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Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

It was the end. The end of his time in Kirigakure, and now his time to head back down the road towards Konoha. He was happy to be going home. Really, he was. Even with that being true, he was still truthfully sad. The people he'd met, the experiences he'd had, the things that he'd learned. It was a truthfully eye opening experience in kirigakure. Were it not for this journey across the 5 nations, he wouldn't have grown at all from where he once stood. Every person he'd come into contact with while in kiri had done something that allowed him to come out of it stronger than he was before, and he was ever thankful for that. Only a few hours earlier, he'd learned the sacred art of sage mode from a clan known as the doragonseji. The mode allowed an entirely new branch of power to Toshiko's utility in which he'd originality didn't know even existed. He felt stronger than he ever had in his entire life, and knew deep within himself that only more levels of strength could emerge from such a form. All of the capabilities, the things that could potentially be done with the things that he acquired. the potential was limitless, and he couldn't wait to discover what else he was capable of doing. The path he started down was a narrow one. After only a few hours of walking off upon leaving the large lake, he was far off into the spaces of nothingness that resided out of most if not all of the village's outskirts. It didn't bother him as much as it did when he'd first arrived in kirigakure, as during that time there was an immense storm that forced him to stop off in the cave where he met the doragon seji clan. Now, the weather and environment were calm. He could see and feel the life in the area through the senjutsu chakra. It made things calmer. He truthfully found it to be beautiful, and couldn't wait to be back in konoha to share this with those who he'd left behind. He wondered on the happenings within the village during his time gone. He'd obviously have no idea, but he truthfully hoped that all would be well. he especially couldn't wait to reconnect with his teachers, Aethir and the hokage, sousetsu senju. His main purpose in leaving was so he could return to them to show them how strong he was capable of being. The first person he hoped to see back in konoha was Sousetsu. He was now coming out of kirigakure, and back into kumogakure. This village, he'd originally skipped around due to being short on time and his impatience. He wasn't sure what would lay in this village. He'd only met one person who came from the village in his time, and they didn't seem to be the best individual. Despite that, he knew deep down that it was not in his place to judge a village based upon one person he met from it, and he was truthfully excited. He hoped that he would be able to experience encounters similar to those that he'd had in kirigakure, and that the people there would be equally as eye opening. His walked continued on, step by step he carried on moving forward. After about another hour, he saw something. Off in the horizon. a large village. He smiled, knowing exactly what it meant. He was almost there. With his destination in sight, he kicked up, running down towards the village as fast as he possibly could.

Kirigakure To kumogakure travel done.

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