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1Shiin Clan (Kumogakure's Thunder) (WIP) Empty Shiin Clan (Kumogakure's Thunder) (WIP) Sat Dec 21, 2013 11:30 pm

Suteki Yaku

Suteki Yaku


Genjutsu Faction
Shiin Clan (Kumogakure's Thunder) (WIP) Klein-albert-abstract-swirl-design-on-purple-background

Ninjutsu Faction
Shiin Clan (Kumogakure's Thunder) (WIP) Purple-swirl-hi

Clan: Shiin Clan

Kekkei Genkai: Wave Control (Air Pressure, Vibrations, and Sound)
Elements: Wind Release + Fire/Lightning Release

Specialization: Ninjutsu

Location: Kumogakure no Sato

Clan History: The Shiin clan is an old clan, from long ago.  It was a small shinobi clan from the Land of the Rice Fields, where an old and powerful shinobi named Orochimaru established the Land of Sound. Despite the clan’s size, they had high ideals. After Otogakure was founded, all the skilled members joined the village, under the command of Orochimaru. But when the requests from the daimyō stopped coming, their leader lost his reason to live and the clan became nomadic, doing whatever was needed in order to further the clan.  The clan had conducted many disturbing and gruesome acts during that time.  Most of the members were arrested shortly after these acts, and imprisoned in Konoha.  

A few members escaped during an attack that obliterated the Hidden Fire Village, and reformed under a new leader.  The clan restarted their mercenary ways, going to the highest bidder.  This lasted for quite some time, until they were hired permanently by Kumogakure no Sato, and joined their ranks.  The clan still holds true to a great deal of its old ways.  Though they are associated with Wind, not all members are able to use this element.  Two things they were definitely known for included the use of Sound Ninjutsu, and they still have the same clan marking, a three swirled purple marking on their right upper arm.  

After their long relationship with Kumogakure no Sato, they were given the name, Kumogakure's Thunder.  This was in relation to two reasons.  The first was their abilities in sound based jutsu, and their capabilities of enhancing the ninja of the village.  The second reason was that when they used their abilities to control Air Pressure, when Lighting or Fire interacted with the area being controlled, the Lighting or Fire was strengthened and would create disturbingly loud explosions upon destruction.  With the enhancements of main fighting styles creating amazing aftereffects, and the loud reverberation from Fire and mostly Lighting based jutsu, the name seemed fitting.

Kekkei Genkai Description: All members of this clan will carry some tool that produces vibrations or sound in the air, somehow, for use of their clans Ninjutsu style.  This can be anything like a flute, guitar, an ocarina, bells or even as elaborate as an item called a Melody Arm.  A few members have even gone as far as permanently disfiguring their bodies, and placing air tubes that can create vibrations and manipulate air pressures created from those vibrations.  

Many have confused the Ninjutsu used by the Shiin clan as being Genjutsu, though they have mastered the ability to affect the body in such depths, that they can use Ninjutsu to cause similar affects.  

Members of this clan use the wind element in a refined state, giving new abilities to the element.  Air Pressure, is one of the abilities that were gained with the manipulation of vibrations.  By controlling the wind element along with produced vibrations, they were able to combine this with a second element to tap into an ability to control Air Pressure.  The strongest members of this clan will have the elements of lightning or fire to aid them.  When the Fire element is combined with wind, it will strengthen the fire element, and allow great control.  They then can produce an area that they can control the Air Pressure within.  The other element that this was capable of being done with was Lightning.  Though lightning is weak to the wind element, by controlling the amounts of both to such a degree, that the wind will not destroy the lightning and instead controlled by it.  This allows the heat produced by sustained Lightning element, along with vibrations from it to produce similar results as the fire along with wind.


Wind, Fire or Lighting based jutsu cannot destroy an Air Pressure Wave, but they can become enhanced by it.

Any advance element that deals with pressure or keeping elements in a certain constant, solid or crystalized, like ice, earth, steel, etc; or thrown projectiles are treated as being -1 rank weaker against Wave based jutsu.

Those from this clan have also gained an ability to counter Taijutsu based skills, by using their Wave element while fighting.  Wave based jutsu are considered +1 rank stronger against Taijutsu based fighting styles or jutsu.

Members of the clan receive a free instrument that will be treated as being D rank.  This instrument is rather basic, and can be a Fipple Flute/Recorder, banjo, a small single conga drum (no sling) or you can just use your voice.  

Drawbacks: In exchange for their great concentrations in the arts of their clans, elemental based ninjutsu, are looked at as unneeded, and usually passed upon for greater skills in both their clan’s Ninjutsu, and their personal specializations.  The clan devotion to controlling Wave based elements like vibrations and air pressure, the ability to control their chakra to such lengths as to bend these to their own wills, comes foremost.

