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1Adjunct Academy: Teacher [Mission/Solo] Empty Adjunct Academy: Teacher [Mission/Solo] Mon Apr 03, 2017 5:28 pm

Anon Brier

Anon Brier


Hands to the pockets of his gi bottoms, Anon made his way through the Bazaar towards the sand village's Ninja Academy. He had just received his first mission: fill in for the teacher at the academy and teach the kids something he himself knew. Well that was going to be simple, he knew plenty of academy level techniques that he was sure the kids would be able to grasp easily. Deciding which one was going to be tough. He had jutsu that he preferred to use and jutsu that he was actually good at using. He could probably go with the latter, so that class would run smoothly and there would be less chance of embarrassing himself. Yes, that would be the very last thing he'd want to do when filling in for a teacher at the ninja academy. They'd never let him live it down.

With a sigh, he looked up at the academy as he came closer. The sign still looked the same as when he was a student, as if nothing had ever changed. Another sigh heaved and the ninja moved into the doors, greeted by another genin, much older than he, who showed him to the classroom he'd be teaching in. With a wave, Anon entered and looked around. The children were mostly quiet and attentive, save for two that were laughing and hitting each other with erasers. He shook his head and stood at the front of the class, clearing his throat. The kids looked at him and the jokesters stopped playing for the moment.

"I am Anon Brier, and I will be filling in today. I was told to show you a jutsu and have you practice it. This is the basic weapon sealing technique. You can seal a weapon or item in a scroll for use later. Watch."

Quietly, he pulled a scroll from his pouch and his kunai, as well as the three shuriken he had. He quietly unrolled the scroll on the desk in front of him and placed his weapons upon them. With a simple hand seal, the half-ram, he pushed his chakra into the weapons and scroll, the tools disappearing into the parchment they were on, a seal appearing on the paper, forming the contract.

"That is the basics. Any questions? No? Practice on your own."

For the most part, none of them really understood what they were doing, so for the better part of an hour or two Anon was walking around showing them how to focus chakra into the scroll and items they chose, as well as the hand seal needed. The two jokesters tried sealing the erasers for the black board, and succeeded. Anon would have reprimanded them, but so far they were the only students to actually complete the task set out for them. He used what they did as an example and then showed them how to summon the items or release the seal. After giving them the rundown of the jutsu and the summon for the items, class had ended and it was time for him to go. He waved to the students and exited the classroom, then the school, making his way to the Kazekage's manse to report a mission complete. All in all, it was a simple mission and nothing he expected a whole lot of ryo for, much less any sort of praise. He only hoped that the students he had taught would actually practice the jutsu and learn from what he showed them to become useful members of the ninja community. Or not.

Jutsu Used 150/150:
WC: 600/600 Mission Complete!

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