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1Avalanche [E-Rank Pet] Empty Avalanche [E-Rank Pet] Fri May 11, 2018 1:19 pm



Name: Avalanche
Species: Polar Bear
Rank: E
Specializations: Taijutsu / Ninjutsu
Elements: Doton (Earth)


Personality: Being still of young age. Avalanche is very playful. He knows nothing about war and only wants to eat, like quite a lot. He wants to play games and cuddle around. His mother was a fearsome, powerful protector and eventually, if genetics go down the right way, he might someday become a strong protector alike his mother.

Verdandi found him as he was just a few days old next to his dying mum. Since she has taken him in at this young age, Avalanche thinks of Verdandi as of his own kin maybe even as of his mother somehow. Verd will train him as a ninja pet and will take good care of the little rascal.

He has a fierce persona and despite being scared by larger enemies he has a cheeky attitude and will try to go on and explore on his own. Verd sometimes has to go to lengths to make sure he doesn't wander off too far but he seems to learn better as he ages.

Techniques: -

2Avalanche [E-Rank Pet] Empty Re: Avalanche [E-Rank Pet] Fri May 11, 2018 1:21 pm



I will note to the mods that I am paying for this~

3Avalanche [E-Rank Pet] Empty Re: Avalanche [E-Rank Pet] Fri May 11, 2018 10:20 pm



Verdandi wrote:Name: Avalanche
Species: Polar Bear
Rank: E
Specializations: Taijutsu / Ninjutsu
Elements: Doton (Earth)


Personality: Being still of young age. Avalanche is very playful. He knows nothing about war and only wants to eat, like quite a lot. He wants to play games and cuddle around. His mother was a fearsome, powerful protector and eventually, if genetics go down the right way, he might someday become a strong protector alike his mother.

Verdandi found him as he was just a few days old next to his dying mum. Since she has taken him in at this young age, Avalanche thinks of Verdandi as of his own kin maybe even as of his mother somehow. Verd will train him as a ninja pet and will take good care of the little rascal.

He has a fierce persona and despite being scared by larger enemies he has a cheeky attitude and will try to go on and explore on his own. Verd sometimes has to go to lengths to make sure he doesn't wander off too far but he seems to learn better as he ages.

Techniques: -

Approved for 1500 ryo!

@Andrea, you should also say that in your admin request.

4Avalanche [E-Rank Pet] Empty Re: Avalanche [E-Rank Pet] Sun May 13, 2018 7:51 am



Fuyuko wrote:
Verdandi wrote:Name: Avalanche
Species: Polar Bear
Rank: E
Specializations: Taijutsu / Ninjutsu
Elements: Doton (Earth)


Personality: Being still of young age. Avalanche is very playful. He knows nothing about war and only wants to eat, like quite a lot. He wants to play games and cuddle around. His mother was a fearsome, powerful protector and eventually, if genetics go down the right way, he might someday become a strong protector alike his mother.

Verdandi found him as he was just a few days old next to his dying mum. Since she has taken him in at this young age, Avalanche thinks of Verdandi as of his own kin maybe even as of his mother somehow. Verd will train him as a ninja pet and will take good care of the little rascal.

He has a fierce persona and despite being scared by larger enemies he has a cheeky attitude and will try to go on and explore on his own. Verd sometimes has to go to lengths to make sure he doesn't wander off too far but he seems to learn better as he ages.

Techniques: -

Approved for 1500 ryo!

@Andrea, you should also say that in your admin request.


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