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Eishun woke up with a start at the sound of someone banging harshly on the door. “Who the actual fuck!”, he exclaimed, rubbing the crust from out of the corner of his eyes, and swinging his feet off the living room table that they were propped on. Glancing at the clock on the nearby wall, seeing the time being only 10 am in the morning, his attention was forced back to the door as, whoever was knocking, persisted on their endeavor. “Yeah, Yeah. I am coming. Hold your goddamn horses.”, he swore, standing up from the comfortable couch, and making his way towards the front door, though, not before his right hand wrapped around the hilt of the massive hammer that was beside the couch, lifting the thing onto his shoulder, Eishun opened the door.

Mahogany brown eyes stared at the one who disturbed the male from his nap, with annoyance. There, across from him, was one of the faculty staff members from the Shinobi Academy. “Well, what do you want. Some people are trying to sleep.” There was a clear annoyance in his voice at being disturbed, if it wasn’t clear to the staff member than Eishun’s constant flexing the fingers around the grip of the hammer surely was. While waiting for a response, the Kaguya pondered on the repercussions of smashing the staff member’s head in with the hammer. They disturbed him from a wonderful nap, and instead of answering right away, was fumbling over their words. “Spit it out already!”, he snapped, causing the individual to finally speak on why they were there.

“Sorry . . . to . . . disturb you, but one of your students, Ozawa Tadaaki”, just at the mention of the name Eishun groan in annoyance, “Had, according to his friends, skipped class today, and ventured off towards Spider-Island in hopes to prove to everyone that it doesn’t exist, and it is something made up by the adults and other shinobi to scare children.” It really wasn’t surprising Tadaaki did something like that. During the first day of class, the civilian boy had questioned everything that was simplySpider-Islandish’ to believe. He was an annoying piece of shit when it came to the topic of Spider Island. For he did not believe such an island existed, and that a brood of spiders were calling the place home. Now it seem like the boy had went off to to Spider Island to see it for himself.

Rubbing his temples, the next words that came out of his mouth surprised the staff member, who looked at him in shock, “What do you want me to do about it?”. While a normal person would be worried about some kid going to Spider Island, and what would befall on them if they were not careful enough, Eishun showed little visual concern for the child’s well-being. “Uh, hmmm, you have been asked to retrieve Ozawa Tadaaki from Spider Island, and return him back to class, or his parents.” Didn’t they know he wasn’t going to lift a damn finger unless money came his way in some form or another?

Tilting in his head to the side, Eishun spoke,”Who is ordering me to do this?”, he question. The response was one that simply could not ignore, even if he wanted to, “From the Mizukage.” At of everyone, it was only the orders from the Mizukage and council that he could not ignore. Groaning in frustration, he turned on his heel, and closed the door behind him, shutting it in the person’s face. “Fine, I will do it. But, don’t expect the boy to come back alive, you know what people say about those who go to Spider Island.”, he spoke, opening the door, and stepping outside. He was now dressed in a pair of black camouflage pants and black combat boots. Like before, his upper body was bare, showing off his chiseled chest. The Kiri headband was wrapped around his forehead. Hefting the hammer, which he had sat down once he stepped outside, he left to do what was asked of him.

It seemed like everything was trying his patients this morning. None of the normal captains would agree to take him to Spider Island. They were all too scared to enter the monster’s territory. The rumors about those who enter the seas not returning caused many to avoid the area like a plague. Speaking to other people at the docks, other believe that there were nothing but monsters on the island. It took him roughly ten minutes to find someone who was willing to take him, “You looking for a ride to Spider Island, eh?” Eishun eyed the old man who was clutching a bottle of alcohol like a lifeline, “Second person today who ask to go to that damn place. At least you look old enough to go there, until the squirt from earlier.”

He did not ponder on who was the other person who the man took to Spider Island, “Yeah, think you can take me?”, he asked. Five minutes of negotiation the pair had come to an agreement with Eishun giving the old coot money to take him to Spider Island. The man only wana ting money to buy more booze. Eishun did not personally care where the money was used for, only for him to be taken to the island in question. Getting onto the boat, Eishun started up conversation with the captain as they made their way towards the island.

