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Yasuo stood at the village gates, awaiting for their teammates. The kurohebi was assigned to take out some pirates that had been causing a bit of trouble and requested some aid. Of course they could take care of it on their own if they were careful but they felt like it getting done quicker and easier since they were on a tight schedule and wanted to take up a mission or two the same day. Perhaps in the ER if they had any positions available. For now however they were focused on the task at hand. Yasuo stood at the gate wearing a long sleeve crop top with mesh underneath and tight pants with kounoichi heels, all in black. They had a scroll attached to their hip in case of injuries and their weapons hidden in their sleeves, one kunai and 6 sebon. It was a chilly day in the hidden mist although it could be contributed to Yasuo's kkg still being active. Death's Aura created a particular chill in the air that no doubt would cause some issues for their teammates but they felt confidant it shouldn't be too bad. Still if it presented an issue they could always rectify the situation although they would prefer to save as much chakra as possible. Now just for their team to arrive and they can depart...

Death Aura: Active (anyone within 3m of kurohebi experience -1 SPD & REA. It can only affect Shinobi whom are one rank higher or of the same rank or of lower ranks.)

OCC: Added that extra tid bit just to explain death's aura futher)

Items: 1 kunai, 6 Sebon, 1 Medical Scroll

Chakra: 180/180

Mission WC: 227/1500

Alwen Sangotatsu

Alwen Sangotatsu

Early morning. That was when the Sangotatsu decided to get ready. It’d be a lie if she wasn’t excited, after all, today was her first group mission, her first mission with other Kiri nin. She had no clue who the other people she’d be going with of course, but that didn’t matter with her excitement. Not only was it her first group mission, but her first time on a B rank. She was really excited for this. So, she began her morning routine. First step, breakfast. This was simple for her, and after about 10 minutes making and eating a sandwich, she was on to the next step. Getting washed. Again, quite simple for the sea witch, and another half hour made her ready. Step 3 was probably the easiest. Get dressed, duh. So, clad in her grey shinobi attire, forehead protector over her right shoulder, combat boots and training tights matching her other dreary gear. Instead of sleeves, on her right arm was a single silk fabric, the translucent purple revealing her rather lithe arm. Boom, another step down. Next step, her hair. The step she cared least about, so rather than properly managing it, she simply patted down her long black hair, the highlights mostly covered by the mess of black, blocks of highlight in the front of her fringe contrasting the otherwise drab attire. One final step before she left. Her weapons. She grabbed her black leg holster from the bedside desk, opening it to check its contents. A single kunai and six senbon were within. Content that it was all there, Alwen strapped the weapon holster to her right leg, before turning, and running out of the door, having left at 0700 to ensure she wasn’t late for the meet up.

After quite a bit of a run, Alwen arrived at the place of meeting, the first thing she noticed being that she was not the first to arrive. A chill ran up her spine as she approached, the air colder, more bitter than usual. Waving as she approached, the nubby horned ninja called out, her deep amber eyes scanning, almost surveying the one who she assumed would be an ally on the mission. “Hi there! Sangotatsu Alwen, the most fabulous Genin of Kirigakure, reporting for duty!” her voice was cheery, another thing that contrasted her odd appearance. Striking a pose that seemed more impractical than it did goofy, she beamed a grin at the stranger. Not that she was overly excited for the mission or anything.




The most recent mission she would partake in payed out the most out of all missions she'd received, and it would allow her to contribute a majority to the orphanage.  Also keep a bit for herself, but she wasn't sure what else she could do for the orphanage asides from maybe more groceries.  Perhaps she could buy some ingredients to prepare the children meals, Elder Dota had aged quite a lot since she was there.  Which is another reason she took up duties as a shinobi of Kirigakure, and did the very best she possibly could.  This mission was simple enough smuggler ships had recently been discovered in the harbor of Kirigakure, and it would require a team of three to destroy the boats as well as neutralize all threats.

Her teammates would consist of a Chunnin by the name of Yasuo, and she was fairly confident in his abilities though she knew nothing of him.  All she could say was he had to be capable enough to be a Chunnin, regardless he was much stronger than her.  Their rendezvous point was the village gates the other member of their team was another Genin.  Her name was Alwen another Kunoichi in Kirigakure, but the name wasn't that familiar to her though it did make her feel at ease.  After all she could learn how to work with someone else under a common goal, and that was also a necessity of a ninja Teamwork.  For two Genin this would be a challenge all on it's own a B-Rank mission that involved the neutralization of criminals.

