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Akito Miku

Akito Miku

D-Rank Mission Gathering Herbs:

Jamie made his way towards the hospital to receive the list and the map for the new herbs he had to collect this time, it was the third time he would be doing this mission as he wondered if he was getting any better at it. The staff did not even let him bother to speak or ask and simply handed the items over to him. It seems he was not getting the spoiled treatment anymore and he began to look over it and went to the location in the south forest. He wondered if none of the herbs were ever in the larger forest, but he then realized it must be why the rank was so low for this mission. If he went deeper into the forests he may encounter danger or something else as he walked out into the forest he was walking rather slowly and carefully.

It really bothered him to take his time, but he could not afford to get injured all the time or else Ashi would worry about him. He was still getting used to the family life and he still had not found his voice or his purpose inside the family. He looked around for the herbs he needed to get and found the first target on the list. Blade grass, it was a grass that was sharp like a blade, but not so much so that it would cut you. However if you gripped it hard or tried running through this grass you would suffer severe cuts as if running or grabbing hold of blades.

Either way he gently tried to grab it carefully, then he realized with his light grip he would not be able to pull it out as he began to think about it as he moved a bit further away to sit on some soft grass.


Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Jamie was busy trying to meditate on the situation, but he began to feel a bit restless as he looked around the wind blowing through the grass as he began to wonder if he could simply cut the plant, but he needed the roots intact as well as he began to think even harder. He began to get more anxious as he stood up from the grass and looked up to the sky and asked him self. "What would Shippo do?" as he thought about it for a while he imagined Shippo simply telling Tsume to do it and Tsume digging it out of the ground as he had an idea.

He looked inside the pouch he was given for collection purposes and found a really small little spade and then glared at it. He began to wonder why they could not give him a large spade as he did not even realize a large spade might weigh him down with his low strength. He began to dig a trench around the bladed grass and bit by bit he carefully dug to find the roots. Being careful since he needed the entire plant and not just one part of it as he got a bit impatient as he took a break for a while after getting half way through it. During that time he did spot the sakura flowers he was suppose to collect for some reason, not understanding how they could also be used as herbs.


Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Jamie decided to keep resting and then took a breather before beginning to prepare for the follow up on his digging spree. He looked up to the sky as he laid back in the grass dozing off slightly as he spread out his arms like an angel or more like he just went splat on his back. Either way he knew he had to get this mission done as he wondered if wolves would be friendly in the wild or if it was only the wolf dogs in the Inuzuka clan. He liked his time with Ashi, Shippo, Tsume, Tobourne and even that Ramen Guy Nayoko, or the Green Fairy Airi. He had a few friends, though he was not sure if they were friends or not. He finally decided to get on with his work as he sat up and then completed digging out the entire blade grass from root to stem and stem to leaf. He lifted it up and got it into the pouch very carefully, he noticed the bag was resistant to the cutting force of the leaves which meant he probably could have just grabbed the blade grass with the pouch.

Jamie moved along until he came closer to the sakura tree, he took a deep breathe before walking up the tree carefully using the super natural walking practice, he was still not used to the technique as it made him feel a bit strange as he finally got the few flowers he needed. He then dropped down from the tree really slowly before looking around as he now needed to get some white herbs as he went back to the location where he found them before as he made his way carefully through the forest as it began to seem more familiar to him.


Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Jamie looked on at the white herbs and sighed, these were slightly different from the previous ones as he just reached up and took the leaves as was instructed on the list. It was so simple he felt underwhelmed after all that hard digging and the tree walking only to walk up to the white herbs and pick them up. However it was probably for this reason that it was only a D-rank mission and not more higher in rank as he sighed a bit before getting ready to head back.

He began to wonder if he should ever learn more about herbs at any point in time but decided to leave it for now. He made his way back to the hospital and delivered the batch of herbs to complete his mission



750 Words (Normal Mission Words)
200 Words (Extra Pay Mission Words)
950 Total (Pay 150 + 50 = 200)

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