“Here we are, Spider Island.” Maghony eyes look out and towards the gigantic land that was rumored to be filled with monsters. The thick fog which blanketed the area, giving it a natural cover, enchanted the eerie presence of the place. Subconsciously, Eishun felt his skin crawl as he stepped foot on the island, followed by the captain. “You will find the boy here, but rather he is alive or dead, is up to the inhabitants. They tend to be a bit bitey!”, The captain spoke, laughing, showing his crooked teeth that looked to be running away from one another.

Ignoring the man’s laughter, Eishun began walking further into the island, getting swallowed up by the fog. Senses were obscured, not only by the fog, but the sounds of critters moving to and fro, Eishun catching their shadowy moments from the current of his village. He did not know where he was going. This was the first time he was on the island. He was just heading straight towards the Manor in the distance, hoping the residents would give him some insight on where the boy was, or at least his body.


Haka Osada

Haka Osada

All was quiet on Spider Island since the defeat of some randomly invading bandits and the odd gathering of souls who had decided on visiting Spider Island for the oddest reasons. All? Well, no, not all of Spider Island. In the centre of the whole island, in front of the Osada's manor, the symphony of terror was to be heard as some random genin named 'Ozawa Tadaaki' was screaming their lungs and throat sore. The genin was dangling upside down, completely cocooned from shoulders to feet, and attached to one of the more solid branches of the solitary deadened tree that 'beautified' the otherwise equally dead front garden. He had soiled his pants since long, the stink of urine lingering around them, and their face was red. Though it was not clear if that was from having the blood rush down or by the sheer amount of crying he had done. In between his screams, he gasped for air, mentally reminding himself he would never survive this living nightmare and that he should not have joined the academy and that Spider Island was the worst and that he forgot to tell his mother how much he loved her and how he oh so wished his sensei would save them and how... In other words, a lot of things that wouldn't exactly save him from that insane little girl that sat there, a meter or two away from.

That girl, whoever her name was, looked at him with red eyes. Eyes that didn't care one iota for his predicament since, in fact, she had been the one placing him in it. She seemed unfazed by the endless screams, casually emptying a cup of pudding like she was watching a movie at the theatres, and simply waiting for... yeah, for what? But as if her terrifying aura wasn't enough to have his hair raised and have him feel shivers run slowly over his back, she had bemusedly placed a 'tiny' spider the size of a god-damned adult hand - outstretched - on his chest. The jumping spider, which she had named Gomu for some reason, sat merely watching the kid, only moving a few steps to the left or right or raising its arms comically, the moment he stopped crying for a moment. Like the tiny spider itself amused itself setting the kid on another screaming round.

"What's your name?"
"Ah, ah, it's ... ah, O-ozawa! Ozowa Tadaakiiii"
"You're weak. What are you even doing here?"
"I'm so sorreeeeeh..."

Another round of crying and screaming followed suit, orchestrated by Gomu the jumping spider's little arms. It briefly turned its gaze to the long-haired emaciated pudding-eater, telling her something in whatever arachnid language it knew, which resulted in the girl merely waving it away. Instead, she'd trade her now empty cup of pudding for a new one which stood waiting on the silver platter carried by a maid. That maid, a human by the looks of it but which was just as much Unmei as the pudding-eating progeny of Sero remained within the shadows playing her role as a maid perfectly.

"That doesn't answer the question. Why are you here?"
"I w-wanted to prooo- aaah, keep it away. Please! It's going to eat me, I swear!"
"The sooner you speak, the sooner you're gone."
"Aah, aah! I-I just wanted to show my friends that Sp-spider Oh-my-god-help-it's-getting-closeeaaaaah!"
"You act like prey, so Gomu acts like a predator. What about Spider Island?"
"I thought it was fake! But it isn't! Hu hu huuu..."
"Why wouldn't it exist..?"

