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Blake Belladonna

Blake Belladonna

The wilderness of the Land of Fire was one that was often populated by trees aplenty soaring dozens of meters above ground and claiming the skies as their domain with leafy green canopies stretching out for as far as the eye could see, creating a blanket of sweeping green within the horizon. However, with the abundance of trees, one could also find, normally, meadows devoid of any vegetation for as far as the eye could see save the long blades of green that rose from the earth one stood on, shuffling only with one’s movement.

This particular location that Blake found herself in was perilously close to the border with the Land of Lightning. It was here that Blake often found herself, looking out towards the Land of Lightning, toying with the idea of crossing the border a few kilometers away. She’d been accosted a few times by the friendly Special Jonin or Jonin and inquired as to her presence in the area, and she had always truthfully been able to affirm that she was simply enjoying the scenery and the cool breeze that visited this spot on Saturday evenings. Hidden away were any rebellious thoughts that tempted the impiety known as defection, and as she hadn’t been lying as much as she’d been omitting facts from her statements, they never had a reason to question her loyalty. Coupled with her frequent presence here, and any border guard familiar with the northeastern posts would come to understand her frequenting of this one, relaxing area.

That was not to mention she never toyed with the idea; heavens no. Defection, while severely frowned upon, had been something she’d fled to as a potential option multiple times in her past, heartened only by the falling safety of her own home. People were out there to hunt her, dogs were out to seek her like the cat she was, and she was far from adequate to play this little game of prey and predator and come out alive. Regardless, this position, with no trees in sight as forestation began to give way to the stone cold mountainous regions of the Land of Lightning, always seemed to calm her down, to soothe her agitated nerves.

375 words | 375 total



It was a simple request, really; observe a girl from afar who seemed to frequent the border between Hi no Kuni abd Kaminari no Kuni. It seemed like a simple order, but the male could not help but think that something like this was best reserved for the higher ups. But ninja of the special jounin rank was something that the village seemed to be lacking as of late, and so, the task fell to him. He did not mind; his task was simply to observe, and to report back what he saw. With the rash of defections made by ninja of the village lately, the council of village elders felt that it was time to keep a tighter watch on the ninja of the village, particularly those who they felt were very impressionable.

And so, here he was, moving from the tree line and into the meadow behind the persona that he was supposed to be keeping an eye on. The male was clothed in his normal attire; black jacket with skull-motif buttons and sequenced details on pockets. He keeps it unzipped and the tag on the zipper also has a small skull. Underneath he wears a steel gray shirt with skull prints. Tré wears black cropped trousers and black buckled boots with red soles. He wears a black motorcycle glovelet on his left hand. Black spiked hair stuck up on his head in a odd style over blue eyes that swept the area for signs of something that seemed out of place, something that was wrong. They were a long way from the village, and there were no patrols in this area for quite some time; should something happen, he would be not be found for a while. But he was not worried, he always carried something with him that was a form of... insurance.

At his left side, the male kept a simple weapon; a Jian, or a chinese straight sword, that he named as the Mirage Sword. The blade is approximately seventy centimeters long and four centimeters wide, with the grip measuring about twenty centimeters long.The sword is light and flexible, weighing less than one kilogram. Comes with a hard leather scabbard. The blade is a testament to the skill of its creator; a true work of art with no visible flaws on its surface at all. The hilt is covered with decorated silk and the guard can be accented by ingraining pearls or precious gems into its surface, as well as making unique designs specific to each blade. Despite the length and width of the blade, it is strong and will not break under stress. It is sharp and has the shine of a polished weapon that glistens in the light. Hidden on his person also were several shuriken and a kunai, should he happen to need them.

For the moment, he remained quiet as he approached the female, making sure to make enough noise to ensure he was heard by her. If possible, there would be no need for violence on this day if he could help it.

514 WC

Blake Belladonna

Blake Belladonna

The movement of grass, just shuffles that were audible to the ear, alerted her to the presence of an individual other than her own within the area. Blake pivoted her body partially anti-clockwise, just enough for her to contemplate this intruder from the corner of her eyes, this man willing to intrude on her private prairie, likely having emerged from the line of trees fifty meters behind at the very least from their location. His presence alone was alarming, but the conspicuous manner in which he moved was otherwise soothing. He bore a typical face, with sharp hair standing on end and framing his face with a hard, chiseled look, while he appropriated himself with a particular gothic jacket and a corresponding undershirt, both bearing different shades of gray or black with white skulls ghouling on their surface. The hilt of a blade pointed upwards and outwards from his left side, indicating the presence of his weapon.