Sofowora passed a small groccery store near the gates, she often visited for their extremely fresh and appetizing produce.  That was when she noticed that something didn't quite sit right with her and it almost made her jump.  Her nerves were on full alert as she stood on guard, looking around in preparation for an ambush.  She started moving closer towards the gates, and her teammates could help handle it.  The situation went from suspenseful to downright strange, and it reminded her of a strange Anime.  Watching the two of her teammates one a male with red eyes, that pierced through the dense Kirigakure fog.  Another girl that seemed to pose in an unorthodox fashion, and she assumed this was Alwen.  Sofowora decided to just adapt to the situation and introduce herself.

"Hello you two I'm Sofowora, but you two can call me Sofo-chan.  I see that since you two are here, that means we can get a move on with our mission.  Hopefully, we can complete this mission, with success as the end goal right?




Yasuo grinned at the two woman once both have arrived and inspected them. Alwen of the Sangotatsu clan, bubbly, quirky but ultimately no real issues. She seemed to be quite talented as she was quite active in the village and already gained a rep for being an nice girl, despite her oddities. Perhaps Sero would be interested in the little dragon. With all who lived in the manor, it seemed these days it were less the home of humans and more like the den of demons. Ah, well there is no harm in that after all, it made things more fun. Yasuo made a note to invite Alwen over for tea or such if she proved to be hospitable enough on this mission which is all Yasuo can really hope for; perhaps if their third party member as well. On the other side, now arriving was Sofowora of a no name clan. Actually they weren't sure if she was part of one as she didn't exhibit any unique traits like Alwen's horns or any particular characteristics like Yasuo's death aura. Perhaps she were a late bloomer and her true power will exhibit itself in the future. If she were, she may prove to be a valuable specimen to examine though currently Alwen seemed to be so much fun. A pity they were not enemies who met on the battlefield so Yasuo could have an excuse to cut up their beautiful bodies and examine them on a more intimate scale. Truly unfortunate.

However, as much as Yasuo would love to inquire about the young ladies, there was a different matter at hand. Now that they were all together, they could get to work. With a smile, Yasuo bowed their head politely trying to give off some semblance of warmth that contrasted the ghastly aura around them "It is my esteemed pleasure to make your acquaintance Ms. Sangotatsu and you as well Ms. Fujibayashi. My name is Masa Yasuo and I shall be the leader for our mission. I'm sure you have already been debriefed on our mission so let us make haste. Please do keep close to me so I can give you the basic outline of how we should proceed once we reach our destination. Now then, let us be on our way"

Once introductions were set aside, Yasuo pleasant smile turned into a thin line and their eyes sharp, glowing ominously in the fog. Perhaps it should not hinder them today and provide cover for them once they descend. As soon as everyone was prepare, Yasuo began running towards their destination. Everyone should be following, and if not, Yasuo made sure to stop when needed for them to catch up, or slow down their pace so everyone can stay together. Yasuo did not venture into the village too often as it cause more trouble than they preferred so they were not too familiar with the girls, only knowing the barest minimum when they did leave or the information fed to them as the underlings in the manor gossiped with Yasuo. After perhaps an hour or so, they reached their destination. They settled onto a high cliff overlooking the impromptu dock that the scouts had reported seeing. They arrived in the nick of time as the pirates were only now getting off their ship and docking at a makeshift port that had a single lit lantern and a long deck with some torches around, the area was full of trees and rock formations in the bay perfect for hiding away so the pirates began preparing to secure the area before their customer arrives. Yasuo intended for that meeting to never come.

Surveying the area, Yauso counted ten vanguard men of various ages and sizes wearing silks and distinguishing colors, who were trying to look inconspicuous. All armed with what appears to be katana and broadswords. Seeing as there were so few, Yasuo assumed this would only be a small shipment. Seeing the vessel they came in, and those crates, it could be anything but light enough to not make a racket. Whomever intended to purchase the goods were of no threat to them and another shinobi was due to capture the customer after Yasuo's team's assignment was done.