Haka's questions came as calm as one could be, her voice quiet, almost soothing despite her fearful aura. The apathy in the spider-nin wasn't just for show. She truly didn't care for the boy's predicament. If anything, the Hunter-nin was simply enjoying herself extracting information out of the boy since she had nothing else to do. A boy that had yet to reach the ranks of genin was hardly worth her time, the challenge just too low for a jounin of Kirigakure to care about. And frankly, unless he'd pose a thread to the Dark Father, Haka generally didn't care at all who entered the Osada's legitimate domain - those too weak to move on would not have the chance to regret their actions. They'd be dead.

This one, however, was (un)lucky enough to run head first into the aranean queen herself, and so she had invited him into the heart of the island. Invited, without any words or an actual offer, for that matter. Invited in a way that only Haka would do: cocooned and dragged like he was to be her future meal. Haka, putting another spoonful of vanilla pudding in her mouth instead, shifted her gaze to another human in her presence. Like she held the answers to the silliness of her own human kin.

"Maeve, what do they teach these students at school about Spider island?", she'd ask the Ice user nearby with such a platonic tone it was difficult to figure out if the Osada was joking or asking a serious question.





The Itsy Bitsy Spider . . .caught an annoying brat [Invite Only] WiD8Yre

Her circumstances that brought her here were certainly interesting: an orphaned child who was kidnapped, unknowing to her, by the very people who her deceased father had been sent on a mission to infiltrate and stop. There would have been no telling where the ten year old, freshly dubbed Chuunin, would have ended up had she not had the brains to make her escape when she did, let alone luring them to Spider Island in the first place: they had all been much larger than her, her captors that was, so it wasn’t like she could fight fairly against them. No, she had needed that edge to raise her survivability and it had worked, though more wonderfully in her opinion than she had previously expected. Being rescued by Chi, dubbed his daughter, and then tolerated enough at the manor to reside there due to Chi’s own living circumstances making it impossible for her to stay with him at the time being, had worked out very much in Maeve’s favor. She was downright fascinated by spiders - and other creatures as well that normally gave humans the creepy crawlies - so getting a chance to live on an island full of them? Yes please, more.

Of course, Maeve wasn’t stupid. She knew very well the very creatures she resided with could kill her in an instant, and likely without warning. Yet, she didn’t have the same fear response as the cocooned boy who was hanging upside down with a hand sized spider upon him. If anything the child was fascinated as she sat there: not far from Haka, but enough to give the spider-woman some comfortable distance. It wasn’t that she was fearful of Haka - though she should have been - but more the fact that she had very much seen already what happened to someone already who touched Haka without permission and she really didn’t want to experience it first hand. She had finally stopped coughing up blood and could breath as properly as Maeve ever did having been born sickly, so there really was no point in pushing her luck, or her hosts buttons.

So the blue haired child sat there with her hair cut short to her chin - mostly to fix the damage her captors had done to it - and a headband hidden within the tuffs of hair that caused the blue fur covered cat ears glued on top of them to blend in: the only thing giving away the fact that they weren’t real beyond the smell of the fake fur being the fact that they didn’t swivel and move like a cats did. Dressed in white and dark blue - from the white sweater that hung off her shoulders and was held up by two thin straps, dark blue pleated skirt, white wool leggings, and tan leather boots - she stuck out very much like a sore thumb. Some would have called her attire cute, perhaps due to her age, while others might have considered it eccentric. For Maeve though this was the norm: the child hated being human, despised most humans who walked the earth for one reason or another, and was very interested in figuring out how to turn herself into anything but a human. So cat ears? All part of the deal with Maeve.

Which was exactly why she was watching so intently as Haka scared the stupid Academy boy into soiling himself while a sketchbook lay open upon her knees which were bent in front of her, containing various drawings of different amounts of detail that showed different angles of the trapped boy. She didn’t really know if he could see her from her vantage point, but she didn’t care: she had no intention of helping him. Laying to the right of her was a book whose title spoke of the contents: the most deadly venoms found upon the earth. She had been reading it before Haka arrived with the unfortunate boy, but upon watching for a bit as the questioning had started she had switched to drawing exactly what was in front of her: mostly because for her drawing what she saw was a way to make it stick, and she was fascinated in learning about spiders so who better to study from but Haka herself?

