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1Ji'ebi-sha ( WIP ) Empty Ji'ebi-sha ( WIP ) Sun Dec 22, 2013 1:29 pm




Symbol: Ji'ebi-sha ( WIP ) 339hkch

Clan: 侍蛇者 {Ji'ebi-sha}

Kekkei Genkai: Hebi Dokei [ Snake Blood ( Kindred/Relation ) ]

Elements: Any

Specialization: Summoning || Genjutsu OR Taijutsu

Location: Kumo

Clan History:

The Book of Hito Jānī

It is said that during Hito Jānī’s many travels he once encountered a sight like none he’d seen before. In the years before his enlightenment, far predating his evolution Jānī watched the great serpent Manda do battle with the Kyubi; Kurama. He watched from a far awestruck by the power of the beasts. When Jānī was but a boy he had heard tails of the battle at the Valley of the End, his mother having been the descendant of a son of Konohagakure that had seen the battle with his own eyes. He knew well the power the creature posesed even in its seemingly weakened state. Yet, still the great snake Manda beat back the beast for a time.

Only those possessing the power of a God could engage a Devil such as this so easily… Jānī thought to himself. And so the traveler followed the serpents summoner as best he could, hoping to see the creature and its brethren again. The traveler came to both covet and admire the serpents power. When the battles were done Jānī’s path finally became clear – he would seek out these Serpent Gods and he would ask that they share their power with him.

Many years passed as Jānī traveled the land in search of a method to summon these Hebigami ( Snake Gods ). To this goal he devoted himself completely. The White Snake Sage, on his throne in Ryuchi Cave, heard word of the man who called Manda, and his ilk Gods. Laughing at the foolish man, Hakuja Sennin ordered that Saisho and his siblings watch him and report back his progress and devotion. Saisho obliged and began to follow Jānī wherever he went. But, Jānī did not notice him for many months. When Saisho returned to report to the Snake Sage the two devised a test that would reveal Jānī’s true commitment.

Hitoshirenu, Saisho’s elder cousin, then went to Jānī under the guise of a great taijutsu master claiming to know the secrets of the serpents that he sought. Jānī immediately became interested and together the two traveled the land, Hitoshirenu teaching him his martial art along the way. After a time Jānī began to wonder if Hitoshirenu had told him the truth and confronted the great martial arts master.  To this Hitoshirenu replied; “In all your journeys you have only asked how God can come to you, but never how you can find your God.” With that he vanished from Jānī’s eyes.

Jānī came to understand Hitoshirenu’s meaning that night in a dream. In this dream the location of a mysterious cave was revealed to him by a rather odd and overly demanding butterfly. When he awoke he found himself contfronted by what appeared to be that same butterfly, oddly enough. “Come.” Was all that it said before it led him to Ryuchi Cave where Hakuja Sennin awaited him. The two conversed for hours, sharing stories of their lives. Jānī’s love and admiration of Hakuja grew with each passing moment until the great Snake Sage saw that he was ready to hear his offer.

The White Snake Sage, in return for Jānī’s loyalty and worship, would teach him the secrets of the snakes. A deal was struck. The Hebigami Hakuja Sennin offered Hito Jānī a contract with his people. He would be granted their power in return for his devout worship. Hito Jānī of course agreed, having no problem with the terms. For sometime the two remained together and Jānī’s faith in his gods grew ever stronger, until finally he felt it was time to pursue a life of his own…

It was not for many years until Jānī had married and his wife was with child that Hakuja Sennin came to him again. The great Sage of the Hebigami had grown tired of the singular worship of Jānī. He and his people required more… Hakuja demanded that Jānī’s children be sacrificed to him, though he would not require their deaths. Instead, Hakuja would demand that the children be devoted to he and act as disciples and priests of the Hebigami. Hakuja Sennin had discovered that through worship he and many others under his rule had come to grow stronger – it seemed that this misplaced faith fueled the natural chakra which flowed through them in some manner, and he would certainly have more of it...