The fog rolled in, obscuring their vision somewhat but not overly so by far. The humidity staggering and small wisps formed around their feet and they felt their eyes narrow as a few lit up small torch lights with minor katon jutsu 'They seemed well verse. This requires further inspection in the future'. Yasuo turned and gave a look towards the ladies "I have formulated a plan for how we should proceed.  Ms. Sangotatsu, I need you to sneak around them, and head towards the back so you can cut off their escape route back onto the ship. Ms. Fujibayashi, your task will to follow Ms. Sangotatsu, and get onto the ship. I want you to destroy the sails and whatever you feel necessary of the ship. Just don't let it sink as we are to bring back the cargo. I will head towards the front and use some jutsu to draw their attention whilst Ms. Sangotatsu secures her position and attacks from behind. Once you hear hissing, I want you both to move in and begin your tasks. Are we all in agreement?" Once confirmation was giving, Yasuo would let the girls go into positions whilst they carefully when down the cliff side and hide behind some rock formations and a tree. As soon as Yasuo felt they were ready, they gathered chakra around their vocal cords and lets out a high pitched snake hiss. Any one in a 6 meter radius will hear ringing and only ringing in their ears for the next few minutes but this only worked on enemies so neither Alwen nor Sofowora should be affected. And now Yasuo mused....let the mayhem begin, as they stepped out of the shadows to greet their prey.

Chakra: 165/180

Jutsu Used:

Items: 1 kunai, 6 Sebon, 1 Medical Scroll

Mission WC: 1232/1500

Alwen Sangotatsu

Alwen Sangotatsu

As soon as the third member of the group arrived, Alwen decided to take the time to figure out anything she could about who she was working with from appearance alone. The first one she tried to understand was the group’s leader, the one who had just introduced that they were named Masa Yasuo. Something that immediately stood out to the genin was their eye. The sclera, or as she knew it, the white bit, was black. It would’ve been creepy, if she wasn’t used to the weird. After all, she herself had a weird appearance. On top of that, as she approached them, she suddenly felt the air grow colder. Was this person an Aisu clan member? It would explain the… Drop in temperature, at least enough for her to be content with such an answer anyways. Next, the other teammate, Sofowora. Something Alwen picked up on here was the lack of a secondary name, or surname as it were. Did this person have a clan? Regardless of if she did or not, would not matter, it was sheer curiosity. Although the curiosity pretty much died away upon a realisation. There wasn’t really anything… Spectacular about her, at least from appearances. It was a shallow thought process, but having met so many odd people recently, it was actually unusual in and of itself. But that whole thought process was unneeded. After all, a person is judged by who they are, not what they are. Otherwise everyone would just think Alwen was a goat or something, because of the horns on her head.

Tangent of evaluations aside, the genin concluded her thoughts just as Yasuo had finished speaking, and began to move. Of course, she followed their instructions and followed close to Yasuo. After all, aside from being her superior in rank, it was generally a sound strategy regardless. She wasn’t too far behind them as they ran, Alwen not exactly being slow for a genin. An hour of near silent running came and went, until eventually they reached their destination, the trio, or at the very least Alwen, looking around from the view point granted by the cliff they were situated on. Below them, the targets were sighted, Alwen nodding and making sure not to look at their faces. She didn’t want to really get too much detail on the faces of who she was supposed to kill. This would be her first time killing a person after all. Of course, she paid enough attention to count the targets and their distinguishing features, such as sizes and colours. Every single one of them was armed, which in itself could cause a problem. After all, Alwen was particularly weak to up close encounters, a weakness she was hoping to work on overcoming. However, working on overcoming, and actually having overcome it were two different things. So, she was very loathe to actually put herself in risk for no reason like that.

The fog covered where Alwen was watching the targets, lights flickering through the mist. Fire. It was fair for Alwen to assume this meant Katon techniques, and at the idea, she couldn’t help but grin. Oh, what a perfect opportunity for a Suiton user. Without entertaining the thought just yet, Alwen turned to listen to the group leader speak their mind on the matter. It appeared that Alwen would be the one to perform the most flanking and take the rear. An idea Alwen could get behind, pun intended. Especially as striking from behind would also mean striking from the water. Well, it technically didn’t, but it was the most sure-fire way of preventing them from getting back on the ship without them noticing. What better way than to approach unexpected? Waiting for the squad leader to finish speaking their mind, Alwen would respond with a nod, adding. “I will approach from the water. It is my element, and few look to the seas for danger.” Plus, she really liked to swim. Although she wasn’t going to add that bit.