At Haka’s question the pencil within her slender and elegant fingers would pause and she would find herself glancing over in the direction the voice had come from, blue hues seeking Haka out and filled with a sort of curiosity that was borderline morbid. ”That coming here is a bad idea if you’re not prepared to survive. There are some though, I guess like him, who are foolish enough to think that what they consider ‘monsters’ do not exist.”

“Y-you! Ple-please help me!”, the boy began to plead, obviously recognizing a younger voice when he heard it: and Maeve’s certainly sounded young, though in a beautiful sing-song like fashion.

Slowly Maeve’s gaze would shift back to the boy, a hint of boredom in it as if she had been expecting such a question when she spoke. Eyebrows would raise in curiosity and question before she gave voice to the thoughts in her mind. ”Why? What’s in it for me to try and save you? What are you worth to me that would make me want to put myself on the line in order to save someone foolish enough to come here unprepared and unbelieving?”, the words were spoken in a curious tone, though there was a sliver of darkness there: this was no ruse, she truly had no intentions of putting her own neck on the line for a complete stranger.

“Yo- your a monster!”, the boy cried, sobbing as his hopes for some kind of help came crashing down upon him.

Rolling her eyes as if the term annoyed her Maeve looked back down at her drawing while muttering loud enough for those within the vicinity, including the boy, to hear, ”Monster is a relative term. To a canary a cat is a monster. You’re just used to being the cat.”
Total WC: 1,021


Otherworldly is one of the many words Eishun could use to describe Spider-Island. Each step taken, leading him deeper into the fog, and the safety which the coast provide, due to the mode of transportation being there, he felt himself leaving the pronounced civilization of Mizu no Kuni and entering into a different world. Unknown and ghastly, the feeling the island was given off was something completely different than what felt in the other parts of Mizu no Kuni. A sensory he might be, but there was something primal and unnatural about the place, as if it had been isolated from humanity's touch, or removed any presence of the latter from the area.

Even though he had been walking for a few minutes, he could still hear the laughter of the ferryman who brought him across the water, and underneath the bridge that connected the island to others. The laughter was haunting and chilling. Even the words were spoken, how the residents could be a bit bitey, words that could have easily been dismissed as a harmless scare tactic was not by Eishun. He could not perceive any humor within the words. It was like the man was speaking cold truths, just hidden amongst a burst of laughter. Of course, he could have just been imagining things, but, for some reason, a part of him knew he wasn’t. Although. . .

Shadowy movements were a scene from the corner of his eye, with the source of it had disappeared by the time he turned his head in the direction. The next time a figured moved in his peripheral vision, he was able to turn his head fast enough to catch the sight of a pair of spiders fighting out in the opening. Not too far from the pair was another feeding on some small reptile. Even from a distance, he could see the arachnid’s massive fang massaging the tender underbelly of the small reptile. The sight was one of the interests for Eishun, but he could not stop and take in the speculate for he had a job to do, unfortunately.

The deeper he went, heading towards the manor, the more wildlife he began to see, and he began to realize why the place was called spider island. Arachnids were abundant everywhere. No matter where he looked, he would see multiple of spiders going about their busy, doing what nature attended for them to do. A few even managed to crawl on him, unknowingly, only for them to be removed, and allowed to scurry away. Undoubtedly, if he had a fear of spiders, his skin would have been crawling by now. Thankfully, he did not have such a fear, thus, the number of spiders didn’t affect him at all.

It still did not stop him from silently questioning why he was taking time out of his day to find and rescue this academy student? Who cares if the boy was apart of his class? With the Mizukage not paying any of them, his responsibilities for the welfare of the students were null and void. There was also the fact Ozawa Tadaaki was a bad student, to begin with. He always had the snarky comment to make when certain subjects are brought up. He finding any reason to disrupt the class. Yet, despite all of that, he was expected to save the boy from his faith? A faith that he placed on himself? If it wasn’t for the Mizukage ordering him to do it, and most likely checking to see if he did, Eishun would have returned and said he couldn’t find the boy.

