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1Morai (B rank combat pet) Empty Morai (B rank combat pet) Tue Nov 08, 2016 4:04 am



Name: Morai
Species: Bear 'Standard combat pet'
Rank: D
Specializations: Nin/ Tai
Elements: Raiton
Appearance: A black and hairy bear with red eyes. Morai stands up to bout 1.2meters(4ft) tall nd 2.1meters(7ft) when fully grown and he weighs 81.6kg(180lbs). He also has 0.12meters(5inches) long claws on each arm and foot  which are weapons one rank lower than his current rank .
Personality: Morai is a large and skillful animal who's sarcastic and sinister actions often portray him as an evil and terrifying animal.
Having great respect for his master, Morai can go to extreme lengths to protect him and eliminate any possible threats in sight. The animal is capable of understanding speech and gesticulating. Even capable of speaking at a higher rank(A rank).
History: Morai was found by Syn in a cave in the mountains. The animal seeming to have no one to look after it trusted Syn after the jounin rescued it from being taken to the animal department as a homeless specie.
Abilities: Morai has +2 tier to reaction time, +1 tier to strength and also -2 to perception, -1 to endurance.
C Rank: Cut and Pierce 1" Deep.
B Rank: 1.5-inch cuts and piercing.
A Rank: Can fracture bone, 2.25-inch cuts and piercing.
S Rank: Cuts through bones, light internal bleeding, 3-inch cuts and piercing.

Last edited by Syn on Sat Jan 07, 2017 7:30 am; edited 4 times in total

2Morai (B rank combat pet) Empty Re: Morai (B rank combat pet) Fri Nov 11, 2016 4:52 pm



1) You can only apply for E- or D-rank pets.

2) Under Species, please specify that this is a 'Standard Combat Pet'.

3) Morai should be a relatively small crocodile, being an E- or D-rank pet. 5 m is, unfortunately, considered too big. Also, change the rest of the measurements under Appearance to the metric system.

That should be all for now.

3Morai (B rank combat pet) Empty Re: Morai (B rank combat pet) Wed Nov 23, 2016 7:12 am




4Morai (B rank combat pet) Empty Re: Morai (B rank combat pet) Thu Nov 24, 2016 8:48 pm



1. Under Species, please add that Morai is a 'Standard Combat Pet'.

2. Under Appearance, please change all measurements to metric.

That should be all for now.

5Morai (B rank combat pet) Empty Re: Morai (B rank combat pet) Fri Nov 25, 2016 11:20 am



Species fixed. Apperance changed to metric.

6Morai (B rank combat pet) Empty Re: Morai (B rank combat pet) Sun Nov 27, 2016 9:54 pm



I had initially meant for you to add the words 'Standard Combat Pet' rather than replace the species as a bear. Also, you forgot to change the weight to metric. I've added both for you, unless you have issue with that.
Syn wrote:Name: Morai
Species: Bear 'Standard combat pet'
Rank: D
Specializations: Nin/ Tai
Elements: Raiton
Appearance: A black and hairy bear with red eyes. Morai stands up to bout 1.2meters(4ft) tall nd 2.1meters(7ft) when fully grown and he weighs 81.6kg(180lbs). He also has 0.12meters(5inches) long claws on each arm and foot  which are weapons one rank lower than his current rank .
Personality: Morai is a large and skillful animal who's sarcastic and sinister actions often portray him as an evil and terrifying animal.
Having great respect for his master, Morai can go to extreme lengths to protect him and eliminate any possible threats in sight.
History: Morai was found by Syn during his stay with the wild hunt. Having no one to communicate with, Syn developed a bond with this animal and escaped with it. They have been together ever since.
Abilities: Morai has +2 tier to reaction time, +1 tier to strength and also -2 to perception, -1 to endurance.
C Rank: Cut and Pierce 1" Deep.
B Rank: 1.5-inch cuts and piercing.
A Rank: Can fracture bone, 2.25-inch cuts and piercing.
S Rank: Cuts through bones, light internal bleeding, 3-inch cuts and piercing.
Approved for 2000 ryo.

7Morai (B rank combat pet) Empty Re: Morai (B rank combat pet) Sat Jan 07, 2017 7:31 am



Changed the history and added ability to speak at A rank.

8Morai (B rank combat pet) Empty Re: Morai (B rank combat pet) Wed Jan 11, 2017 7:30 pm



If I'm not mistaken, you need only post in Items if you're purchasing your pet. Any further modifications to your pet should due to increases in rank are likely handled by the Training Mod under the Training Pets section.

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