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There was no real rhyme or reason why Tenjin was headed this way. Sunagakure is said to be ruins, with little to no settlements of villagers living in the vicinity with bandits roaming the area as if that was there new home. To be perfectly honest he had just started walking because he had grown tired of waiting around for someone to train him with utter focus on his improvement, Tenjin sought a sensai in this travel. Hari just got this position as Kage and is extremely busy, while Sayuri and other higher ranking shinobi have been caught up in trying to fortify Iwagakure in the chance that war may occur. Maikeru was left behind in the Fire Country, an ally to the Land of Stone, so Tenjin knew that he would be in a safe environment, as far as she knew, and everyone else in the village seem perfectly content to just training on their own to become stronger for the village. That just was not all Tenjin wanted, Tenjin also wanted to learn about the shinobi world from someone much more experienced as well as be able to bring back some of what he learned back to his village. It had not been long since Tenjin had left his village for Kumogakures Chunin exams, and now he is again roaming the outer limits of the village in order to reach a destination that he has only heard about. He had begun to get antsy in his travel, only continuing on as long as he did because of the promise of what was to come for him if he did magically find a teacher in this vast shinobi world. Unfortunately that seemed to be nothing but an empty goal at this point and the young chunin had no guarantee that he will find someone willing to train him anywhere. So, a few days of traveling, and Tenjin woke up completely fed up with his circumstance and decided to stop in the Land of Rain where he saw a small family owned shop.

The small family owned shop appeared to have unique and original hand crafted ninja items, armors, and weapons. The shop appears to leave no paper trail, which was good for Tenjin as he doesnt want to let anyone know what he was buying here, nor do they ask questions, which was great in case anybody was trying to find out who bought what he was looking for in the shop. It was a come and go scenario, and the young Chunin picked up an outfit with no special abilities or protective qualities. Tenjin bought the Yin Yang outfit because he was entering Sunagakure, and from what he hears, it is filled with lawlessness, and Tenjin wanted to protect his identity as an affiliate of one of the major villages to not make himself a target. When Tenjin bought the outfit, he was given a kit to fix any wear and tear caused by combat. The uniform was amazingly crafted, and was placed in Tenjin bag so that he can wear it when reaching Sunagakures borders.

‘God. How much further is it to this village?’ The young shinobi thought as he was still not able to reach the desert that surrounds Sunagakures boundaries. Tenjin finally reached the deserts of the Land of Sand, and he finally thought he was close. He grumbled as he passed even more pure landscape with no other people around for the third day straight. It was beginning to drive him nuts. He had already started hearing things; voices whispering his name as she walked, footsteps that weren't made by anyone or anything. Tenjin even started seeing bodies of water but when he got close, it was apparent that it was a mirage. All of which was just adding to his already constant paranoia being near the lawless west, making Tenjin much more aware of it all.The hot desert sun is definitely taking its toll on the young shinobi.  As if walking all the way to Sunagakure wasn't bad enough as it was.

"Seriously, why don't we have easier methods of travel? We can come up with all these crazy new innovations for shinobi, but can't make a way to get from country to country without having to walk for days on end? What kind of world do we even live in." Tenjin said aloud as he wondered about the politics of nations.

A black panther took off at the sound of his last words. They had come out more as a scream, really, though he hadn't intended it to. It was probably startled, but Tenjin didn't care at this point, as he wondered what a Black Panther was doing in the middle of the desert. Tenjin further wondered if he was becoming delusional. He couldn't keep himself from clenching his jaw, his teeth gnashing against each other as he did so. His hands in constant fists, his nails digging into the skin on his palms. He kicked a somewhat large rock and sent it flying ahead of him over the hill he was climbing. Tenjin couldn't wait for this journey to be over and he could find an abandoned building in the ruins of Sunagakure where he could relax and gather himself up under a dark shade.

When he got to the top of the hill all of the tension in his body seemed to disappear at once. The sight of Sunagakure’s ruins just down the road meant that soon he would be getting just what he wanted. The mere thought seemed to give his body all the energy that had been slowly draining from his body as the days went on. He took off running, a wide grin spread across his face, in the direction of the village. Nothing was going to keep him from staying under a shaded area tonight.

"Sunagakure, here I come!"

Tenjin was then met with a rude awakening to his current circumstance. Seeing a group of bandits from afar going towards him, he swift-fully stopped and looked around for somewhere to hide. Tenjin was easily able to spot that there was more than 10 people coming toward him, and there was absolutely nowhere to hide in the middle of the desert.




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