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1Travel thread from Konoha to Suna. Empty Travel thread from Konoha to Suna. Thu Apr 25, 2013 8:05 am



Synn had decided today was the day to leave it all behind. Konoha had trained him well but too much was happening here for him to remain under the radar much longer. With the previous Hokage dead in his office investigations where being made and if it was discovered that he was not born in Konoha but had in fact appeared just months prior During the Chunnin exams he would be put under a spot light and it would be revealed that he was a missing Ninja from Suna. So he had to leave and become a missing nin from Konoha first. Quickly Synn packed water and food for the Journey ahead and dressed in some fairly basic clothes. Only packing clothing that did not have Any Konoha symbols on them. It meant leaving his coats with the symbols etched into the shoulder behind. But in time he was sure they would discover his apartment empty so he decided to buy himself a little time.

His neighbor was near the same height and build as himself. It was why Synn had chosen to live here after all. It was easy enough to gain a friend ship with the man over time before inviting him over on that very night. And then strangling him to death. A neck snap would of been easier but broken bones would of shown up in the investigation. Instead he turned on the gas stove and moved out the window. A candle was left burning in the living room. He was damn near the hole in the wall he had designed and hidden long before this day when he heard the explosion. He looked back over his shoulder through the night to see the lights in the dark sky that showed his apartment in flames. And then he was through the hole and out the other side. Quickly making his way into the woods and then then on a straight path to Suna.

2Travel thread from Konoha to Suna. Empty Re: Travel thread from Konoha to Suna. Thu Apr 25, 2013 9:32 am



Synn had managed to get far away from the village hidden in the leaf and through the land unnoticed under the cover of night. He was after all a stealth expert. He covered his trail easy enough as it where. For at least a short amount of time he would be considered dead. And as it turned out it was plenty of time to get out of the Lands. The Terrain was changing as he traveled through the morning at a rapid speed only stopping once for breakfast. And even then it was only about a ten minute break. If some one was capable of catching up to him then he wanted to be at his peak which means not hungry and not tired. Either way he moved out again quickly and made his way until the water itself was getting scarce. He had to stop before he hit the desert to make the last of his precautions a reality.

Stopping at a river that separated the lands he fetched the hair dye from his pack and set to work. He didn't want anyone recognizing him. So he took the time needed to dye his hair black. His red vibrant color gone. Even burying the eye patch and the packs of hair dye under some rocks at the bottom of the river. If some one found this evidence then they where super natural at their job. And with that he moved on to Suna Keeping silent as could be. Once well into the desert he found the crop of rocks he had hidden in before. He did not dare enter the village before night fall so he rested beneath the rocks protected from the sun. Once the sun faded however as the failing light was at his back he used the blinding light over the desert to sneak over the wall with out a sound. He was excellent at his job and he knew the village. Once inside he set about forming his false Identity.

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