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1Discover the Pervert (D rank Mission) Empty Discover the Pervert (D rank Mission) Sun Nov 17, 2013 2:38 pm



‘Two missions in one day?’ he thought to himself. Things were either getting better for him or worse for the village. He didn’t know and couldn’t find out exactly what was going on beyond the walls of the city but it didn’t sit right in his stomach. He could feel something was coming and that times were going to drastically change for him and for everyone. He just wanted to be ready when those times came to protect his village and become stronger. He had to get stronger, to prove his clan wrong and prove that a Shikyo could be powerful and serve on the side of good and protect everything that meant something to him. He couldn’t shake the feeling and the visions in his head of his parents being taken away as he was exiled from his town. He often wondered if they would remember him or even if they were alive. It was a reoccurring nightmare that haunted his every dream and made him wake up screaming.

The mission he was on was very different from the others he had been assigned so far. It felt like an ultimate test of whether or not he actually understood people and their feelings. It felt like this mission would be the hardest one he had ever been assigned. A store owner had paid for this mission to be carried out because all of the employees he was hiring we quitting abruptly only after a couple days of work. Dameon naturally would have attributed this matter to laziness or some other flaw because of the workers but it had happened too many times for that to seem like a likely scenario. He wasn’t too far from the shop now, just a simply little grocery shop where they sold a little bit of everything you would need for around someone’s house. He landed just outside of the store and peered in, he could see a young female worker perhaps a couple of years older than him working behind the counter.

Dameon decided it was best to watch from afar as he had a perfect line of sight at a ramen shack across the street. Plus he was hungry. He ordered a bowl of the pork ramen and ate it slowly as he kept his eye out for any signs of someone that would make that young woman want to quit. As he sat there eating and watching for any signs of disturbance he thought again about his time in the village. He couldn’t understand personally why he put so much of his time and effort into being so loyal to it. The village had pretty much done nothing for him aside from allow him to stay and even then he was living like a rat in a hole in the side of an abandoned storage facility that barely protected him against the elements. Still it was also the place that let him follow his dreams and he had met a couple people that protected the village as well, and he would protect them.

He continued gazing into the store and noticed a man appear, it wasn’t the owner, but the manager perhaps. He looked around the store to see if customers were there and there wasn’t and he proceeded to talk to the female worker. She was obviously very bothered by it and you could see his hand wander down invading her privacy. Dameon now understood the issue as he stood up leaving his ramen and walked toward the store wanting to hurt the guy for being so rude. His mission parameters were not to do so though. He was simply meant to report the issue and he would. He immediately left and reported back to the mansion.

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