Questions aplenty inundated her mind. Why was this man here? Had he been drawn to this location by her in particular, or through a combination of luck and hex? Was he a friend or foe to the young Belladonna whose days were plagued with suspicion and distrust hidden behind a wall of indifference? Should she be alarmed at his approach? While answers would not simply throw themselves at her without a proper exchange between the two, she conjectured she was the object of his attention, hence her peaceful afternoon of breathing in the picturesque view of a meadow undeterred by woodland, flanked to their left by the setting sun of ten past four, was to an abrupt and untimely end.

The man took slow, firm steps towards her location, the blades of grass that reached up to his waist parting to accommodate his presence with every step. Blake’s arms remained at her side, controlled to hide her apprehension at his approach. She was familiar with the hulking shinobi who flitted about in this small open region; this man was not one of them, so she concluded he was either a new addition to the ranks of Konohagakure dedicated to the monotonous task of border patrol, or the village had finally set its sights upon her profile for reasons she was curious to uncover. Albeit, the alternative that he was a wanderer or a foreigner adrift in the area seeking directional clarification was not lost upon her, and so she held her tongue from lashing out with grievous accusations.

When the man had stepped close enough into her personal space, ranging between four to five meters from her location, she would address his foreign and unwelcome presence. Blake would be facing him with her left side, feeling bare to the world without Gambol Shroud to meet this man’s blade should the ugly necessity force itself upon their encounter, but finding comfort in at least the few items she had in her possession safely placed within her pouch, attached to her right hip. “That’s close enough. What do you want?”

509 words | 884 total



“That’s close enough. What do you want?”

An eyebrow was lifted at the statement; was that hostility in her voice? Hands were lifted into the air chest high, palms open and facing in the aggressive female's direction to show that the young man meant no harm. He would stop his approach, a slow smile spreading across his face. It was time to go to work, time to turn on the charm and keep this woman calm. He knew very well than to take a ninja at first appearances; even if she did not appear to be carrying a weapon, she probably knew techniques that would make him wish she was carrying one.

"Relax, miss. I mean you no harm."
His smile widened, hand moving to push back on his hair a bit. "Just wondering what a pretty girl like you were doing out here all alone. You're a bit far from the village, are you not?" He remained in place as he spoke to her, not wanting to alarm her anymore than he already had; the more she kept her eyes on him, the better his job would be. Besides, if she were indeed attempting desertion, then perhaps his presence would change her mind for the time being. His expression remained neutral, his voice calm.

Time would tell if she would buy it; he had more than enough of it it spare at the moment. He could wait as long as he needed to if this was the case; but with the increase in time, there was always the possibility of increasing hostilities as anxiety ran its course. Perhaps it would be best to get to the point before things escalated to that level?

"You are no more than a stones throw away from the boarder to Kaminari no kuni. Are you planning to defect to The Village Hidden in the Clouds?"

Not an accusation, but more of an inquiry; if this was indeed this woman's plan, then he would have to do everything in his power to stop her, even if it meant killing her; not that he wanted to do so. A good King refrained from spilling blood unless it was absolutely needed. While every report that had been turned in on this woman stated that she always said that she hand no intention of defection, that could have very well be a ploy, an attempt to lull the patrolling shinobi into a sense of complacency. It could very well be that this female wanted the patrolling ninja to lower their guard so that she could slip across the boarder when it was convenient for her; or even worse, she was learning the patrol schedule if the guards so that she could assist with the organization of an infiltration attempt. With the sheer amount of time the guard reports implied that this female spent out here, it could very well be either or.

Tre intended to find out which.

Though his mission was to merely observe this woman, he himself lacked any kind of stealth skill; and so, he sought to use a more direct approach in his mission. He would approach her, interact and distract her. Should something actually happen; he would alert the guard patrols and the village so that an appropriate response could be launched.

550 | 1064

Blake Belladonna

Blake Belladonna

“Relax, miss, I mean you no harm,” he smiled, hand reaching typically to push his hair back out. “Just wondering what a pretty girl like you were doing out here all alone. You’re a bit far from the village, are you not?”

