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1A Great Wind![Only Me, Training a Jutsu] Empty A Great Wind![Only Me, Training a Jutsu] Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:20 pm



Training the following(Ryo deduction pending):

Sebasu fled from his previous training zone in the hills, where he had decimated the grasslands with his well-structured fireball, before taking off in his sprint to avoid a vandalism charge. Running along, his eyes turned upward and into the distance. When he did this, what he saw approaching him was a treeline. Gigantic trees, even, bigger trees that he could imagine. He must be reaching the outskirts of the village, to the forest that bordered the walls. What a great place to train the OTHER jutsu he had been wanting to work on. He looked around, checking out the area. Not seeing on anyone on first glance, he hopped down from the trees, scouring the area. To make sure, and triple check the area, he placed his hands together in a quick handsign. Veins bursted out from his eyes, lining the side of his head. The piercing blue eyes that he strangely harbored quickly flicked to a pure white color. It wasn't beige or tan like the Hyuuga's normal eyes.. they were white as snow. It was another defining characteristic of his, and the reason some Hyuuga didn't want him to be head of their clan. They saw him as an abomination because of how he had been worked and experimented on. His genetic mutations caused them to call him impure. It was all rubbish in his opinion, though. He didn't deserve such treatment. It all happened when he was young, and he couldn't help it with the strength he had at that point. Regardless, he couldn't keep letting his emotions and the feelings that he had for his past flood through his brain while he was trying to improve himself. It was a distraction that he couldn't afford to have. If the threat that had destroyed Kiri showed up here, he had to be ready.. He had to be able to defend everyone.

He didn't see anyone on his byakugan either. There were no chakra presence within a large distance except for himself. He saw it as a safe area to practice the dangerous jutsu he had heard stories about. The myths that were spread around by writing and word of mouth claimed that this jutsu, when honed at its max potential, could level forests. That was a jutsu he didn't want to miss. In fact, it was a jutsu he would love to have in his arsenal. Leveling a forest? Destroying portions of villages? This could help in an attack, though it would endanger portions of the village, it would be better than not having it. He lowered himself down into a crouch, pulling a scroll from the pouch he kept on his back side. He unlatched the string that bound it, pulling it from opposite sides in opposite directions. Opening the scroll, he revealed its contents. The contents being a very long paragraph in which it was described how the jutsu could be activated, concentrated, and fired. It also described how much chakra and focus it would take to activate each rank of the jutsu, all the way up to its maximum power. He scanned over it a few more times, making sure he read every part of it in a completely analytic and interpretive way. After one final read, he rolled the scroll back up with a small dance of his fingers, tying it shut once more with a few precise movements. He was ready to give it a shot or two, to make sure that he could get it right. His confidence was bolstering again, knowing his chakra control was incredibly precise.

He thought over what he had just read a few times, his eyes squinting and his gaze dropping. He was making sure he could remember it correctly. Sebasu looked up and stared at the tree in front of him. This would be the first attempt at a real fuuton technique. He clapped his hands together a few times in a quick burst of seals. He threw his head up in anticipation. His gut would expand, swelling outward with the buildup of chakra and wind inside of him. The power was building as he would suddenly release the jutsu all at once. However, what would come out was not the armageddon of a technique he had hoped for, but rather the D-ranked version of the technique. It simply released a breeze of wind that knocked a few leaves from the tree that he was staring at. In a very comical, anime-like style that was embraced in his scowl, he slumped downward. Dissapointment! AGAIN! maybe he should really get it together and stop overestimating himself. He hadn't had a good fight in a long time, so he WAS a bit rusty. He didn't really need to be thinking he was the best ninja in the village when he had spent the last few years idly napping in alleyways and on a rock. Not bad for a first attempt, though he had expected so much more to come from himself. He was a sannin, after all. He wasn't a joke.

He extended his fingers outward, raising his hand up to his hairline, pushing his fingers up and through them to push his hair back from his face. He hadn't cut his hair in a while, either. He then threw his hand forward, before withdrawing it like a whip to smack himself. HAIR! Another distraction?! That was ridiculous! He decided he'd call it a day. It had been a long day of training anyway. He needed a quick rest. He unslung the backpack that he had been carrying with him, dropping it roughly on the branch in front of him. He kneeled down onto one knee, unzipping the top of the backpack to pull a sleeping bag from a pouch in the front of the backpack. He gripped the corners of it, swinging it outward to force it to unroll in the air. He laid it out in a convincing manner, before moving his backpack up against the stump of the tree to keep it from falling. He then crawled into his sleeping back, using the belt that held up his pants to bind him from the branch. If he had a bad dream, he'd rather not die from a fall in the middle of training to defend his village. That'd make him nothing but a joke to everyone, which he somehow felt he already was. He closed his eyes, and he fell into a deep sleep. But, he did not dream. He stayed in a dark void of sleep until he woke up the next morning, ready to begin his repeating wind blasts.

He rose from his slumber, quickly undoing the belt that bound him to the tree branch and into his warm sleeping bag. He squirmed like an inch worm, trying to free himself from the binds of the cloth that held him. These things were so difficult to escape, he sometimes wondered why they didn't use them to bind village prisoners. It'd almost work as well as shackles! After finally managing to squeeze and squirm and inch his way from his cloth prison, he rolled it back up tightly into a small cylinder before crushing it back into the backpack full of supplies that he carried everywhere. He yanked from the pouch on his rear the scroll about the jutsu. He studied it for another great while, making sure he got every detail imaginable down and burned into his brain. If he could forget a single detail about this jutsu later, it would come as a shock to him. After his study session, he groaned. He pushed himself to his feet again. Detail after detail of the technique ran through his head. He did a small dance of procrastination, dancing from foot to foot, balancing his weight in different directions. It was cold out, and he was happy to have his jacket.