The Book of Hebigami no Kodomo-tachi

To Hito Jānī was born a set of twins, a male and a female. Saisho and his sibling came to the Hito household that night to make good on the deal made between they and the Hebigami. Fearing that they had come to take his children Jānī stood ready to use all that he had learned to protect them. Saisho merely laughed at the warriors foolishness and told Jānī that because he’d doubted the tongue and bond of Hakuja Sennin’s promise his punishment would be that his clan would never be as great as they could have been. Forever the power that had been granted Hito Jānī would be split. And thus the two paths were born of the twins, who grew to love and care for the Hebigami much as Jānī once had.

When they were of age, together they roamed the world of the great villages spreading their faith to all that would listen. When it came to pass that they’d gathered a great number of disciples the twins journey to Ryuchi Cave, a place shown to them by a butterfly. Here they met with Hakuja Sennin who brimmed with joy at their accomplishment saying; “Forever the offspring of Htio Jānī will be known as Hebigami no Kodomo-tachi, and they will share in our power as priests of the order.” The twins were pleased with this and went to gather more followers. Those that they had gathered before were left in the company of Hakuja Sennin.

When the Twins returned they found Hakuja Sennin alone. “My Ji’ebi-sha, the people have all gone to spread the gospel of the snake to their brethren. But, never will they know the power I have shared with you.” He said as they approached his throne, behind them those that had come to believe. “You have made a pact with us but send others to do the bidding you gave us. How are we set apart as your worshippers?” The daughter of Jānī asked ignoring the claim that none had been granted the power she and her brother had. “Then take a gift and be forever known as priests of the order set above others.” With that Hakuja removed the eyes of two lesser snakes and replaced them with the Twins human eyes. Upon the eyes was placed a seal. “Now you are as snakes among men, the Hebigami are with you always.” When the Twins left the company of Hakuja and the Hebigami Saisho and his singling came to them saying; “We will travel with you always, and always you will be under the protection of the Hebigami, this we swear to you and your children.”

To be continued…
Kekkei Genkai Description:

The Ji’ebi-sha often refer to their Kekkei Genkai as Hebi Dokei, which can be misleading. While they are strongly tied to the snakes of Ryuchi Cave they share no true blood relation to them, nor is their Kekkei Genkai housed within some semblance of snake blood in their veins. The abilities of the Ji’ebi-sha are derived from their Sunēkuai ( The Eye of the Snake ). This genetic gift from Hakuja Sennin is the sole link between the Ji’ebi-sha and their Gods. While the eyes did originally belong to the snakes themselves, after 300+ years the Ji’ebi-sha have begun to be born with the eyes naturally - as opposed to having them transplanted as in the past. The eyes themselves bear the seal necessary to summon the great snakes of Ryuchi Cave, thus allowing members of the Ji’ebi-sha to summon their Gods instantly, with little more than the blink of an eye. Though it is the devotion of the follower that dictates how quickly the Snakes will respond.

• Because the Ji’ebi-sha believe so strongly that the Snakes are in fact Gods their Summon Contracts receive a +1.
Faithful Ji’ebi-sha receive a +2 to all Summon Contracts at the level of Spec. Jounin

Because of the split of Jānī’s power the Ji’ebi-sha are split into two main branches of specialization. The first being Taijutsu and the second being Genjutsu, each with it’s own set of status buffs and drawbacks.

• The path of Taijutsu grants the clan member; +1 Speed
• The path of Genjutsu grants the clan member; +1 Reaction Time



• The Ji’ebi-sha because of their devotion to the Hebigami must take Hesitant in both their Specialization and Elements. These cannot be balanced with a positive characteristic.
• Being that Snakes happen to have a healthy hatred of fire all members of the Ji’ebi-sha take +1 damage from Katon

Genjutsu Path

1. +1 Taijutsu Damage Taken
2. Must take Frail – this cannot be balanced with a positive trait.
3. -1 Strength

Taijutsu Path
1. +1 Genjutsu Damage
2. As they rely on the grace of the Hebigami in matters of medicine clan members of the Taijutsu Path must take Pharmacopoeia.
3. Cannot take Agile

Members: (Members of the clan can be updated here)

Kiss of 10,000 Butterflies:

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