Had any other man uttered those words, Blake would’ve scoffed at the ridiculity in the blatant flattery slathered like hot butter. Him, though, she was now wary of. The issue of defection having been on her mind, played back and forth like a ball of yarn between a newborn kitten’s furry paws, she suspected she knew exactly what he had approached her for. Still, to give or withhold the benefit of the doubt was a back-and-forth like a casual game of tennis; it was a decision she didn’t take too seriously. There were no charges he could arrest or take her in for, and dismising him was all but a gab away.

“I wasn’t aware I was on a leash,” she answered, hostility palpable in the tone of her voice, but not sight of her language.

“You are no more than a stone’s throw away from the border to Kaminaru no Kuni. Are you planning to defect to the Village Hidden in the Clouds?”

So he had indeed intended to pin her for a potential defection. To her credit, Blake had been toying with the very thought, but never acting upon it. Her simple presence could be faulted by none, for she remained in the legal border of the Land of Fire, a country that the ninja of Konoha were permitted by law to traverse as they wished. It was a matter of easing a ninja’s arduous task of being in seemingly multiple places at once, with urgency almost always at the heart of every mission. If Blake recalled accurately, and she was confident in her memory, only the more populated settlements really needed any form of official paperwork coming down from the minds in Konoha’s government, and she was far from any such settlement. A village or two, perhaps, but nothing with numbers beyond the several hundreds.

Blake studied the distance between them: four meters, just sufficient for her to quickly react should the situation go south. Her paranoia had always aided her in the past, and she had trusted in its double-edged talons far too long to squirm in its grip now. Keeping her hands at her sides and prepared to react to any stimuli, she returned.

“That’s a very bold accusation you’re making. I like the meadows, I like the sunsets, and I like the gentle breeze. Am I not allowed to lounge here in my leisure, as I’ve testified for the countless Special Jonin who’ve accosted me with the same pretense you are groundlessly hurling at me?”

Allowing a small moment, perhaps a couple of seconds, to pass, Blake continued with sarcasm. “In case you weren’t aware, that was a no. I’m not defecting.” Yet.

508 words | 1392 total



“I wasn’t aware I was on a leash,”

Oh, so this pretty face had a bit of an attitude problem? The male almost made the comment along the lines of 'I would like to see if a leash would change that attitude of yours' but refrained from doing so. Tre fancied himself a Prince set to become King; a King did not subject his people to such horrors such as slavery. No, he would endure this female's tongue lashing for the moment, and see where this encounter would go.

“That’s a very bold accusation you’re making. I like the meadows, I like the sunsets, and I like the gentle breeze. Am I not allowed to lounge here in my leisure, as I’ve testified for the countless Special Jonin who’ve accosted me with the same pretense you are groundlessly hurling at me? ... In case you weren’t aware, that was a no. I’m not defecting."

Tre grinned, lowering his hands at that moment. Was this truely going to be so easy? The manipulation of word, this game was going to get boring if it was all going to be this easy. The young man took a deep beath, blue eyes seeming to shine in the light for a moment before he began to speak again. "See, you say its an accusation, but I'm not quite accusing you just yet. You like meadows, you like sunsets, and a good gentle breeze? You can find all of that much closer to the village; across this vast Hi no Kuni, there are many places of quiet solitude and reflection. And yes, while you are technically allowed to be here, please keep in mind the recent events of the world; the rising tensions between the Village Hidden in the Clouds and the Village Hidden in the Mists. Who's to say that their Cold War will not spill over into the boarders of Hi no Kuni? If that happens, and say.. its from the Village Hidden in the Clouds? Say they happen to slip past the patrols undetected; who do you think they will blame first? The Boarder Patrol will point out that YOU were here, time after time. They will suspect that you had sometihng to do with the situation; given that you are here enough to roughly figure out their patrol schedule."

He realized that he had more than likely given out his true intention of being here, or that this female had figured it out already, but he did not mind. This was something that should have been handled by a special jounin anyway; if they wanted him to do it, he would do it his own way. Taking another breath, the male nodded in the female's direction. "Consider this a warning, not an accusation, if you will. If something happens, you will be the first persona suspected of treason from this point on simply based on the fact that you are the odd variable in the equation that has zero reason for being there. If defection and treason were your goal, then you now have ample time to escape, although, I am required by law to apprehend you and bring you in. If not, then I suggest you follow me back to the village anyway so that you can plead your case and reaffirm your fealty to the Village Hidden in the Leaves. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. The choice is yours."