Members of this clan can start off with Wind Release as their Primary Element, and can gain Either Fire or Lighting Element as their Secondary.  Hesitant (element) is taken twice and can’t be counted towards weaknesses.  Both of these Elements start off at E rank, and Wave
Release is only as strong as the weakest of the Two Elements.

Due to the combination of their Elements to control Wave: Air Pressure, Lightning or Fire based Ninjutsu (based on their choice of Secondary) are increased in strength by 2 ranks against this element.  The other option for Secondary Element (Fire or Lighting, whichever wasn't picked) is increased by 1 rank.  Wind jutsu are also increased by 1 rank against Wave: Air Pressure Jutsu, and gain the enhancement of the element chosen by the user.  If Lighting Release was picked, the Wind element can numb areas where hit.  If Fire Release was picked, the Wind Element can singe areas hit.  The greater impact of these jutsu are outlined in the main jutsu.


Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

Special Note: This clan can also have normal members in the clan, but instead of gaining any of the required elements, they instead  gain only Sound Based Jutsu.

Last edited by Suteki Yaku on Thu Jan 02, 2014 7:18 pm; edited 16 times in total

Suteki Yaku

Suteki Yaku

This clan is completed for the most part.

A few things though I wish to ask for and about.

1. Can I claim the Doki Contract for this clan please?
2. Decapitating Airwaves: I am unsure if this is a vibration or air pressure based jutsu. To me, it seems it can be either or.

Suteki Yaku

Suteki Yaku




Air Pressure and Sound are not elements. You'll have to figure something else out, because we can't lock Sound into an element, as too many people already have miscellaneous jutsu regarding it. Air Pressure is a facet of Wind Release.

You are allowed to have Doki as a clan summon, no one's taken it yet.

Regardless of element stuff, jutsu modding time.

Chakra-Enhancing Music: I'd prefer if chakra maintenance was required for such a potent ability. In addition, NONE of the effects can last past the duration of the jutsu (which, by the wording, last forever if you keep the jutsu up for 2 posts). Not being able to use other jutsu doesn't totally compensate for this jutsu's effects.

C- and A-ranks: We'll discuss this after you change the fact that the jutsu effects can't last after the jutsu is over.

B-rank: Again, a bit potent. Increasing the power of all jutsu used is an S-rank jutsu (see the Akumasureiya Clan's ability, Reveal), and you want to reduce chakra cost too....I would go with the latter of those two. It's still a very powerful ability.

Zankuha: We will see what happens after you realign this jutsu with correct elements (if it has one).

Illusionary-Warriors Manipulating Melody: Uh, duration should just be 'until end of summon'. You should detail whether 'cost' is maintenance or activation cost, or both. This needs to be activated and put on cooldown every time you use and end a summon.

Sound-Cancelling Jutsu: Nope. You're not cancelling any rank of jutsu with a D-rank just because it's a specific type. Also, this needs an actual....cooldown?

Suteki Yaku

Suteki Yaku

I went of the deep end perhaps with my changes, but can still be reviewed, please. Changes made over entire clan.



You can't lock Air Pressure to this clan, just so that'ya know. Too many people have air-pressure Fuuton jutsu for that. You can specialize by all means, but you can't have it for yourself alone.

Your Katon advantage is a bit overreaching, and is not balanced by the -2 to Raiton. I'd say a +2 advantage over Katon would be sufficient.

+1 over Doton and Hyouton is somewhat balanced with the first drawback, which should be changed to 'cannot have any elements other than Fuuton' or some such, as well as Air Pressure Fuuton's weakness to regular Wind Release.

Chakra-Enhancing Music: Three things. 1. Change the duration to 2 posts, then -5 or -10 per post to continue the effects after that. 2. C and B can't have a double in power for the original duration, but can have a smaller increase. C can have 75% and B can have 125% (1 rank + 25%) but that is all. 2-rank boosts aren't even a thing for jutsu unless it's a powerful S-rank. And 2, you didn't change the S-rank, you CANNOT recover chakra.

Zankuuha: Detail what this does when directly fired at opponents, otherwise it's completely defensive. If an attack is C-rank after the advantage of the jutsu's nature (air pressure) is applied, it won't be affected; though this depends on how you change your advantage to Katon. Doton for example, you could deflect a C-rank jutsu because it becomes D rank for interaction purposes with this jutsu. Without this jutsu being completely defensive, you won't be able to block higher-rank attacks unless it's elementally disadvantaged against you.

Sound Cancelling: You can be able to negate techniques you've never seen before, that's fine. But to be able to dispel another jutsu, you need to pay full chakra cost.

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