Eishun’s paced quicken, if only slightly, at the sound of a boy screaming, and murmurs could be heard as he got closer to the manor. Stepping into the garden, he ignored how dead the surrounding area looked, instead, went directly to the sound of the scream. The moment he got close enough, the hair on his arm began to raise up, and a shiver ran down his spine. It felt as if he stepped into the lair of a predator, and that he should leave immediately. Unfortunately, he could not leave, for he had to return the student home, if possible. Tightening the grip on the hammer, resting against his bare shoulder, he came to an interesting sight.

There, wrapped in a cocoon, hanging upside down from one of the trees, was his student. The scent of urine hung in the air, and told him the boy had soiled himself. Great, just what is needed to deal with; the smell of piss.  His gaze did not linger on the boy for long, instead, it flickered towards the one who was given off the eerie presence. Mahogany eyes looked towards the woman who was enjoying some type of food. He had been around some scary people, but this one . . . she was made his skin crawl, something which he was surprised by.

Although he was foolish to do this, Eishun eyes turned to the other in the area, a blue-haired child. Apart from him believe he knew who the child was, but he wasn’t entirely sure how? Maybe it was someone who he taught before? Nevertheless, his gaze focused back on the woman who was eating, and he cleared his throat to gain their attention. “Sensei!! Save me!!!”, Eishun ignored the boy pleads, instead remained locked on the woman, but the words spoken were addressed to the boy, “Didn’t I tell you Spider-Island was off-limits unless you are foolish or had a death wish? I told you what could possibly be here, yet, you ignore my teachings. You joked whenever the topic was brought up. Now look at you. . .” he scolded the boy.

“But Sens - - -” The boy shut up the moment Eishun removed the hammer from his shoulder, and rested it in front of him. With one hand rest on the end of the pole of the hammer, and the other on top of it, Eishun finally introduces himself, “I’m Kaguya Eishun. An academy teacher. I am sorry to disturb you all today, but, I need to return the nimrod.”, he tilted his head towards the boy, “Back to home and to his parents. Though, I am curious on who you two might be, and how he ended up in his current predicament.”

Although appearing relaxed, he couldn’t stop his hair on his arms from raising. Whoever the girl in  front of him, he would need to be wary.


Haka Osada

Haka Osada

The answer Maeve provided was one Haka had expected. Her logic mind simply couldn't grasp as to why this boy, being taught Spider Island was a dangerous place, believed it not to exist or not to be as dangerous as was described. It simply didn't make sense, as not even the most naive human was this stupid. If this guy was supposed be a student at the academy... then Haka did not have much hope for the boy, coming to a point where she'd prefer to spare him the agony of his own future by killing him right on the spot. Or rather, she let the other spiders do so since she'd be getting in trouble with the administrative authorities of Kumogakure. For the clan's sake, it was better not to enjoy such uncaring privileges. But perhaps such would not be needed, as the boy attempted to get out of his predicament by shifting his attention to the Yuki instead. Playing on her emotions; like humans would do in times of need. Remaining quiet all the while, the spider listened in. Observed. It was interesting to find the girl almost as disinterested into the boy as herself; hers stemming from self-preservation and curiosity rather than apathy. The answer she gave in reply to being called a monster was one that had Haka thinking for a moment, for most members of the Osada clan, especially those from this island, were often considered monsters too. The metaphorical likeness might be rather striking.

Her mind was distracted by the approaching sound of snapping twigs and the rustling of what little leaves laid on the ground. Out of the dark forest stepped a man. White hair, barely pallid skin, scars. Someone who had known his fair share of fights, and by the looks of whatever weird tattoo he had, a possible relation to the Kaguya clan of bone-users. Despite that, even his body reacted in acknowledgement of the tyrant's presence, yet signs of courage reflected in his demeanour as he didn't fail to analyse his surroundings. Haka took another spoonful of pudding, waiting. A single beating of the heart was all the time that passed before the cocooned kid cried out and identified the man as being his sensei. So, the administration had already sent someone over? A pity, as that meant she'd not be able to get rid of him. Or rather, his pathetic weakness.

