


Last edited by Chisaki on Sun Dec 22, 2013 5:44 pm; edited 1 time in total

6Convoy [Private/Seven Bells] Empty Re: Convoy [Private/Seven Bells] Sun Dec 22, 2013 3:52 pm



Rinshi watched as Chisaki nodded in approval of his idea and they would soon set off.  Rinshi thought briefly to himself.  If there are seven carriages, three for every carriage, that twenty-one ninja we must fight.  Chisaki may look down upon me for not knowing A-Ranked Ninjutsu techniques...  Though it was too late, as Chisaki began to speak he began losing himself in thought.  Rinshi could hear Chisaki speaking but did not register it in his mind but instead began thinking to himself with a calm face, She will think i am weak, and i may as well be i don’t even know A-Ranked techniques...  Chisaki had walked away from where they were holding their conversation.  Even with the mission on his mind, Rinshi still lost the track of time.  If they did not hurry, the carriages would already reach their destination and their mission would be a   failure.  Rinshi watched as Chisaki turned her back and walked to the edge of the clearing.  Rinshi watched as she stretched her arms above her head and let them fall to her side, caught in a trance as she turned and smiled to him.  Speaking in her calm and melodious voice, ”Lets go then”  As she spoke these words she vanished into the trees, that was his key to follow her.  Rinshi began to follow after her nimbly running through the tree branches easily on her tail, Rinshi could have lead her to the location but he wasn’t familiar with the environment like she was.  Though most likely they both had the same amount of knowledge of the environment.  Rinshi could see her jump from a branch down to an open plain.  Rinshi stopped but did not leap down to join her but watched her as lifted her head looking up at the sky.  Then suddenly dropping it in what seemed like disappointment, Rinshi looked up at the sky noticing that the sun did not shine down on Kirigakure as it did in Konoha, mainly because of the mist.  Before Rinshi knew it, Chisaki had already taken off in the direction of the checkpoint.

Rinshi caught up with Chisaki who had stopped at the checkpoint, it was an overlook with a view of the dirt road below.  Rinshi looked to his right to see about three carriages making their way up the road.  Finally the mission would begin, Rinshi turned to Chisaki as all the carriages could now be seen approaching.  Chisaki crouched behind a bush and Rinshi followed, addressing her, as the wagons were about 6 meters away.  ”You know if you’re going to use one of those wood techniques now would be a good time.”  Rinshi thought if he sounded a little peckish when telling Chisaki that though she probably knew what she was doing.  Rinshi noticed that her attention was on the carriages he could finally activate his Byakugan and she would not know.  Rinshi brought his left hand up to his chest forming the half tiger seal and in an instance his eyes dilated, the veins on both sides thickened and he could see about 10 meters ahead.  Rinshi waited for Chisaki to perform her technique that would be his cue to move in.


7Convoy [Private/Seven Bells] Empty Re: Convoy [Private/Seven Bells] Sun Dec 22, 2013 5:43 pm



Chisaki watched the road for a while, noting the carriages and the layout of the dirt track. If they moved a little further a long, she could trap them in her Wood Style. Her wood style wasn't a jutsu in itself, just the ability to grow trees and wood on many surfaces. Chisaki however didn't intend to use it. Because of the positioning of the carriages she had another idea that would take out the entire convoy with a single jutsu, however the shinobi guarding it would most likely escape. She sighed and turned to look at Rinshi, who had just started speaking ”You know if you’re going to use one of those wood techniques now would be a good time.” Chisaki thought about his words before turning back to the carriages. He sound slightly anxious, and a tad pushy, but she knew it was most likely nerves so she let it pass. She spoke to him, while her eyes were fixed on the road still. "I have an idea that will save more of my chakra, and allow us to destroy some of the ninja guarding the caravan. I am going to use one of my Doton techniques, Destructive Rising Rock Pillars, it will force out some earth pillars from under the ground, creating shockwaves that will cripple the caravans instantly, and hit some off the ninja."

After having looked at the land she had decided that it would be best if she just do that instead. It would obliterate the seven carriages easily, however the ninja guarding it would pose a problem. Her jutsu would cut down their numbers but they would be ready to attack. Her jutsu was ready, she began to rapidly form hand signs, before saying almost too herself "Earth Release: Destructive Rising Rock Pillars!" The effect was instantaneous. Two gigantic rock pillars erupted from the ground, crushing two carriages instantly. A split second afterward, the shockwaves began. The rest of the carriages and their contents were crushed along with at least half their ninja, making it roughly ten ninja left. Chisaki took a moment too breath before springing up from the hill where she was hidden. She landed among a group of five shinobi, she hoped Rinshi would handle the other five. She landed with finesse, and started down the five shinobi, each of which wielded katanas, spears and most likely jutsu. Chisaki started each of them down, before they all jumped towards her. She sprang into the air, and formed more hand seals. Next to her, a watery shape began to take shape, drawing more water to her, she waited before shouting "Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!" Chisaki span around in the air while the great watery dragon took shape next to her. Four of the ninja moved out of the way when she slammed the dragon into the ground, however one of them was crushed into the ground. Chisaki landed, and the dragon swirled behind her, she waited for its next move.




