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1Escaped Goat [D Rank] Empty Escaped Goat [D Rank] Wed Sep 28, 2016 4:40 pm


Mission name: Escaped goat.
Mission rank: D
Objective: Capture and bring back the mountain goat.
Location: Valley of the mountains
Reward: 100 ryo
Mission description:A farmer's mountain goat got away while he was bringing it back. It's meant for breeding so bring it back unharmed.
Mission details: Like all mountain goats the goat will try to get away via scaling a mountain side. Seemingly impossible perches found one after the other. You will have to use supernatural walking practice or a grappling hook just to get to it and bring it down. It has a leash attached to it still but careful not to just yank it down. The fall will kill it and you cannot just hang it by its neck via leash.

Takamura woke up early this day. He nothing really to do apart from his training, yet he would need some good warming up before starting his routine. It was too early for the hot springs to open and no one would be undressing at this hour, so he thought it would be best if to take some quick mission to get his blood running and make some Ryo on the side. It has been less than a week since he made it to genin and even though he had sent the application to be assigned a random squad as early as possible and was an edge to get started; Yet he knew that it would take at least a couple of more days before he would be assigned, so there isn’t much use waiting around doing nothing. He got dressed quickly in a blue floral shirt and black slacks, cooked up a few Takoyaki and a bowl of rice for breakfast and downed them down a few glasses of milk, making sure to not wake up his mother as she was still asleep, exhausted due to being overworked yesterday. He quietly made his way out, preparing himself for his first mission.

It wasn’t a short trip from his house to the Mission Board but Takamura saw fit to take advantage of the empty streets and do some roadwork training at an accelerated pace. He didn’t know much about what type of missions he was going to find waiting for him on the board, this being the first time since he was made genin that he has found time to take up a mission and most would usually wait till they are assigned to a squad before they do so but Takamura’s eagerness took the best of him. He arrived at the mission board in good time, his body responding well to the warming up. He made way to the D-Rank section of the mission board, not wanting to get ahead of himself. His eyes immediately fell on the 100 Ryo mission. “Capture an Escaped Mountain Goat? Now that seems an easy 100 Ryo.”He thought to himself as he took a copy of the mission brief and gave it a quick read. He folded it, put it in his pocket and started heading towards the Valley of the Mountains with a steady jog.

When he arrived at the valley, the sun had risen higher in the sky albeit it was still time where most people would be in their beds. He stopped to a halt as he heard a goat bleat cut through the silent rocks. Takamura’s eyes moved up, scanning the rocky outcrops for where the goat might be. Soon enough he picked up its movements on the top of a family low mountain to the left of him. Seeing an opportunity to both complete the mission and peruse a new type of training, Takamura slowly made his way to the base of the outcrop where the goat had risen to. Finding some good handholds, he slowly focused chakra on his feet and slowly began scaling the mountain, pulling himself slowly from handhold to handhold, using his chakra infused feet to keep himself from dropping. Multiple times throughout his ascension, handholds gave away or his chakra controlled faltered but with enough luck and good reflexes he managed to make it to the top in relatively good shape save for a few scrapes.  It proved to be a good challenge to Takamura and even with his fairly good physical shape, it gave him a hard time; something that meant it was good training for his body. Nearly two hours later, he emerged on top of the mountain.

In front of him he found the goat lazily looking at him, not paying him much heed. As the brief instructed, the goat did have a rope leash; a pretty long one in fact. The Goat didn’t resist as Takamura approached it and took hold of the leash. There was no path down to go back to the bare planes below, so he sat down and thought of how he could get himself and the goat down in one piece, allowing himself a small break at the same time. After a minute so passed, Takamura removed the rope from around the goat’s neck. He then proceeded to take one end of the rope in his right hand and passed the other end from under the goat’s under belly, over its back and then tied a knot practically securing it to his back as if it was a backpack, with its head peeking out from the side. He made sure it was tight enough for it not to fall off, yet not to strange the goat either. He began to make his descent the same way he made his ascent and even though he had a better idea of what to except, the weight and stirring on his back made it still a difficult task. Many times a sudden bleat nearly send him tumbling down but by sheer willpower or maybe just dumb luck, they both made it down in one piece. He untied the goat from his back as it bleated what one would assume is a sigh of relief. He then proceeded to tie once again the leash and slowly but steadily made his way towards the village, his body aching at every step. He was completely exhausted by the time he made it back to where he needed to leave the goat. He made his way back to the Mission Board and signed in his mission brief. The Sun was now shining fully over his head and the streets were filled with passersby and the smell of food filled the streets. It was probably noon. His clothes were all soaked through with sweat. “At least, I have found a new of training” he thought happily to himself. It wasn’t really an occasion worth going to Hot Springs celebrating, “It was a simple mission with some hard training after all.” He thought to himself. He didn’t intend to lower the bar for training now that he was Genin, in fact he knew that now he had to even train harder. “A bit of more roadwork won’t hurt either.” he said to himself as if to show that he really meant what he had said. He broke into yet another steady jogging pace; albeit after a few steps forward his right knee buckled and he nearly ended crashing in the ground had he not stopped himself with his hands. “Actually, yes it does hurt. A lot.” muttered grimly to himself, as he limped back home, planning to settle for a good nap and just a plain hot bath.



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