The boy would be scolded for it - how humane - rather than punished, but considering Sero's desires were not to interfere with Kirigakure's business the spider-nin let him go about. He'd eventually come to a point where he presented him as Kaguya Eishun, a teacher at the academy school. A bone-user, indeed. The type of people her father often brought into the dark fold of his influence. She'd slightly tilt her head when he asked for their names, and would answer in kind with her typical soft voice, her apathy for the whole situation didn't fluctuate in the slightest, "I am Osada Haka, daughter to Osada Sero.". She'd leave presentation of the Yuki to the girl herself, the spider not feeling the need to play the gallant lady or uphold whatever human etiquette was of matter in such situations. Here, only the Way of the Spider mattered, and they didn't bother with such polite masquerades.

"His aptitude proved sufficient to reach the manor.", she stated as the reason why he got caught in this situation. And that aptitude, combined with his disbelieve or arrogance, was what had costed him. Haka was the reigning spider within the manor's web. As a jounin, as a Hunter-nin and as the Tyrannis of the spider clan, she made no exceptions when it came to visitors. Everyone of them suffered the same first test of courage when meeting her, but where Maeve and Eishun had proven resolute, the boy had not. Showing that sort of weakness was what had caused Haka to bind him the way she had, and with Maeve around she had decided on entertaining the both of them with a most cruel yet so far physically harmless application of mental torture. It wouldn't be unlikely if the boy developed arachnophobia by the end of the experience.

"Gomu seems really hungry today.", upon which the tiny spider raised its little arms as if cheering or acknowledging that fact, much to the boy's worst fears. Another round of yammering began, entwined with sensei-calling, and Gomu seemed to dance on the 'music' of his terror like he was trying to make an impression to nearby females.

"Perhaps when your students get to hear this foolish boy vanished while exploring this island, the others would no longer doubt the existence of us... monsters.", she mused with closed eyes as she ran her hand through her long white hair. Then, raising to her feet, she'd move over to the boy, held out her hand to the jumping spider so it would ran up to her, and then moved to Maeve where she'd let Gomu off again. When she had transported the itty bitty jumping spider, she walked towards Eishun until she was about a meter away from him, where she'd ask Eishun a question in turn. "Tell me, Eishun of clan Kaguya, would you miss him if I kept him here to entertain us or to feed him to the spiders? Do you value the life of one child higher than that of the island's spiders?

What about you, Maeve? Do you think we should keep him here or do we send him back?"
, she'd ask while slightly turning her head to catch the girl within her eye of sight.

The boy's eyes would bulge in fear, swiftly eyeing his sensei with a hint of doubt and pleading hope like he wasn't even sure the Kaguya would say 'yes' to that.

Total: 1'893




The Itsy Bitsy Spider . . .caught an annoying brat [Invite Only] WiD8Yre

Someone was coming: it caught her attention and held it. The snapping of twigs, rustling of leaves, while it took her an extra second to perceive them she did indeed. Her gaze shifted, no longer curious but alert: considering the amount of bandits who had been foolish enough to come venturing to the island as of recently she wasn’t about to let her guard down. Yet, as the figure became seeable a sense of familiarity fell upon her: Eishun, former student of her deceased father’s, and her Academy teacher before she graduated. She half expected him to say something - she had been missing for quite some time after all - and yet her appearance change seemed to fool him for the moment as he went about introducing himself in a way that said he didn’t recognize her in the slightest. While another person in her place might have been upset or offended, Maeve simply took it in stride, though a playful smile formed upon her face for but a second before it was hidden.

