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1The Exams Have Come[Izumi|NK] Empty The Exams Have Come[Izumi|NK] Thu Feb 01, 2018 3:08 am




It had been years since his own induction into the shinobi army of Sunagakure no Sato, and a slightly shorter amount of time since he'd been a chuunin, but nonetheless he was excited. Syekren was wearing his cloak, borrowed back from Chou during their travel to the village hidden in the lightning for his own purposes. He was doing his best to stay under the radar for the time being, not wanting to draw attention to himself.  Syekren didn't plan on committing any crimes during his stay in the village of the lightning, nor did he think he would be recognized during his time, but it was better to be safe than to be sorry. He had his hood about his head, covering his face in shadow as he walked the streets, waving to those he passed by. Underneath his cloak he wore his ANBU armor, and had his tanto strapped to the back left of his belt. On his right leg was a tool pouch with his kunai and shuriken within, while on his left leg were two sheathes for his trench knives.

The streets were filled with the faces of many expectant genin and observers of the exams, everyone running too and fro in their excitement to either watch or participate. The sky above was overcast, but the air around was mildly warm, given that it was mid-day.  The Uchiha walked silently through the village, looking around. He had traveled with his young daughter, Chou, and the young Karisuma, Izumi. It was to be that Izumi would be participating in the chuunin exams soon and would be leaving to perform her trials at any moment. To commemorate his young student joining the prestigious exams, Syekren had made his way through the town to find her a gift that would show exactly how proud of her he was.

His mind flashed back to the night they'd spent after the destruction of Sunagakure no sato, the flames dancing around and the light of the campfire all they had for warmth. His mind had been fuzzy from the alcohol he'd been drinking but he was sure that the girl had kissed him that night. While he didn't dislike the kiss, per se, he wasn't sure if it was appropriate for a student and master to have that sort of relationship. Not to mention the fact that Syekren was rather inexperienced with women as a whole. He sighed as he stopped in front of a market stall, searching without really looking, his mind in another place. The stall he was at held a slew of weapons and devices that he was sure would be of no use to the Karisuma, and instead he opted to continue his walk, hoping to find something, anything she might like.


Last edited by Syekren Uchiha on Sun Feb 04, 2018 10:07 pm; edited 2 times in total

2The Exams Have Come[Izumi|NK] Empty Re: The Exams Have Come[Izumi|NK] Thu Feb 01, 2018 9:44 am



Although it had been some time since that night when her village was destroyed, Izumi was still thinking about it today. It was hard not to think of such a life changing, some may even say historic, event. The young woman thoughts now were about Syekren, without him she wouldn’t be here most likely. That isn’t to say Izumi believers she would have died without him, but to say that it would have been unlikely that she would be attending the exams. Not only was she attending the exams thanks to him, but she even felt that she was well prepared for them. Izumi’s expectations for herself were high. At the very least she hoped to reach the tournament stage, this was her goal for the exams, however her desire was obvious. Victory and glory. Izumi has always wanted to be well known, and she hoped to take a good first step towards that goal through a strong showing at the exams. Hastur has impressed her, the man sure has a talent for showmanship and theatrics. Izumi appreciated that about the man, however he also troubled her. The man’s message for these exams was clear, it was a show of might. Hastur was the most powerful shinobi she’d ever seen, and to the same end that terrified her, Izumi was fascinated. She wanted to meet this man. Izumi’s desire to succeed came partly from a more lofty angle, she hoped she could use the temporary celebrity of being a churning exam tournament participant to be granted audiences with the great Kage.