Handseals.. Again... He hoped he wouldn't have to repeat this ritual too many more times. After finishing his handseals, he inhaled deeply. Chakra focused on the air within his lungs, multiplying it. Over and over the oxygen in his lungs flooded into itself, readying to be released. After quite a while of this, he felt something a bit troublesome coming on. His stomach rumbled in agony as his facial muscles clenched. This couldn't happen! This would ruin it! Before he could argue about it any more with himself, he burped loudly! It released the chakra at the same time, this being the mightiest of burps! The tree's branches snapped with the blast of wind. They didn't break completely off, simply falling idly to the side of the tree. Sebasu stared in silence at what he had just done. He ran it over a few times in his head before breaking the silence with a loud, and obnoxious laughter. That HAD to be the funniest thing he had ever done. Now he could go back to the village and proclaim his burps destroy trees. But he readied himself for another serious attempt after a couple minutes of senseless giggling. He did his handseals once more, it becoming a simple rhythm for him despite the fact that it was only his third try that he was launching into. He focussed the chakra into his lungs again. The wind inside of him began to increase in exponents. Not just adding one of the jutsu onto the other-- No. It was going insane inside of him. His chakra control came into effect. The precision of the execution would be very befitting of the sharp nature of the winds that blew around all that was nature. All that went through his mind was the nature of wind. It moved things, it transported seeds and supported life. It cooled the wild beasts, it cut down the rocks. Slow, steady, and precise. It all seemed to be a part of one master plan. Though Wind could help, it could also destroy. Massive storms, twisters, and hurricanes formed regularly. The destructive force of wind could destroy villages, and pluck even the most powerful ninja from the ground into its grasp, and out of any hope of survival. It could pull anything into its merciless space, and end it in utter destruction. This was the nature of wind that he wanted to embrace. This was the property of the great gales that he needed. He focussed on that purely in his mind. Nothing else. He basically called upon whatever deity would listen to him to help him with this attempt. He instantaneously released the gale force that was stored within him, the bolstering force shooting out so strong, he barely kept his footing. It hit the tree in front of him like a wrecking ball, the great tree faltering before beginning to tip. Its roots snapped and the tree blew away with the gale. It got caught on a few more trees on its way into the distance, all of which were leveled along with it. He was unleashing the full fury of the wind. He turned a half circle. All the trees in the area flattening before his mighty jutsu. The entire landscape was so downed that it could be recorded on maps. He looked around once more for bystanders. This really wouldn't go over well if anyone had seen. He turned and began to run again into the woods.

Escape, that was his only thought. He just destroyed a shit-ton of stuff! It was property of the fire country, and thus the daimyo! It wasn't the Hokage's, no, but he could still get busted up for what he had just done! He laughed uncontrollably as he went, impressed with his destructive power with that technique alone. He felt formidable now, like the village would be safe in his hands. Like everything he had done up to this point was worth it. Two jutsu in two days? What a blast! Literally! He would be ready for most threats that could attack the village. In fact, he almost welcomed them. As he ran, and ran, and ran through the never-ending and confusing forest, he activated his byakugan with the clasp of a single handseal. His doujutsu read the area as he was passing by. Completely deserted, not a soul in sight range anywhere. He couldn't see anything but trees, though. He was lost, and that was definite. He didn't recognize the area around him at all. Great. Getting lost. Just what he needed.

He stopped on the top of the tallest tree he could find, looking around in a quick flurry. He wasn't panicked, no, but he was definitely irritated. He thought about the directions he had travelled, all while at the same time scolding himself for not leaving behind some sort of landmark other than destroyed trees and a flaming crater. He began to retrace the directions he had went, closing his eyes and trying to remember. He had went south of the village around 2 miles before he reached the first training point, during which he learned how to spit fire. He fled from that are at full speed for about 20 minutes east. Which arrived him at the now destroyed forest area. He grinned in remembrance of that beautiful patch of forest. Sebasu's eyes opened. If he went south and then east, and then south again to reach where he was, that means if he went northwest at a certain angle, he would arrive right at the village gates. Turning in the direction of the sun, his eyes turned up to it to get a feel for east and west. Turning as close as he could to a northwest angle, he would kick from the tree in a blast of speed. HOME! He was going back home. This training adventure had turned into a disaster that made him FEEL EMOTION! It made him notice how many distractions he had. It made him feel weak and out of practice, and it made him feel somewhat accomplished toward the end. At least now he would be a little more deserving of the title of Sannin. Though, of course, that was implying he wasn't the definition of an S-rank shinobi before. He took pride in his own ability. But that was before these other prodigous ninja showed up in Konoha. They advanced faster than he had, gaining the edge on him quickly. Not only that, but they grew around him while he did nothing but slack around. He had to pick up the pace. He soon arrived at the village's very nearest forest. The walls were within bare-eye visual range though. He hopped down to the path that led to the gates, strolling along them in a relaxed rhythm. The gate guards hailed him with respect as he went by, not even checking for henge. He looked right at them, advising them. "Start checking for imposters. A village-threatening situation could arrive at any time." with a quick "Yes, sir", they went back to their duty. He sighed and face palmed at their stupidity. They didn't even check him. Regardless. He was prepared.

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