With the arrival being just Eishun she took the time to glance back at the cocooned boy. Was he really one of Eishun’s students? If so, why hadn’t he believed the hammer wielders stories about the island and the warnings to avoid it? ”I suppose there’s a dense one in every bunch….”, Maeve found herself thinking. With Haka having introduced herself by that point and given pause to allow Maeve to do the same if she wished, she found her attention shifting back to Eishun, the playful and coy smile upon her face once more. ”I should be offended both that you don’t remember me, and the fact that you’re once again not wearing a shirt. I suppose in your old age it’s easy to forget the single student in your entire class you failed to poison.”, the words were playful in nature, not carrying any sort of spite, but more so amusement more than anything. Like a child playing a game. She knew that Eishun would know exactly who she was at this point: she had always got onto him about not wearing a shirt, and had indeed been the only child not to cave in and eat the cookies Eishun had passed out at the beginning of class their first day - thus resulting in her being the only one not to suffer the mild but nonetheless uncomfortable effects of the poison the cookies had been tainted with.

Watching as Haka rose to her feet and walked over to the boy she found herself becoming more curious about the fate the boy would suffer. In truth, the fact that he was still alive was something that Maeve considered a miracle. The fact that he had made it as far as it had was yet another. So with rapt attention she watched as the jumping spider made it ways to Haka, giving the boy a reprieve from some of the fear he was feeling - though likely not all of it considering the conversation at hand. Reaching out her hand she’d allow Gomu upon her arm, staring at the spider in curiosity rather than fear: in fact, her entire body remained as at ease as it had been the entire time. Looking at the spider for a moment longer she’d shift her attention to the drawing by her feet, noticing subtle details she would need to change. Placing the spider down on the corner of the page she picked up her pencil, content to making the changes at that moment before she paused as attention was given to her once more by Haka. Lifting her head she would shift her hues over to the cocooned boy once more, tilting her head as if regarding the situation with a great deal of thought and curiosity. ”Hmm… I think he should stay here. He should have listened, and him disappearing would certainly prove the point to anyone else foolish enough to believe as he does.” Perhaps a year ago she would have been all for letting the boy go home, but Maeve had changed from her experiences lately, she had seen the coldness and darkness of the world, and knew that lessons needed to be learned even if they were horrible and cruel.

If the boys eyes weren’t about to jump out of his skull before then, they certainly were now. Maeve had spoken her take on his fate with such calmness she could have been discussing the weather. Her attention would shift once more to the spider upon her notebook, letting him climb up her hand and come to rest on her shoulder, regarding, or so she assumed, the drawn version of himself that Maeve took to fixing up now that her answer had been given. It certainly wasn’t up to her the fate the boy woud suffer, if he was lucky Eishun would spirit him away somewhere safe and he would never come back, if not… well, she was interested to see had a bunch of spiders could consume one human being.
Total WC: 1,950


The inhabitants were certainly interesting to say the least. From the unknown woman who were content in eating then concern with the affairs in front of her. A look of disinterested, or maybe apathy, towards the academy student was in a precarious position, and screaming from freedom. She didn’t even seem to be bothered with the smell of defecation and urination which hung in the air. Though, the latter didn’t mean much for, if she was a shinobi, then the smell was one that they were taught to block out. Even he, himself,  had learned the particular trick upon coming to Kiri, nevertheless, that was not here or there.

When introduction was given, Eishun’s eyes widen for a brief second, his facial expression schooling into a look of calm and composure. Osada Sero was not someone who was unrecognizable within Mizu no Kuni. The Father of Monsters, Eishun became aware of the male existences, his tales being like a story to scare children and adults alike, even when he was living in Kibo, and had a foolish wish in meeting the supposed progenitor. But, before him wasn’t the Father of Monsters, but one of his offsprings.  The thought of that man having children was unnerving and fascinating at the same time. Yet, the proof was right in front of him.

Osada Haka, he mentally repeated the name as his eyes were kept on the woman. While he never met her father, apart of him shudder to think what type of presence that man allude with his daughter already heard such a frightening one? The thought was the stuff of nightmares, but, something he wishes to experience in his lifetime, assuming he lived long enough to meet the man in person . “Nice to meet you, Osada Haka.”, he spoke in a polite tone, and slight bow of the head in respect. While he did not know much about her, he did know she outranked him. Her, and her teammates were unique in Mizu no Kuni for how long they lasted as a team, thus, she was not an anomaly to him.

