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1Gora |C rank Combat pet| Empty Gora |C rank Combat pet| Sun Nov 13, 2016 4:38 pm



Name: Gora

Species: White Panther (Feline) Standard Combat Pet

Rank: C

Specializations: Taijutsu

Elements: Suiton | Raiton

Appearance: A little white panther cub, Gora was the biggest of her litter, She is currently 1.75 meter long and weighs a lean 200 pounds. Her paws are too big for her but she doesn’t mind them much. She has had spots since she is small, but they eventually faded, like she kept telling herself.  Her underbelly is white and her eyes are a stark blue. If she were to close her eyes she would disappear in a snowy area, which is where Lin had originally found her. Her claws and teeth are 5 cm long, right now only dealing D ranked damage.

Gora |C rank Combat pet| 1c08202b325a1058b0e3d1bf8636dc51

Personality: Gora has a sarcastic personality, and seems to enjoy running around and pretend-killing things, like Lin's dirty laundry. Gora enjoys running around Lin's apartment, but is afraid of heights. She sleeps next to Lin to protect her, and doesn't want anyone to get too close to Lin before she knows them. She rubs her scent on Lin every time that Lin comes home. Every time Lin leaves, she blocks the door, having to be bodily removed so that she can leave the house. Which for a 50 pound cat usually is done grumbling and grunting. If Gora had her way she would be a house-cat, but she knows that she will soon need to be a companion to Lin. She loves to bask in the sun and play in the snow. Her favorite hobbies are watching the birds, catching bugs, playing with the mice if they ever enter the apartment, and swimming in the bathtub with Lin (no matter what Lin says.) Gora is pampered and sophisticated, but is still a child at heart. She will grow more sophisticated as long as Lin takes care of her. Since she has bonded with Lin, she is a fiercely loyal ally, and one that shouldn’t be messed with if someone were to try. Or that’s what she thinks anyhow.

Techniques: None-- so far.

Training undergone:

Training Gora from E-C rank:
Increasing Pounds to 200
Increasing size to 1.75 meters long
Increasing Claw and Fang Size to 5 CM
Stats Increasing to C-0
Losing the white spots (she is not a baby anymore)
Specializations should be Taijutsu/Ninjutsu...


Last edited by Lin on Wed Dec 07, 2016 12:17 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Gora |C rank Combat pet| Empty Re: Gora |C rank Combat pet| Mon Nov 14, 2016 6:52 pm



Please clarify under Species that this is a 'Standard Combat Pet'.

That should be all for now.

3Gora |C rank Combat pet| Empty Re: Gora |C rank Combat pet| Mon Nov 14, 2016 10:07 pm




4Gora |C rank Combat pet| Empty Re: Gora |C rank Combat pet| Thu Nov 17, 2016 3:31 pm



Lin wrote:Name: Gora

Species: White Panther (Feline) Standard Combat Pet

Rank: E

Specializations: Taijutsu

Elements: Suiton | Raiton

Appearance: A little white panther cub, Gora was the biggest of her litter, She is currently 1 meter long and weighs a lean 50 pounds. Her paws are too big for her but she doesn’t mind them much. She has had spots since she is small, but they will eventually fade, or that’s what she keeps telling herself.  Her underbelly is white and her eyes are a stark blue. If she were to close her eyes she would disappear in a snowy area, which is where Lin had originally found her. Her claws and teeth are 3 cm long, right now only dealing E ranked damage.

Gora |C rank Combat pet| 1c08202b325a1058b0e3d1bf8636dc51

Personality: Gora has a sarcastic personality, and seems to enjoy running around and pretend-killing things, like Lin's dirty laundry. Gora enjoys running around Lin's apartment, but is afraid of heights. She sleeps next to Lin to protect her, and doesn't want anyone to get too close to Lin before she knows them. She rubs her scent on Lin every time that Lin comes home. Every time Lin leaves, she blocks the door, having to be bodily removed so that she can leave the house. Which for a 50 pound cat usually is done grumbling and grunting. If Gora had her way she would be a house-cat, but she knows that she will soon need to be a companion to Lin. She loves to bask in the sun and play in the snow. Her favorite hobbies are watching the birds, catching bugs, playing with the mice if they ever enter the apartment, and swimming in the bathtub with Lin (no matter what Lin says.) Gora is pampered and sophisticated, but is still a child at heart. She will grow more sophisticated as long as Lin takes care of her. Since she has bonded with Lin, she is a fiercely loyal ally, and one that shouldn’t be messed with if someone were to try. Or that’s what she thinks anyhow.

Techniques: None-- so far.
Approved for 1500 ryo.

5Gora |C rank Combat pet| Empty Re: Gora |C rank Combat pet| Sun Nov 27, 2016 7:37 pm



Training Gora from E-C rank:
Increasing Pounds to 200
Increasing size to 1.75 meters long
Increasing Claw and Fang Size to 1.905 CM
Stats Increasing to C-0
Losing the white spots (she is not a baby anymore)
Specializations should be Taijutsu/Ninjutsu...


6Gora |C rank Combat pet| Empty Re: Gora |C rank Combat pet| Sun Nov 27, 2016 10:07 pm



Training your pet should be done under the Training Section, for Training Pets.

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