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Fresh Cotton and Smoke: The Scent of A Thief 5nmFpoJ

7:51 pm
Kumogakure | Residential area
Interacting with Watsuji


The feeling of sun's warm rays on her cheek roused Okeami from her sleep. Groaning, she pushed herself up from the ground and towards the sound of rushing water. She would dip her head into the stream letting her long pink locks get swept in the stream before turning her head and pushing her face into the stream. After she couldn't hold her breath any longer, Okeami would surfaced wiping her face then begin to work on her foot.

The heightening of her senses since her loss of vision had been helpful in this way. She retained some light sensitivity as well, enough to know day from night at least. It was morning from what she could tell. The song birds were singing and the sun had only just started it's ascent into the sky. She was adapting quickly to her illness, all the better for a woman on a mission.

As she pulled the shreds of fabric, the thick scent of iron filled the air around her. She dipped her foot into the water tentatively, hissing as it made contact with the wound. With how she'd treated it, the girl was lucky it didn't smell infected. A sigh passed her lips as she lifted her foot carefully from the stream and propped it up on the bank. The cool metal againat her thigh reminded her why the cut was worth the gain.

Within the last two days she struggled to catch foods. Rabbits were far too fast and she was far too clumsy without her sight. Berries and foliage were risky and becoming sparse as she scaled upwards towards kumogakure. A sense of dread settled in her stomach as her second day without food passed by, it felt like the beginning of the end. In her haste to scurry further up the mountain side towards the war torn city in hopes of food and shelter, she stepped down hard on what she assumed was only jagged rocks. Smothering her screams with her fist in her mouth the young kunoichi toppled over onto the hard ground. Using her free hand she grabbed the wound and applied pressure by tangling it in the long train of her dress.

Removing her fist from her mouth the kunoichi reached her hand out patting the ground in a desperate attempt to feel for something to lift herself up on to. Jagged surfaces were all about but she hadn't yet felt anything tall enough or sturdy enough to push herself again. As her hand flailed about, she came in contact with an unusually smooth surface. Smooth and warm to the touch like it had been laying in the sun all day. Okeami plucked it off of the ground, twisting and turning it in her hand. Diamond shaped, thin, sharp edges, it was a kunai or at least the blade of one. Hurriedly she would cut the train of her dress into strips and bandage her foot. A spear shred of fabric was used to secure the weapon to her thigh. Within a few hours she'd found the stream and brush to hide under. With her new kunai head, any small animal unfortunate to cross her path would become dinner.

For a week this is how she lived, until today. Feeling the tender area around the wound Okeami sighed with relief when she felt the scabby skin. It was healing quickly, she could likely move again. Finish her trek up to Kumogakure, with that in mind Okeami wrapped her foot with haste and grabbed the long wooden pole she'd become acquainted with. Using it to guide her path up to the mountain she made her way up into the village.

Dense with the smell of smoke, the village was nothing she'd remembered it to be. There was no sounds of children playing or even fighting at this point. All that existed in the space was silence and a looming feeling of doom, nonetheless it was the perfect hideaway for her. None would expect a defenseless woman to thrust herself into a war torn village, yet here she was. Using her keen nose, Okeami singled out the first pleasant smell since her arrival. Gentle and clean, the smell of laundry detergent brought her to what she believed to be a residence. Not hearing anyone outside, she could only assume they fled leaving their laundry in the hurry. She didn't dwell on the sadness of the thought for any longer before hopping the wooden fence and making her way over to the clothing line. Okeami vowed to take only what she needed as age felt the variety of fabrics hanging from the line. It was bad enough she was looting from those less fortunate. Finding a pair of women's pants she tugged them down and held them against herself to measure.

WC | 814



"Someone approaches. Be ready." Hideyoshi, the restless ancestral spirit always had his senses on high alert. He distrusted shinobi to a height most couldn't comprehend. As those words brought the idle Watsuji to raise his eyes from beneath his straw hat, he would scan the figure of a woman. She approached the fresh linens of the hiding family within this shack, reaching out to take them without regard for their personal belongings. Her appearances revealed that she was not without troubles of her own, a tattered wedding dress clinging to her body. The length was shortened by way of a rough blade rather than careful craftsmanship. This was not a stylistic decision, but was she aware of the fault in stealing from others? He would rise from his spot, grasping Mother's Bequest by its hilt and dashing forward at high speed, slicing the grass along his path. This brought him face to face with the woman, who he would grasp by the wrist before she could do anything further with the pants.

"She placed those out here around an hour ago. Do you think she would be a little upset to find them stolen while her family is already forced to cower inside from an onslaught beyond their capacity?" Watsuji would speak calmly, his strength somewhat oppressive as he held the girl by her wrist. He knew never to strike an unready opponent, so regardless of her disposition he wanted to approach giving her the ability to speak for herself. The samurai warrior was not one for thievery, and had admittedly grown attached to his little hosting family of Kumogakure citizens. A silent, mutual relationship had blossomed between the neutral party and the family. He protected them from any outside threats while he stayed in the workshop. He had the time and space to prepare himself for his final mark, Hastur.

"What is your name?" Watsuji asked, releasing her wrist and taking the pants back from her. As the smoke rose through the streets from the fires nearby, gusts of wind would bluster about and choke those who stood in its wake. The samurai would enter a small coughing fit, having been breathing this for a few hours now. It was a godsend to him that his time here was limited. He had no want or desire to be involved with this shinobi on shinobi violence. From the window behind, the wife of the cowering family looked upon the scene with fear. She had yet to confirm or deny whether Watsuji was a good natured soul or a malevolent force. She winced as she imagined how this could possibly end.

"It's okay! She can have any clothes she needs! Please, she needs them more than any of us right now." The woman would shout upon throwing open the kitchen windows. She clearly didn't want to witness any violence and felt for the girl. It shocked Watsuji as he has never intended on harming this person in the first place.

WC: 503

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