With one introduction over, Eishun shifted his attention to the other, who had yet to introduce herself. The playful and coy smile from her caused him to raise an eyebrow. His eyes widening when the unknown girl mentioned something only a student of his would know. Though, what she had mentioned, and implied, caused the blood to drain from his face. Out of all of his students, there had only been one who didn’t fail his test on the first day, and, and only one who had the nerve to talk back to him about his lack of shirts, Eishun found himself saying the person name, “Maeve?”, in questioning manner. If it was to believe, the daughter of his deceased sensei was on this island.

A hand came up to rub his nonexistent beard as his mind was in a whirlwind of emotions. Asides from the Kaguyas, there had only been one family which he was close to, and who had treated him like one of their own, and that was Maeve’s. When he wasn’t busy with something else, he was always over at their house, either for training with her father or simply to hang out. Though, all of that changed when his sensei and his wife got killed with Maeve seemingly taken by bandits. His duties as an Academy teacher was the only thing that kept him from searching for her himself. Of course, it didn’t sit well with him, considering his connection with the girl and her family, but he had to follow orders, somewhat.

The light crook of his corner lip was present as his features schooled down, “You have always been one of my brightest students. Even now, you were the only one who didn’t foolish eat the cookies.”, he spoke, his voice having emotion in it. Who would have thought his sensei’s daughter would be on this island? Who would have thought he would find his favorite student by agreeing to retrieve one of his least favorite ones? “How?he asked, the question should be obvious as reference to how she managed to escape from her captives. The answer to the question would have to wait as Haka spoke.

Glancing at the boy, Eishun spoke, “I am glad he made it here, and is experiencing the hospitality of the inhabitants. Maybe this will be enough to convince him that the stuff I teach isn’t bullshit, granted, he will need to be alive to understand this valuable lesson.”. Ignoring the cries of outrage to his comment, Eishun ponder on what to do in the given situation.  Giving how the boy, by all rights, trespassed on private land, his fate should be in the hands of the inhabitants to do what they will with him. But, there lies a problem of Eishun dealing with the fallout if word got out that the boy made it to the island. What to do?

Eishun smile and chuckled at the antics of the spider, who’s name apparently was Gomu, as it terrorized the boy more. The boy’s yammering and cries for help was amusing, even when  the boy suddenly threatened to get him fired from the school, Eishun just shrugged, “I could care less. With teachers not being paid, I have no reason to return to teaching, especially for brats like you.” His attention shifted back to Haka, listening as she spoke, “You are underestimating the foolish of some students, especially those with a civilian background. They won’t believe in monsters until they see it for themselves. Of course, there are some smart ones, but they are few and far between.”, he said, “If he doesn’t return. I will simply say he never made it to the island. Doubt you want other shinobi scouring your lands for the boy’s body . . . or remains. The only one who knows the boy is here is us four, and the crazy boat captain who brought the boy, and me here. Doubt the man would say anything either, he was not. . all there.”

His eyes never left the daughter of Sero, watching as she transported the spider from the boy, and over to where Maeve was, before moving towards him. His posture did not change as Haka was merely a meter away from him, her aura being even more intense due to the close proximity between the two, yet, he did not falter. The question proposed was one he had been having a mental war with. What to do about the student? It was the boy’s own fault in getting into the mess he currently was in. “Despite how much of a nuisance he is, I would miss him, like I do all my students. A teacher never wish to lose any of their students, for it means that they failed in instilling into them the knowledge needed to survive in this world.”, he spoke, catching the look of relief in the boy’s eyes. Though the relief in the boy’s eyes would disappear with Eishen’s next words, “However, as a future shinobi, one must learn there are consequences for one’s actions. That, a single mistake can cost them either a teammate, a limb, or . . . their life. My academy student needs to learn that lesson.”

Eishun ignored the boy’s screams in favor of looking at the two in front of him, “He trespassed on your land, on the home of spiders, thus, it is only fair they punish him.”, he spoke, leaving the boy’s faith into the hands of the Haka, and whoever else who live on the island. Now, what faith would befall on the boy?


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