Izumi’s thoughts drifted back to Syekren. She still found the man very handsome, however after so much time around him, she was no longer awkward around him. The Karisuma’s thoughts drifted deeper, she began recalling that night again. The day  and night she’d spent in the Jackal’s bar, the people she saved, the people she didn’t. Finally her thoughts came to the last memories she had of that night, healing Syekren, getting drunk, Syekren destroy a sand dune, and … no. She wasn’t actually sure if it was real, the final moments of that night were pretty hazy. However, she always had this vague memory of kissing her sensei. She couldn’t believe she may have done it, and wouldn’t ever dare talking about it. If he ever brought it up to her, she might faint from embarrassment. The young woman was walking along the streets of Kumo, deep in reflection when she saw him. It was Syekren, the man had mentored her up to this point and she was excited to put his training to use. From what she understood, this would be the most difficult thing she’d done so far in her career as a kunoichi. She pushed the nervousness to the back of her mind as she approached her sensei. She tapped him on the shoulder and when he turns to her she’d say, ”Hey Syekren sensei! What are you doing out here today? I was just on a walk and I saw you.”

522 words

3The Exams Have Come[Izumi|NK] Empty Re: The Exams Have Come[Izumi|NK] Fri Feb 02, 2018 3:14 am



Syekren was mildly surprised when he felt a tap on his shoulder, turning to see the bright and smiling face of his young pupil. He was sure he was unrecognizable due to his cloak, but figured she must have been around it enough that she could tell it was him no matter what. With a smile he reached up and pulled his hood down to show his face, a bit more tired and ragged given recent events, but still burning with a youthful fire. His different coloured blue hues met her eyes for a moment before he spoke. "Ah, Hello Izumi. I was just out trying to find something to congratulate you with, but didn't really have any luck just yet. I didn't expect to see you out here, shouldn't you be preparing to bring home victory in the exams? What are you doing about the village?" He smiled still, his line of questioning less intrusive than inquisitive. He was worried for his student to be truthful, he'd never had one stick around as long as she had and didn't want to push her away, but he did want to push her to follow her dreams and achieve victory.

He inwardly sighed at the thought of her fighting others and getting injured. He'd grown close  to the young woman in such a short time and didn't expect it to happen as it did. True, he'd grown close to Chou in a short time as well, but the young lady had become more like his family than anyone else had. She wasn't a student, but a daughter to him, a child he'd never had. Izumi was.. well, she wasn't family in that sense. She wasn't just his student either, was she? There was something more there that the older Uchiha couldn't quite put his finger on. He wasn't very experienced with such things and in truth had no real idea how to react to what he was feeling. Why exactly was he out here getting her a gift when he could just be cheering her on and watching her trials and bouts? Why did he care so much about what she liked and wanted? Did he become infatuated with the young girl when he wasn't paying attention? He looked at her closely, studying her cornflower blue eyes just to make sure she wasn't using her dojutsu on him. It turned out she wasn't and he just didn't know why he was acting this way if he wasn't under some sort of jutsu.

Still, after a time and waiting for her response, he'd wave her along so that they could travel the village together. He would want her to be along with him in any case if he couldn't figure out what to get her. As he made to walk he reached out instinctively to grab her hand, stopping himself just sort of contact. He sighed a bit and pulled his hand back nodding down towards the market area before he began to walk, speaking to her. "I suppose this does get easier if I have you with me doesn't it? You know what you like and what would make you happiest so while it may not be a surprise, it will definitely be something you can use or will cherish. I don't want you to be upset with me because I don't get something good enough for a darling woman such as yourself! Er.. I mean.." He was flustered, rubbing his face and combing his hand through his beard nervously after. He had no idea why he'd said that and was confused about what was happening to him. He just had to continue on the walk, hoping what he was saying wouldn't make things weird between the two of them. He silently cursed his inexperience with women and talking to others as they walked, looking up and down the market stalls.