He was not lying to her when he said this. Tensions in the rest of the world were rising, and with the actions of the Raikage towards the Mizukage and her people, it was a safety precaution of the Village Council and the Village Hidden in the leaves to tighten security on the borders so that if a war did happen to erupt between them, The Village Hidden in the Leaves would not be caught in the middle of a conflict that had nothing to do with them. But if something did happen to cross from the border with Kaminari no Kuni, this woman would be the prime suspect, as she was, according to the border patrol's reports, always here as of late. Her presence was enough to establish a recognizable routine of the guard patrols, and could be considered valuable information in the event of a invasion from the Village Hidden in the Clouds...

731 | 1795

Blake Belladonna

Blake Belladonna

The man lowered his hands, taking in a deep breath, indicative of a prolonged one-sided dialogue. Given the nature of their discussion, Blake could only guess as to the message he wished to convey.

“See, you say it’s an accusation, but I’m not quite accusing you just yet. You like meadows, you like sunsets, and a good gentle breeze? You can find all of that much closer to the village; across this vast Hi no Kuni, there are many places of quiet solitude and reflection. And yes, while you are technically allowed to be here, please keep in mind the recent events of the world; the rising tensions between the Village Hidden in the Clouds and the Village Hidden in the Mists. Who’s the say that their Cold War will not spill over into the borders of Hi no Kuni? If that happens and say… it’s from the Village Hidden in the Clouds? Say they happen to slip past patrols undetected; who do you think they will blame first? The Border Patrol will point out that you were here, time after time. They will suspect that you had something to do with the situation, given that you are here enough to roughly figure out their patrol schedule.”

The long speech was met with cold silence as Blake plucked out flaws in his arguments, but refrained from pointing them out. It was palpable the situation was no longer one of security, but rather one of a man’s pride at having been defiantly responded to. His words were needlessly long and elaborated, drivel to her ears revolving around the imaginative drawing of a line between her and the village. It was a mind game; no village would send two Genin to duke it out when law enforcement was in order, or even do anything further than simple persuasion. Coercion, though, she wouldn’t humbly slide under the carpet, and so her shadow, hidden by the waist high grass and camouflaged by their respective shadows, slunk between his feet behind him. The man would fail to spot it, given how enamoured he seemed to be by the self-glamoured majesty of his words.

“Consider this a warning, not an accusation, if you will. If something happens, you will be the first person suspected of treason from this point on simply based on the fact that you are the odd variable in the equation that has zero reason for being there. If defection and treason were your goal, then you now have ample time to escape, although I am required by law to apprehend you and bring you in. If not, then I suggest you follow me back to the village anyway so that you can plead your case and reaffirm your fealty to the Village Hidden in the Leaves. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. The choice is yours.”

Her shadow would form behind him, in the exact duplica of herself, with the only mar on their splitting image the kunai held in her left hand and a single senbon gripped in her right. The man, whose name had yet been shared, would fail to notice the soundless affair of her clone standing directly behind him, bereft of all physical contact and radiating no body heat, until the kunai, held in a reverse grip, would come to rest on the left side of his neck, its sharp edge pressing against the side of his throat, while the senbon would lock his head in place with its sharp tip pressing precariously against the left side of his throat, held too in a reverse grip.

Albeit these weapons not having the potential to kill just yet, they would entertain this intruder’s mind games, and with this being nothing more than her shadow, she needn’t worry about the odd twisting of the body. The man’s hands were at his side, having been brought down, and Blake was in no danger of having her shadow simply dispersed by an elbow to her clone, which would appear as the trademark Shadow Clone Jutsu unless he had been intimately spying on her training sessions. Furthermore, with her able to manipulate her shadows as well as she could, she was confident in her ability to subdue him before he was able to perform any visible actions.

“I believe the choice is, in fact, yours,” she responded. Her eyes would remain trained on his form, careful to avoid any surprises. She would see if his abilities spoke of his seeming capability to command her around, or if she would succeed in calling his bluff.

777 words | 2169 total




Something was off. This woman was entirely too calm as the male was speaking. When he finished speaking, he came to realized what exactly he missed as he felt something sharp press into both the right and left sides of his neck.

