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1D Rank Mission - Sprint for Supplies Empty D Rank Mission - Sprint for Supplies Sat Apr 15, 2017 3:36 am

Hattori Kiyoshi

Hattori Kiyoshi


2D Rank Mission - Sprint for Supplies Empty Re: D Rank Mission - Sprint for Supplies Sat Apr 15, 2017 5:06 am

Hattori Kiyoshi

Hattori Kiyoshi

Having been given the details of the mission, the backpack full goods and the precise location of the desert camp with the help of a charter, Kiyoshi was ready to set off. It wasn't exactly the glorious mission he had in mind, but menial requests were just as important. Someone had to do them, and since he could use the ryo and the occupation, Kiyoshi had volunteered.

Though he had yet to start, his parents were already proud. Their son was growing up and becoming a true asset to the Village by doing his choirs for the system. As usual, Kiyoshi had acted rather cool, admitting that he had to start somewhere and tasks as these required all the help they could get. And with a nod of approval to his 'wise words', Kiyoshi had set off.

Kiyoshi was now running at a solid pace towards the end point, the backpack strapped tightly on his back. Whatever was inside pressed rather mercilessly against his flesh, annoying him greatly, but no matter how much he had tried to adjust its positioning, it just wouldn't do. Kiyoshi guessed he'd just have to bear with it.

Reaching the edge of the Village's sight, Kiyoshi decided to slow his pace somewhat. Emergency or not, he wasn't about to run like a madman either, and tracking in the desert wasn't exactly an easy feat what with the winds blowing the sand all over. As he ran, he called upon his memory to remind himself of the direction he had to run. Where was it again? A few miles to the north-east, not too far from the 'yawning mound' - a heap of sand that looked like a yawning mouth due to the roots of a cluster of plants that held together the sand. Kiyoshi checked his position against the sun's and adjusted his course.

Somewhere halfway, he heard the howl of a coyote and as Kiyoshi glanced into the general direction of the sound, an unlikely dust cloud seemed to approach at an alarming pace. Straining his eyes to see what it was - coyotes usually didn't move at such speed - he could see the grey brown of the animal, a frenzied air about it and a Suna headband worn as a collar. Confused at this strange appearance, or even why someone would send a ninken after him, the genin cautiously kept an eye out as he continued his pace, but with every passing second, it became more apparent: the ninken was running towards him.

"You better run, boy. I got orders to bite your calves if I think you're too slow.", the coyote shouted. "And I'm not kidding, should you wonder."

Foolhardy, Kiyoshi ignored the coyote's shouts, telling himself he was doing just fine. But a few seconds later, when he felt a pang of pain in his calf and a trickle of blood coloured the sands, he revised his thoughts and upped his running pace.

"What the hell, man?"
"A friend of yours wanted to be sure you weren't slacking.", the coyote replied, another of its bites missing his calf just barely.

A friend? That was rather vague. He knew plenty of people and there were more than one who either had a ninken or wouldn't mind pulling a prank on him. There was little time left to thoroughly think this through as the ninken didn't back his intentions for one bit, its fangs scraping over his calf's skin. Kiyoshi guessed the coyote was really serious about this, and decided that, for his calf's sake, he better sprint if he wanted to get away from this crazy beast.

That being said, he could see the 'yawning mound' in the distance. Hope welled up, and he sprinted away to leave the coyote in the dust. Just briefly. The ninken wasn't fooled by his sudden burst of speed, easily keeping up with Kiyoshi like it was just a stroll in the park, and grinning happily it had found someone to play with.

With a last snap for good measure, Kiyoshi arrived at the camp but as he turned around to watch the coyote, he couldn't see anything. At least he had arrived. Grinning at the whole situation, he swore he'd get the ninken - or his owner - back somehow, some day.


733 wc

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