4The Exams Have Come[Izumi|NK] Empty Re: The Exams Have Come[Izumi|NK] Fri Feb 02, 2018 4:39 am



As Izumi tapped his shoulder, he would remove his hood and look down to her. He looked stressed but happy, Izumi was quite happy to see him. All the hubbub of the exams had left her with little time to spend with her Uchiha mentor. He looked down at her making contact before speaking, "Ah, Hello Izumi. I was just out trying to find something to congratulate you with, but didn't really have any luck just yet. I didn't expect to see you out here, shouldn't you be preparing to bring home victory in the exams? What are you doing about the village?" The man as usual was being honest to a fault, unable to contain his surprise for her. Izumi liked that about him though, she appreciated his blunt honesty. There were no games trying to decipher his words, what he said was what he was thinking. Izumi would smile back to him fondly before answering his words, ”Awwww, thank you! You don’t have to get me anything, I’m just happy you’re here to support me. There’s not much to do besides stay in shape Sensei, I don’t want to give away any of my special skills in a training session that just anyone could watch. When I was younger, we had some shinobi from the mist village come to the academy for some joint training exercises. They were very nice, so I’ve decided to represent them, although I wish I could just represent home.” At the mention of their shared home the spark in her eyes faded for a moment, clearly remembering the still painful memories that were created that night.

Syekren stared intently at her eyes, almost as if he was trying to discern something they were hiding from him. He maintained eye contact with the woman for a bit longer and while she’d gotten offer the girlish blushing that such attention from the man used to illicit in her, it still did cause her heart to race. Izumi hadn’t the courage to admit it, but she was quite in love with the man staring down at her. Every bit of her wanted to succeed in the exams that were the entire reason they were here. Izumi could hardly stand his continued eye contact for longer, his eyes piercing deep into her mind and soul surfacing emotions that she commonly tried to avoid addressing. The man after all was much older than her, and was endearingly inexperienced when it came to women. On their first meeting in fact, the young woman had to in plain words express that she found him attractive. The woman had been putting out clear signals that day however the man appeared oblivious to them. As a result it was likely that he didn’t notice the way she looked at him and the way her personality changed when she dealt with him. Normally the woman was a sarcastic brat, however Syekren commonly turned her into the sweeter than the prettiest flower. After what seemed like an eternity of staring into his eyes, the man would wave her along inviting her to come with him.

As they started to walk, Syekren would reach out as if to grab her hand but stop short. Without thinking, Izumi’s hand shot up to meet his locking her fingers with his. The Uchiha’s rough hands a welcome intrusion to her much smaller, softer hands. The contact was only momentary as the man pulled his hand back, pointed off towards the market. This was the first time in over a year that the young woman had turned red in the face due to an interaction with her mentor. Izumi’s embarrassment was plain but momentary, if she was lucky the man hadn’t noticed. Izumi was worried that maybe his intention wasn’t to hold her hand and that she had just made a fool of herself with her thoughtless reaction. The man would break the awkward pause in their interaction with his voice, "I suppose this does get easier if I have you with me doesn't it? You know what you like and what would make you happiest so while it may not be a surprise, it will definitely be something you can use or will cherish. I don't want you to be upset with me because I don't get something good enough for a darling woman such as yourself! Er.. I mean.." Syekren was flustered too, it had been a while since she’d him like this. It was how he got when he got into a romantic situation. Izumi was unsure if he was making a weak attempt to flirt with him or if he was simply embarrassed by her unwelcome handholding. The man fingered his beard and walked off abruptly not even waiting for her response. He was clearly nervous to be interacting with Izumi but she couldn’t figure out why exactly. ”I wouldn’t be upset with you for giving me a gift Syekren, it’s like I said, I’m just happy you’re here with me. How about you just take me out to lunch instead?”

872 Words

5The Exams Have Come[Izumi|NK] Empty Re: The Exams Have Come[Izumi|NK] Mon Feb 05, 2018 12:50 am



Syekren felt the hand of the girl momentarily before he pulled his hand back, cursing himself for not just leaving it out. Still, he would smile as she said she would be happy with just the support he could give her and that he didn't need to get her anything. When she mentioned representing Kirigakure no Sato because she couldn't represent home, Syekren only gave her a sideways glance, thinking on his words for a few moments. With a sigh he reached over and gave her a pat upon the head, letting his arm fall to wrap around her waist as they walked. "I know dear, I wish you could represent the sand as well. It's too bad what was needed to happen to it, but we can't focus on the past when we have the future to worry about. Lunch does sound like a good idea, though, I know a great place around here that doubles as a bar!" The older Uchiha chuckled and led her towards the market district's exit, which led out to a path that was winding up a large mountainside. It wasn't too high upon a mountain, but was relatively out of the way for those that would normally just head somewhere for a meal. Still, the ninja would nod to the girl at his side and begin to lead her down the start of the sloping path, with it becoming steeper as they ascended.