8Convoy [Private/Seven Bells] Empty Re: Convoy [Private/Seven Bells] Tue Dec 31, 2013 2:09 pm



Rinshi kept his eyes on the dirt track as Chisaki began speaking to him in a hushed tone, Rinshi thought his previous suggestion came off a bit pushy  ”I have an idea that will save more of my chakra, and allow us t
o destroy some of the ninja guarding the caravan.  I am going to use one of my Doton techniques, Destructive Rising Rock Pillars, it will force out some earth pillars from under the ground, creating shockwaves that will cripple the caravans instantly, and his some the ninja.  Rinshi sat and pondered over the idea and had no choice but to follow through with her plan.  Rinshi watched as Chisaki performed multiple hand signs at a rapid pace.  Almost immediately, one after another, her rock pillars destroyed each carriage, he thought to himself soon after their destruction.  So much for stealing the medical supplies...  Rinshi then leaped from the cliff on to one of Chisaki’s Earth Pillars.  Five ninja stood below him all with blood lust in their eyes, Rinshi knew this would be the best time for a wise crack.  ”Well well, five of you and only one little ole me.  Whatever shall I do.  Rinshi watched as one of the men exclaimed to the others, ”KILL THAT BASTARD!”

Rinshi brought his hand up above his head as Raiton chakra began surging through his body, he then struck the ground shattering the rock pillar into large rocks.   Rinshi saw that one of the ninja was in shock and ended up being crushed by the falling boulder.  Rinshi prepared for the four ninja to attack, two of the ninja performed the shadow clone technique making it eight against one.  Rinshi lost track of one of the ninja who appeared to his side attempting to lacerate him with a kunai.  Rinshi swept the man off his feet while charging his fist with Raiton chakra; he struck the man in his face.  Paralyzed he left the man be.  Rinshi quickly performed the bird hand seal, and could feel his lungs expand, and spat out four condensed spheres, two of the spheres made contact with the clones that soon exploded into white smoke.  Rinshi was back down to five and while he was locking onto another ninja, he was hit with a barrage of shuriken, 17 in total.  Rinshi stumbled falling to one knee, spitting up blood.  Rinshi leapt into the air pulling out a scroll from his black coat and exclaimed, ”Sealing Art:  Storm of Shuriken.”  Instantly a typhoon of shruriken ejected from his scroll and took out four of the ninja with ease.  At this point, Rinshi was in luck he still had a lot of chakra left, he would finish the last ninja off with 32 palms.  Rinshi landed on the ground and was engaged by the final remaining ninja, he quickly weaved each of the man strikes before grabbing his right wrist with his right hand.  Rinshi looked at the man and said to him in a monotone voice, ”I can see the fear in your eyes, that was a mistake, now you will die!”  Rinshi began striking the man with his left hand, counting off each hit, in his head.  Four Palms...  Rinshi struck the man four times, following up with another four strikes.  Eight Palms...  Rinshi saw as the man coughed up blood, and continued his onslaught of strikes.  Sixteen Palms...  This man would soon be put to rest, Rinshi felt sorry for him but he chose the wrong side in this war.  Rinshi exclaimed as his final strike made contact with the man’s chest, ”Thirty-two palms!

The man was sent flying before Rinshi stumbled slightly from his injury and could feel his blood trickling down his back.  Rinshi turned and saw Chisaki patiently waiting alongside a giant water dragon, Rinshi began running to her aid hoping he could help with the remaining chakra he could spare.


9Convoy [Private/Seven Bells] Empty Re: Convoy [Private/Seven Bells] Tue Dec 31, 2013 3:12 pm



The ninja's morale wasn't exactly at a high point. Not only had most of their company been wiped out, but now they were down to four men, excluding the ones Rinshi was currently fighting. Chisaki watched them all, the fear evident on their faces. Chisaki wasn't one to talk during a battle, she allowed her actions to shout out the words she didn't utter for herself. However, these four remaining shinobi still had a little hope. They were taking into account the fact that it was four of them against just her, and the maelstrom of water behind her. Chisaki watched each of them, so she noticed when to of them created shadow clones, making it six against one. She sighed, she knew they had latched onto the ideas of numbers meant more, so she would show them numbers alright. Chisaki began to form handsigns, very quickly. They all tensed, and prepared to move or attack whatever she was doing. She quickly finished, before announcing her jutsu to all six of them "Water Release: Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death!" The air around her shifted, as exactly a thousand watery needles sprang forth, each of them razor sharp. Now who had the most numbers? Chisaki pointed at the six of them, the needles all instantly sped forward. The two clones instantly poofed out of existence, while the rest of the needles buried themselves in their targets.

Two of the ninja died after several needles buried themselves in their skulls, the rest of them however managed to avoid the majority of the needles. Chisaki watched them, these two were clearly more skilled than their comrades. One of them used a jutsu Chisaki had seen before, the Vacuum Wave. A power jutsu, but Chisaki saw a way to combat it. She ran up the side of the Earth pillar, while taking a strand of her hair. The water dragon hid behind the pillar out of sight. Chisaki used the strand to use an interesting jutsu, the Reflection Clone jutsu. Using her hair for the basis of the jutsu, a clone of Chisaki appeared next to her. Chisaki sent the clone out to face the jutsu, while she and the dragon hid. The two shinobi fell for the simple jutsu, sending the destructive wave towards her clone. When the clone was destroyed, Chisaki sent the dragon crashing through the rock pillar. Boulders rained down upon the enemy, distracting them. Chisaki jumped through the hole, sending her dragon crashing down upon the two final shinobi. One of them was crushed, the other one managed to move. Chisaki landed in front of him, her dragon surged behind her, she spoke now,a rare thing but she did it nevertheless. "You chose the wrong side in this war..." Chisaki placed a hand on his head, he flinched but he knew his time was up. She couldn't forgive him, he had committed crimes beyond forgiveness by siding with Seven Bells. She used one of her Mokuton techniques. The Sprigs Cutting. A sharp piece of wood erupted from her palm, going straight through the mans head, ending his life painlessly. Chisaki snapped off the branch, before looking back towards Rinshi, who was coming towards her. Chisaki had used at least half of her chakra, but she could still keep going if she needed too, she smiled as Rinshi got to her, before speaking "Hi, all done over there?"




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