After Sofowora gives her two bits to the plan, and hopefully agrees, Alwen would run down the cliff, heading a different direction from Yasuo. It was a slightly longer way of getting there, but it was good for being sneaky, and it led to the other side of the ship than the docks. Well, technically it didn’t lead to that side, so much as happen to be on the same side, but it was close enough. It wouldn’t be a long run, Alwen running quickly to get to the bottom with haste, before approaching the water, the shore. Approaching the source of water, Alwen focused chakra into her feet, before running across the water directly towards the centre of the boat. While running, she formed hand seals as quickly as she could, a humanoid shape made out of water forming alongside her and mimicking her as she ran. This water proceeded to take complete form and colour of Alwen, a water clone. The duo of Alwen’s, wanting to be as sneaky as possible, ducked down and pressed up against the side of the ship, nodding to herself. There, she simply waited for instruction. Or, rather, the signal.

A hiss. Suddenly, there was a hiss. The signal! Alwen giggled slightly, quietly, to herself as she took her clone, holding her hands out for the clone to rest its feet on. Pushing upwards with both arms, Alwen launched her clone up to the deck of the ship, where the clone proceeded to rush directly towards the men as they gathered on the docks and away from the ship. She couldn’t flat out stop them from reaching the ship…. But she could make it very difficult to get there. While her water clone gathered all of its Suiton chakra in their mouth, the real Alwen skirted around the outskirts of the boat, keeping close to it so as to stay hidden. From there she simply waited as her clone martyred itself to slow as many of the group as it could. How did it do so? Having gathered the chakra into its mouth, the clone shot out small little bubble like substances from its mouth aimed at the nearest couple of pirates. These baseball sized globules floated towards the duo of pirates, seeming quite odd. Meanwhile the water clone, as suddenly as it was made, collapsed to the ground, its chakra spent. All the real Alwen had to do now, was wait for the pirates to begin trying to flee to the boat. The moment she heard the commotion begin, she would explode the strange blobs. Although she was also quite hopefully that perhaps a couple of pirates would be daft enough to attack them, which’d make them explode regardless.  The sea witch grinned to herself. She had begun her ambush plan, and simply needed to wait for everyone else to begin as well to make real use of her skills.

1159 + 421 = 1580

Chakra: 115/150 (-5 for supernatural walking, -15 for water clone, -15 given to water clone)

Clones chakra: 0/15 (-5 for supernatural walking, -10 for Seafoam)

Jutsu used:



Watching their plan be put into action, Yasuo saw Alwen already begin her task however it seemed her partner was lagging. With a sigh, they realized it didn't matter as looking at how Alwen handled herself, there was nothing to fret about. Therefore Yasuo focused on their primary targets. Alwen was taking care of things on her end and Yasuo only had to watch their own. In front of them were ten of the so called pirates, two of which were engaged with Alwen. Yasuo armed themselves with their sebon and threw them with pin point accuracy at six of those men using the method of kyusho jitsu, the touch of death is said to be something like acupuncture’s evil twin. Medics who have formed this method of execution say that the idea is that chakra flows through the body along lines called tenketstu points closely connected to the cardiovascular system A blow or squeeze applied to certain pressure points on these lines will supposedly put the whammy on the victim’s chi, leading to incapacitate or death.

Some martial artists believe that kyusho jitsu, if executed correctly, can lead to a delayed death — meaning that the pinch of an artery or meridian could lead to organ failure and sudden death after a day or two. Others believe that kyusho jitsu can simply cause instantaneous death after pressure is applied to the carotid artery or other essential spots. Yasuo found both methods were applicable and in this case, preffered the latter method. Thus they aimed the sebon, one of each into the cartoriod atery of six men. It only hit about half of them who fell down and soon passed on. But something was better than nothing. The other three knocked them away but by then, Yasuo closed the distanced between them and engage two in combat whilst kicking the third towards Alwen, confident she could take care of him.

Now alone with two more, Yasuo went ahead jabbed their hand into one's throat whilst back kicking another in the knee. The shifted their internal momentum to lean back, sticking their foot down whilst the other rose and swept the man behind Yasuo up. Yasuo used their combined force to pull the man over their head and throw him towards his companion who was momentarily incapacitated. When the pair crashed into each other threw the kunai into the one whose throat they jabbed earlier at the same sport. He didnt die on impact but in a few moments he would and suddenly seeing that would be disorientating. However he could fully process it as Yasuo closed the distance and aimed to jab him in the throat as well. Yet they underestimated their opponent who then grew enraged and breathed out a great fireball or a semblance of one as Yasuo did their best to use Reflective Palm V1 to redirect the jutsu towards the water, however their right arm was burned since it was a clumsy application. But they ignored the pain as when they re directive the jutsu, Yasuo spinned on the ball of their heel around the man, and used their free hand as soon as the jutsu hit the water to grab the kunai roughly killing the man it was lodged in and slide it across his throat, killing him as well. When all was set and done, Yasuo expected to see Alwen done. If she was Yasuo would heal themselves and conclude the task over and get some cargo to hull back to the village with her and head home.