Should she be able to handle the ten minute climb, they would arrive at the base of the mountainous natural structure, finding a ornate and beautiful building. There would be a patio or balcony, whichever it would be considered in this case, on the outside of the building with glass floors and safety nets far below in case anyone fell. As they would approach the doors, they would see a sign that read: "Sky Bar" upon it in golden letters and Syekren would hold the door open for Izumi to walk in first. He'd smile as they entered into the bar with lively  people and a dance floor, which was filled with awkwardly dancing people. "This place may seem different from the bars of home, but I think they have a certain character about them. They have a great menu I'm told, and we could really enjoy it here." He led her to a table in the corner, where Syekren would sit with his back against the wall, eyes looking about the place silently. It would not be long before a waiter would come to them and hand them menus, getting their drink orders before hurrying off. Obviously, Syekren would mutter the words "Fire Brand."

After a while, when the drinks had arrived and Syekren had a shot in his hand, he relaxed, looking over at the young beautiful Karisuma girl. He thought for a bit on how he would phrase what he'd be saying to her next, trying to think of the easiest way to let her know. With a sigh and a sip of the liquor, he'd speak to her. "I'll be staying here in Kumogakure after the exams. Got an offer to join up and serve the new Raikage. Figured since I was no longer a criminal in any nation, and I didn't have a home, I'd accept. You're free to join me, of course, but I was also here today to welcome you and others to the village. It's part of my job here during the chuunin exams. I just thought you and I deserved a bit of one on one time you know?" The ninja smiled and poured himself another drink, raising his glass to toast her. "To your eventual victory over your enemies in these exams, and to good fortune where you may find yourself." With that, he drank his shot down and poured another.


Both missions complete [EXIT] (continued elsewhere)

Last edited by Syekren Uchiha on Tue Feb 06, 2018 4:36 am; edited 1 time in total

6The Exams Have Come[Izumi|NK] Empty Re: The Exams Have Come[Izumi|NK] Mon Feb 05, 2018 10:09 pm



Izumi was smiling while she was lead through the village her hint that she’d appreciate being taken for a meal which she quickly and happily agreed to. It seemed Syekren must have been in the village for a while. He knew the streets quite well. It made Izumi start to wonder how long he’d been there. After all it had been a while since she’d seen him. Izumi had been attending business in the Mist Village prior to the exams. Izumi was happy to be spending time with the man, she had missed him and after all it was all thanks to his training that she was even remotely prepared for the exams. They arrived and sat at their table to eat together, the Uchiha ordering his customary drink fire brand whisky. A drink that the young woman was acquainted to, having shared part of a bottle with him the night their home was destroyed. He seemed nervous about what he had to say. It was clear why when she heard them, "I'll be staying here in Kumogakure after the exams. Got an offer to join up and serve the new Raikage. Figured since I was no longer a criminal in any nation, and I didn't have a home, I'd accept. You're free to join me, of course, but I was also here today to welcome you and others to the village. It's part of my job here during the chuunin exams. I just thought you and I deserved a bit of one on one time you know?" Izumi had figured as much. Who wouldn’t take the opportunity to wipe their slate clean and live somewhere new? The young woman understood and didn’t end her smile as he brought on a toast. "To your eventual victory over your enemies in these exams, and to good fortune where you may find yourself." Izumi would giggle at his hint that she might be the victor of the exams, the young woman not at all expecting to perform well. How could she hope to defeat any genin from a functional village with a proper mentoring system?


363 words, total words: 1,757.


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