“I believe the choice is, in fact, yours,”

What the fuckle was this?  Tre had kept this woman in his sights the whole time since he first laid eyes upon her; what did he miss? She had performed no hand signs, made no movements that he could not have seen; so what was this? A Shadow clone? Something else? It did not matter to him; this woman, she had made an offensive, hostile action against him somehow, managing to press not one, but two sharp objects against his next without any motion. Such an ability was not to be taken lightly; he would have to keep an eye out for something like this in the future from her.

This was going to be interesting. The only indication of his next move would the sudden shift of color; his eyes changed from their normal blue sapphire to a burning crimson. By the time the change was noticed, it would be too late; an aura of Raiton would flash across his skin and emanate into the air surrounding him, forming a one meter defense around him that would serve to disrupt and cancel out the base technique that the technique this female was using, as well as the one that she used with it, unbeknownst to the male. He would take note that he no longer felt the pressure of the sharp objects at his throat, but did not exactly catch sight of what the female did. Either way, this female was quite cunning, and if he had to bet on how she did it, the male would wager that the tall grass was hiding what ever she was capable of. But that tall grass in his immediate vicinity was no longer and issue for him; with the eruption of the lightning aura around his skin, the grass he was standing on and within the one meter radius of the aura would dry out, smolder and begin to burn away, leaving himself able to see the ground upon which he stood. Well, that was interesting; the male had made the aura only as strong as he could safely, that was to say major external bruising or major 1st/minor 2nd degree electrical burn damage at points of contact or the side of the opponent closest to Tre.

With himself free to move without the danger of being stabbed in the neck, the male would kept his attention on the female for the moment, drawing his Jian free with his right hand before flipping the weapon into a reverse grip. As he did, the aura of Raiton would extend itself, crawling down the blade to cover it with the same power that it did his entire body. A small smile crossed his face before the emotionless mask slid into into place; if this woman wanted a fight, she would get one.

"I see you are choosing the hard way, hm? Fine. Before we 'dance', at the very least do me the honor of telling me your name, lovely; in return, I shall give you mine." Even though his eyes remained on the female, he would not make the same mistake twice. His mind was moving, forming out a battle plan for this woman as best as he could, despite not knowing much about her. He knew that she was capable attacking him through means that could be hidden in tall grass without the use of hand signs; that was a problem. Either she had prepared a trap before hand that the young male blindly walked into, or she was skilled in other ways. A Senju, perhaps? If she was, then the young male was as good as defeated or dead. A Senju would make his life really complicated right now, as it was well known that Senju were capable of controlling all aspects of flowers, trees and even grasses. If this woman were a Senju, then this entire field was her weapon, and it was only a matter of time before she won.

frick. But, for the moment, the young male would wait and see if this female would answer his question; perhaps he could find out what her abilities were via her last name? That is, if she even had a last name...

752 | 2547

Chakra | Jutsu | Weapon:

Blake Belladonna

Blake Belladonna

“I believe the choice is, in fact, yours.”

Seconds passed as the man remain stoic in his spot, his muscles tensing in confusion at the foreign touch at his jugular. It was little secret there were no intentions of backing down on his end, and Blake was far too incensed by his baseless charges that she too, would not back down from this encounter out in this empty, green meadowfield. Her right hand reached into her ninja pouch, holding a single kunai pointed parallel to her thumb, while three senbon were gripped between her index, middle, ring, and baby fingers, held such that the kunai would hide the three senbon’s existence, while leading him to believe that it was the only weapon withdrawn, due to the way it was held.

A precaution, albeit a necessary one, and it paid off when a simple flash of change in his eyes eliminated both her techniques, her shadow dispersing rather suddenly. The hard way it was, then. Blake was no fool; the surge of lightning across his skin were the devil’s touch to Nara, finding a natural superiority against their core techniques. It would be a nigh impossible fight, with little in her favour, especially with how the grass smoldered, burning away in small amounts, releasing incandescent cinders accompanied by trifling lines of smoke, rising upwards. Curious how the gentle breeze seemed to have silenced itself at his intrusion, as if even nature itself frowned upon his uninvited entrance.

The odds were strongly against her favour, though that was not to say she had absolutely no chance. She would be free from the contaminated, smoky air that marked this man’s spot, inhibiting his respiration and performance. Anywhere he went with that technique, she may be unable to react with her own techniques, but the land would work against him, choking him with his own chakra. She, on the other hand, was free to traverse this large meadow, unaffected by the smoke which marked only the area upon which it was formed. The armor of lightning coating his body was unlikely to filter out smoke particles, and inviting air into his nostrils would invite the substance which would introduce lightheadedness into his system.

