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1Wood and Needles [Hakara/NK] Empty Wood and Needles [Hakara/NK] Sun Dec 17, 2017 5:26 pm



The dense forest was usually avoided by those within Konohagakure no sato for various reasons. It could be the deadly flora and fauna that were indigenous to the area. It could also be the wildlife that called this place home and viciously protected their habitat from any and all intruders. Or it could just be some sort of superstition coupled with old wives' tales. Either way, people were just too afraid to set foot in the forest alone or with others and would normally just avoid the area as though it were the bubonic plague. Then again, with all the types of plants in the area, it may as well be a true estimate of the forest's capabilities. Truly no one one knew what anything in the area was capable of doing, so avoiding it like the plague was probably the best idea for the time being.

Unfortunately, not everyone thought so. Here in the middle of the dense forest, near the naka river, sat a young green haired male, crouched and hunched over a collection of different flowers and fungi. He was quietly muttering to himself, writing furiously within his notebook. He had his emerald hues staring directly at the plants he was studying, doing his best to lean back and stay away from the spores that erupted from the fungi every few minutes. He would mutter the words 'fascinating' and 'marvelous' more often than not louder than the rest of his muttering before he would go back to his writing. He was so completely engrossed in his studying of the plant life that he didn't notice the wolf run by, chasing a boar. Normally with one wolf, there was a pack not far behind.  He was probably safe, as they were across the wide and deep river on the other bank.

The young man was Seicho Senju, a studious person too into plant life for his own good. He moved a few leaf green locks from his face and stretched his arms above his head. He was wearing his green and brown jacket with a black tee shirt underneath, blue jeans and black sneakers. His jacket sleeves were pulled up to his elbows which allowed for the Yggdrasil tattoo on his left forearm, and the vine tattoo wrapping around his right forearm to be in plain view for any that may approach. Seicho muttered quietly on, shaking his head at the plants while he continued to write in his notebook. He stopped momentarily to take a drink from a flask of water he brought with him, neglecting the food he'd brought for now: bread and spicy jerky.


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