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1Wind Drill training. Empty Wind Drill training. Fri Jul 13, 2012 9:00 am



As Night woke up at 5 am, he started stretching. “Okay, time to master that cool jutsu!” said Night as he started to head to the bathroom. After bathing and changing, Night went and picked his knapsack and headed out. He then headed towards his favorite stall. “25 steamed buns please!” said Night as he handed the owner the money. The owner then passed him what he ordered. Night smiled and started munching on the food as he headed to his training area; an abandoned field in the woods. After walking for some minutes, he finally reached the area. “Okay, Night! Time to train!” shouted Night as he started to stretch.
Night then started thinking, “Okay, yesterday I thought of a wonderful jutsu that uses the element wind. The idea is to shoot out s tornado towards the enemy and slice them up to sashimi! Okay, I guess I’ll have to suck the air in  shoot it out!” Night then took a deep breath. As he holds his breath in his mouth, he applied chakra into it. “Okay, after applying chakra, this attack should be stronger!” thought Night. He then released his breath from his mouth. The breath that came out was like a normal breath; no tornado, or even a little gust. “Dang...what did I do wrong? Anyways, practice makes perfect.” Night then breathed in and molded chakra into the breath, and released it. This time, the breath that came out was a little stronger than his previous one. “That’s it! Practice makes perfect!” Night then breathed in again and molded his chakra in his breath. “Okay, let’s make it stronger now!” He then blew out his breath, and it was way stronger than his previous one.
Night then started repeating this process. Finally, his breath was strong enough to blow a leaf 3 meters away. “Ah, that’s better. But, my breath keeps spreading away, making it weaker. I should try to focus my breath in one direction.” Night took a deep breath this time. As he molds his chakra, he thought, “Okay, I’ll make my lips funnel-like so that my breath would only focus in one direction.” Night then released his breath, but the wind did not focus in one direction; it spread. “Hmm....I need to make the funnel longer, but my lips aren’t like those who has super big lips. Hmmm.....Aha!” Night then gotten an idea. He took a deep breath and molded his chakra with the wind in his mouth. He then placed both his hands on his mouth, forming a funnel shape. He then released his breath, and this time, the wind was focused and did not spread. “Yes! Finally! I succeeded the first step! All I need is to practice and make this wind stronger!” Night then took a sip of water from his water bottle. After taking a few sip, he then started practicing again. He took a deep breathe, and molded his chakra. He made his hands “Funnel-like” and placed it on his mouth, and blew the wind out. He repeated this process over and over again.
“Okay, I’ll do this one last time before resting.” said Night as he started huffing and puffing. Taking a deep breath, Night molded his chakra in his mouth. He then placed his hands on his mouth. “Here goes nothing.” thought Night. He then released his breathe. This time, his breath was strong enough to make the trees waver. “Yes! It’s done! Now, All there’s left is to make the wind I exhale move in a spiral way. But, how?” Night then lied on the ground as he drank his water. “Oh my goodness.....this training is hell!” He then got up and gathered some firewood. He then started a fire and boiled some water he brought. He then cooked some noodles and started having his lunch. After lunch, Night decided to rest before continuing his training.
“Hm....” thought Night, “How do I make the wind spin so much like a tornado till it can slice stuff?” Night then jumped up as if he has gotten an idea. “Okay! This might just work!” Night then took in a deep breath and held it. He then kneaded his chakra with the breath in his mouth and placed his hands on his mouth. “Okay, just make the chakra in me spin, and imagine a spiral shape in my brain.” thought Night. He then began to rotate the chakra and wind in his mouth while imagining a spiral shape moving clockwise. He then exhaled, and his breath rotated a bit, causing the falling leaves to spin around. “Alright! All I need now is to make it stronger and stronger!” Night then exhaled again and kneaded his chakra with the air in his mouth. This time, he made his chakra rotate faster and faster. He also imagined the spiral moving much faster. He then placed his hand on his mouth, and blew the wind out. The wind that came out was so strong, that tons of leaves spun around with the mini-tornado that came out. “Okay! All there’s left to do is practice.”
After that, Night continued practicing. The more he practices, the better and stronger the tornado become. He also did not have to imagine a rotating spiral anymore. He then learnt that he has to make the wind in his mouth spin faster to make the tornado stronger. “Alright! I think I’ve gotten the hang of it! Time to test the kid’s powers!” Night then placed an apple on a log. He then walked about 10 meters away. He then breathed in and kneaded the chakra within his breathe. He then rotated the chakra in his mouth in a great speed. He then placed his hands on his mouth, and blew the wind out. The tornado traveled towards the apple in a great speed. Leaves that were falling also got caught within the tornado, although some leaves were shredded. The tornado traveled to the apple and caused serious damage to the apple. The apple had a lot of cuts all around it. Night then smiled and said, “Success!”

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