1,829/1500 Mission Complete

Death's Aura: Active

Chakra: 145/180

Items: 1 Kunai, 0 sebon, 1 Medical Scroll

Jutsu Used:


Alwen Sangotatsu

Alwen Sangotatsu

Two targets, and her partner had fallen behind. With a sigh, she watched as Yasuo had begun to eliminate the ones closest to them, quite efficiently. Still, Alwen couldn’t afford to be distracted and watch; her presence was without a doubt known. The nearest smuggler, quite angry at the surprise attack, and his inability to hear anything but hissing, took out a shuriken, throwing it towards Alwen. Still, the pirate wasn’t subtle about it, so rather simply Alwen stepped to the side of the rapidly spinning projectile. Still furious, and also logically trying to stay alive, the same man gathered fire chakra into his mouth, flickers of fire visible at his lips as he shot out a jet of flames towards the shinobi, his partner accidentally striking one of the globules from the seafoam jutsu, becoming temporarily blinded by the explosion of seafoam and water, obscuring his vision. Of course, Alwen didn’t want to get hit by a ball of fire. So, gathering Suiton chakra quickly in her mouth, she countered it as best she could, shooting a cone of water directly at the fire stream; a clash of jutsu. As one could imagine, the Suiton overpowered the Katon, the two jutsu breaking apart as Alwen decided to not waste any time with the moment.

Taking the kunai from her weapon satchel, Alwen began running at the men. While normally this’d be a terrible idea, as they had weapons that were more extreme than a kunai, and she was not proficient with the weapon craft, but there was something she did have. Skill. Probably. While running, she focused intently on the Seafoam globules that remained, manually causing them to explode. As they did so, Alwen noticed a third pirate get kicked into the group. It would seem Yasuo intended for her to deal with one more enemy than she was originally. It was fair enough, as since Sofowora had dropped behind, the target to squad member ratio had changed dramatically, or some other mathematical term. The trio of pirates temporarily blinded, Alwen began with the next part of her murder of the three.

Focusing chakra into her lungs, she began exhaling a mist. It was like the hidden mist technique, but… Red. Why was it red? Quite simply, Alwen’s kekkei genkai. Her bloodline limit. Infusing Yin chakra into her Suiton, the Suiton became a reddish hue. Of course, it didn’t just change the colour of the mist. Within the pirates felt drained, tired, exhausted. Not unbelievably so, but enough to make it easier. All Alwen had to do was be able to see inside the mist. Quite a simple task for her. Her Kunai attached to her finger like a ring, the sea loving ninja began forming seals. Light rain formed, however only within the mist. Pit pat. Pit pat. While the smugglers could not hear the rain through the hissing in their ears, they could without a doubt feel it. Blind by the combination of the mist and the seafoam, deaf from the hissing, and touch stimulated from the rain. To Alwen, it couldn’t have been easier kills. It had taken a bit of chakra to do, but it was efficient at least. The rain acting as her eyes, Alwen simply walked through the mist to the pirates, and one by one, slit their throats. Having done so, the trio dead on the ground, Alwen simply walked out of the mist once more, wiping blood from her kunai off with her hand and then flicking the blood from her hand to the ground.

The targets eliminated, only the act of gathering the crates that were being smuggled, and returning them, along with the bodies, to Kirigakure. Alwen did so with Yasuo, mind drifting as to what escapades could have caused their companion to fall behind enough that she wasn’t here.  Not that she really had room to think about it. While she was getting used to the fact, she had just killed people. She wasn’t one to usually go out of her way to kill, so it wasn’t exactly a pleasant experience. Not pleasant, but needed. They were smugglers, it was her mission, and Kiri took no prisoners. With a shrug, the mission done, Alwen went about the final things to do. After however long that took? She went home to go care for her mother.

727 + 1580 = 2307 Mission WC DONE

Chakra used: 75/150 (-20 for 2 D rank jutsu, -5 for Ruby Suiton, -15 for C rank jutsu)
Jutsu used:


Spending 750 WC and 80 Ryo on a D rank jutsu leaving 1557 WC for mission

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