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1Fat old men! [C-Rank Mission] Empty Fat old men! [C-Rank Mission] Thu Dec 06, 2012 6:46 pm

Akimitsu Nekonote

Akimitsu Nekonote

The day was actually very different then in had been on previous missions for the chunin. It was rather cold for once, and he had to wear a shirt, and a rather thick jacket. Akimitsu never had jackets on. So when you see Akimitsu walking around with a thick jacket, you know its cold. Given his choice, he'd be inside drinking hot chocolate. The mission he had signed up for about three days ago was today though. No surprise with Akimitsu. That was his luck.

He made his way to the gates with all of his needed supplies for about 4 days. It would only be three days there and back, but he'd rather be safe than sorry. As he stepped out of the gates, he felt... a little nervousness. Mixed with a little sadness. This was the first time that Akimitsu would ever leave the village. He scolded himself a bit, telling himself that it wouldn't be permanent. He'd be back soon enough. He started his walk through the woods, and reflected on why he felt so sad and nervous. He'd never really payed attention to the security that the village gave him. He never noticed how hard some of the higher nin worked to keep the village safe. It was about time he realized, because he would be up near the top soon enough.

The very cold day gave way to a strangely decent night. Weird weather patterns were normal, but it still made Aki wonder just how nature was able to be so bipolar. Cold, to nice, warm, to sheer cold. He walked until he could no longer see much in front of him, then decided to walk just a little bit more. Aki absolutely loved the night. Everything from day was asleep, and gave way to an entirely new world. Different sounds, different sights, and even different smells. Back at the village, he would sit on the clan house and watch the stars, and watch the village at night. It was so amazing to watch, and helped pass time when he couldn't sleep.

He found a nice soft patch of grass and decided to rest here for the night. Out came the sleeping bag he packed, and he crawled into it. He slept under the stars. A much favored sleeping spot in Akimitsu's mind. His dreams were filled with things about stars, and the night time in general. He was so into the dream that it took a little bit for him to wake up in the morning. Some quick instant ramen was enough to send Aki the rest of his way.

He was able to notice how different the land was from Konoha. Granted, it was still within the same country, but it was still different. A different air then in Konoha. Maybe more fresh, but different all the same. He noticed the air become a little different as he got closer to the the location of the band of merchants. It didn't take long at all to find the people he was supposed to protect. Moreover, he noticed a rather... bright colored man come up to him. It was apparent he ate a lot, and exercised little. "So you FINALLY decide to show up huh?" the man said with a very high voice. Aki took note that it would sound a lot better on a girl. "I don't want to stay out in the wilderness any longer! Its messing up my amazing clothing!" Oh joy. A an annoying bastard who thinks he is better then anyone else... Aki thought it would take a lot of self control not to smack the man upside the head. The good thing was that once they actually decided to go on their way, the man seemed to talk to himself. Sure, it was slightly annoying. It was better then Aki being talked to though. He couldn't really focus on anything else though. He'd much rather take a slower walk back home. Enjoying all the sights of the new area he could.The bright man always had a pace set though. Which was rather fast. Much to fast for Aki's taste.

Soon enough it became night time and the group had to stop for the last night on the journey before setting foot in Konoha once more. The other merchants quickly fell asleep leaving Aki awake to his own thoughts. Not that he minded. He was able to relax for one of the first times since the walk back. He took out a water bottle and took a drink. It was cool and calming. Something water would always be. The taste, the feel, the sound of something rustling near by? That wasn't the joy of water... He put the water bottle up and saw a ravaged wolf put something in his mouth, then run off. If any of the merchants found something missing then he would be in hot water. That was a time water would be bad he guessed. Before the wolf left his sight, Akimitsu activated his Byougan, then activated the pulling sensation towards the animal. Soon enough he was able to catch up to it. It gave a low growl, but Aki didn't get scared. If anything, he felt more sorry for it. It was just trying to find some food... Still, Akimitsu didn't think he would get close enough without paralyzing it. So he did. He some signs and the animal froze in place. He took the item, but then left the rest of his food near its location, so the animal would have something to live off of. A few short moments and he was back at camp putting away the item. He quickly went to sleep looking at the stars. Even with a band of merchants, the stars still welcomed his sleeping mind.

The next day came quickly, and the group soon found themselves of the final leg of the trip home. Sadly, it was a very boring trip back. Nothing exciting happened in the least bit. Only the fat man talking to himself. He managed to pick up on a few harsh comments about nothing. The air, the way the grass looked, anything at all. If Aki hadn't been a ninja, he would have slapped the man so many times by now. Alas, he had to protect the man. Harming the person you were trying to protect was never good at all.

They soon reached the gates of Konoha, and Akimitsu was glad to be rid of the man. He got his ryo from the team waiting at the gate and quickly departed for his house. He looked forward to being back in his own home, warm food, and sleeping in his own bed.

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