Having conducted her swift assessment of the rapidly deteriorating situation within a quick second, she saw the man reach for the weapon he carried on his person. Hardly was she going to allow him to further bring out something to use against her. Responding in kind, as the man’s hand would close around the sword that hung by his belt, her right shot forward, throwing all four projectiles at the man. Having already been hidden, he wouldn’t see be aware of the three senbon, simply the kunai. The kunai would be aimed for his neck, with the lightning dancing in front of him highlighting the kunai and camouflaging the smaller, pointed projectiles that travelled beneath it. With his hand already closing around his jian, it would be a natural reflex for him to deflect the large projectile that would near instantly close the distance between them, unless his character was one that avoided conflict; clearly untrue due to his pushing his case against her. With his attention fixated on the much larger and much more noticeable kunai, he would be unable to quickly spot and react to the senbon travelling for his body, allowing for their impact. While Blake would have preferred to have targeted more critical points on his body, she would have to settle for their precise trajectory, the first travelling to the portion of his chest between his nipples, the second aimed for his navel, while the last would travel to his crotch.

Concurrently, her body leapt backwards a meter and a half, allowing for five and a half meters of distance between the two as her right hand reached for her ninja pouch again, keeping it there upon landing, hands curled around one senbon. Perhaps she would have to cut some sense into this madman, whose name she had yet to know.

680 words | 2849 total



This female was good; no wasted movements, but she was too direct. Even from this distance, despite the curling bits of smoke and the aura of raiton chakra that he projected from his body that he was using to project himself, he would not be deterred. The smoke was not much of an issue; he was a ninja, and thereby trained to adapt himself to the situations where he was forced to endure less than optimal conditions. While within the academy, it was noted that Tre possessed visual perception beyond that of most genin is age, a feat that allowed him to point out visual cues that most other genin would miss. Couple this with a reaction speed that seemed to be higher than other members of his his clan when they were his age, he seemed to adapt to and counter most situations that he came across. If he had felt that the embers of the burning grass would have been much of an issue, he would have moved when he noticed it.  Even though his eyes remained on the female, he would not make the same mistake twice. His mind was moving, forming out a battle plan for this woman as best as he could, despite not knowing much about her, save for the apparent fact that she was prone to sneak attacks.

But what was this? This female was drawing a kunai and throwing it at him? Even in the flickering light of his aura, he could see it clearly, and he followed through with his natural instinct to block the kunai with the sword. However, a thought occurred to him as the sword was swung through the air before connecting; this woman had already shown herself to be a devious one; perhaps there was something more to this attack? The male would not leave it to chance, he would not make the same mistake twice. With the swing of the jian, the male would rotate the blade in a vertical manner continuously in front of his body, listening to the satisfying  sounds of deflection, beyond the initial kunai, there were three other sounds of metal striking metal; senbon from the looks of them as they impacted the ground by his feet.

Hm. It would seem that his hunch was correct; this woman was the type to hide an attack within an attack, and now that he thought of it, it was an age old ninja tactic. It would seem that this woman was intending on a fight, attacking him even as he drew a sword. Either she was inadvertently admitting to being a traitor to the village through her actions, or she merely felt threatened, judging by the way she jumped back put more distance between them and moved a hand to a pouch on her person to draw something.  Perhaps he should attempt diplomacy once more?

"Listen lovely, despite appearances, I'm not here for a fight; unless you are indeed a traitor to the village. If you are not, I ask again that you come with me to explain yourself to the village leaders so that there is no confusion in the event that something happens, hm? Would you not agree that it is better to be safe than sorry?" Fingers gripped the Mirage Sword a bit more tightly; what would it be? Would this female accept his offer, or would this situation devolve into bloodshed. If need be, he would take less savory route and deal with this situation in the manner fit to end it.

593 | 3140

130 | 150 Chakra

Raiton: Kai Maintained [-5 per post]

Blake Belladonna

Blake Belladonna

Blake mentally cursed as the man angled his sword vertically at the last possible moment, foiling her plans of incapacitating his movements. She didn’t know how this man in particular had succeeded in spotting her movements, but his complacency was clearly justified by skills to match, or at least brains that made up for the brawn he tried to display.

Sword in his right hand, vertically placed in front of his body, he spoke once more. “Listen, lovely, despite appearances, I’m not here for a fight; unless you are indeed a traitor to the village. If you are not, I ask again that you come with me to explain yourself to the village leaders so that there is no confusion in the event that something happens, hm? Would you not agree that it is better to be safe than sorry?”

Blake opted to give no immediate response, studying the man’s development in a fraction of a second. The aura of lightning that permeated the air in a radius of one meter around his body would prove a hindrance to any technique she strove to weave, forming not simply a natural defense around his person, but also a natural defense against the element her clan was notorious for specialising in; a combination of the two was drastically beyond her favour. Her preference for short-range combat was also faulted by the same shield that caged her techniques, knowing the arcs of lightning dancing across his skin would clearly take her own body hostage if she attempted to engage him in a melee. In conjunction with the loss of half her inventory for no loss on his part…

“Very well. I concede. Let me stay five minutes,”
Blake bargained. “Then I’ll follow you of my volition.”

That was not to say she would be enraptured by the words of diplomacy he spoke. Throughout this exchange, he was nothing if not prepared, and she kept her eyes on his form in case he would attempt a backstab in its many forms. Should he acquiesce to her request to bask in the area, marred by his brutal and uncaring display of lightning, she would retract her right hand from her pouch unarmed before righting herself upwards and turning her attention – still partially focused on him – to mainly the scenery that enthralled her preceding his interruption.

395 words | 3244 total



It would seem that his words were heard and struck something within the female; she did not attack yet again, and seemed to be considering what he said. He was in no rush; however long this female took to deliberate within herself was fine with him. The Aura of Raiton would remain around his body, eyes trained on the female. What would she do?

“Very well. I concede. Let me stay five minutes,” Blake bargained. “Then I’ll follow you of my volition.”

Five minutes? That was... acceptable. If she was indeed a loyalist to the village, five minutes was not too much to ask, especially since she was coming with him. The young man would nod to her, flipping the jian he carried into a normal grip, but not sheathing it, nor cancelling the aura of raiton chakra.

"Very well. Five minutes it is, lovely. I will wait for you, then we shall go." He was very much aware that this could be a trap, but he did not care at this point. At this point, he was sure this female could not do much to harm him; her backing away when he activated Raiton: Kai, plus the fact that she took so long to agree to his terms. He would not drop his guard however, and he would not be cruel. He would take this as it went,  and react accordingly.

When this female was ready to leave, he would allow her to take the lead to head back to the village, or he would would move along beside her, which ever she felt confortable. So long as she did not attempt to attack him, everything would go smoothly as they headed back to the village.

287 | 3427 TWC

3427/2400 [3000 - 20%] = 1027 = Raiton: Kai Trained

1027/675 = REA E-1 to D-0

352/150 = PER E-1 to E-2

202/75 = END E to E-1

Blake Belladonna

Blake Belladonna

“Very well. Five minutes it is, lovely. I will wait for you, then we shall go.”

The consent was well-received, if irk was present due to the thick flattery in the air. Blake allowed

The consent was well-received, and Blake allowed a greater portion of her attention to bask in the natural beauty of the land. The green meadow, lush as it was and rich with life abundant, unmarred by the fifty-foot-tall trees that would greedily drink away at the sun’s rays falling upon their sheltering leaves, leaving only trickles of sunlight to fall upon the short patches of grass that grew in the denser forests. A small part of her was angry that this man had left a scar on the uniform viridescent of the region, but it would grow back with time, and when it did, Blake would return to this little safe haven to enjoy once more the serenity of the situation. She could only hope that it would not be interrupted as it did on this piteous situation.

Five minutes up, she would turn to face the foreigner, whose name she still remained unaware. If he did not take this as a cue to leave, she herself would begin strutting off in the direction of the village that supposedly bore the mark of her home, but similarly bore the mark of suspicion. She would refrain from attacking her escort, unarmed as she would now be, though only relatively.  Perhaps she had been too hopeful in that the life of a ninja would exempt her from the jeers. But, a moment of silence was enough to clear her mind, revitalising her for the weeks ahead.

But only so.

286 words | 3530 total


Strength: E-0 → E-3 { 450 words | 0 ryo }
Speed: E-0 → D-0 { 750 words | 0 ryo }
Endurance: E-0 → D-0 { 750 words | 0 ryo }
Perception: E-0 → D-0 { 750 words | 0 ryo }
Reaction Time: E-0 → D-0 { 750 words | 0 ryo }

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