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1This is the best site ever! Empty This is the best site ever! Sun Nov 22, 2015 4:15 am


And Bokuden is a god! :D

Last edited by Lamb on Tue Nov 24, 2015 10:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

2This is the best site ever! Empty Re: This is the best site ever! Sun Nov 22, 2015 3:23 pm



Rolling over to an empty bed was... not pleasant, however he wasn't the type to panic; least of all when they were 'home', as close to one as they had. He could not remember a place beyond this that was home, and that was fine with him; he counted home as anywhere that Lamb was, and she was here, so he was home. Simple.

As it was, he'd woken up to their bed empty and cool; she had been gone long enough to allow her side of the bed to begin to cool down some; which given he was a massive space heater was saying something. He could tell by the strength of her scent that she had been gone for nearly fifteen minutes by the time he noticed, and if she was gone that long without them being called to a new target, he was going to chalk it up to her wanting food, or to bathe. As he had first checked the kitchens and not found her, it was the latter. That was fine, he would fill his belly, then take his turn. While they normally bathed together, he knew he was rather... rank at the moment, and he did not wish to foul the water she was using at the moment with his incessant stank.

So for that reason, he was busy making them breakfast. She had never had issues with his complete and total lack of hygiene in a normal human sense, so it didn't actually occur to him that she would not want to eat around him given his current standing on the cleanliness scale. No, food was his third highest priority, distantly behind the Hunt, and even further behind Lamb herself. His personality was dominated by fixations, and he'd long moved beyond the fixating on the Hunt last beyond the Hunt itself, his fixation was on Lamb, only switching to the Hunt when a Mark was actively being chased.

He was working over a slab of meat, likely some sort of cervid or bovine, he really didn't care nor was he bothering to pay attention to the taste beyond 'is it spoiled? No? EAT!'. He was wondering along the corridors and exploring the terraces with the, well, there was no other way to explain the slab of meat beyond a joint, the archaic term for a shank of meat; or to be as clear as possible, the entire upper leg of the beast, from the ball of the femur down to the knee joint, with the top and bottom cleaned and stripped to show roughly an inch or so of clean bone. The exposed bone made for decent hand holds, so he could strip the thing like an ear of corn for a while. As it was, by the time he was approaching where any of the temple minders would be this time of the day, he was carrying a stark white, perfectly clean bone. Well, mostly clean; he'd left a strip of meat on one end, he was going to leave the remains with the nesting eagle he'd found when they'd returned home days prior. He rather liked the giant bird, and it was nice to have another predator around. They understood each other, on some level. A rarity, for any being outside of Lamb.

As he passed a group of minders, one approached him with a bowed head and timid stutter of a greeting; they feared him for his explosive temper and tendency to fling anyone he didn't like over the side of the temple and into the void below. Given he was in a rather good mood for the moment, he merely humored a soft growl, spurring the beta male into telling him why he was being bothered. "Master Wolf, Mistress Lamb searches for you."

Oh, well, that was fine, then. "I see. She is were." Monotone, growled, not angry, but still dangerous. His voice was all of this, for anyone not Lamb.

"She was going to check the sleeping quarters, Master."

"I see." He glanced down at the meat bone in his massive hand, and merely tossed it to the cowering beta male. "Take that to the eagle. It will understand. If you are lucky, it won't eat you." No other words where spoken, he merely vanished from view in the way that only Kindred could; they could only be seen if they wished to be seen, and he no longer wished to be seen by anyone but Lamb. He reversed his direction, heading back toward their specific room. He was lifting his nose higher, tilting his head to allow him to inhale the scents on the air better; in doing so he was able to track his Lamb with far more accuracy. Ah, she was in the general direction of their room, so he would head that way. A mini hunt was on, it would seem.~

WC: 830

3This is the best site ever! Empty Re: This is the best site ever! Tue Nov 24, 2015 2:45 am


If Wolf was gone, it wouldnt be long until he returned. And so, she would wait. As she did, a melody entered into her mind, and soon exited her mouth. Her singing was loud and clear as a bell. The sounds would ring through the halls, attempting to uplift the somber moods of the temple. She knew Wolf would be able to hear her, and was hoping to lead him to her. There was no particular meaning to the words of the song, nor was there really even words involved in the singing; mere changes in the inflections to give the impression of such. As Lamb sang, she would move around the room, picking up the small mess that had aculmilated over the few days they'd been using the room. Clothing picked up, blankets shaken out and beds remade. While she knew the temple caretakers would do the cleaning if she did not, she honestly prefered to do it herself. It made the rooms within the temple in which they resides seem more.. homely.

A cool breeze blew in from the from the open balcony that was opened to the east, which was something else she loved about this temple. The sounds of the falls was soothing, to say the least. As Lamb finishd adjusting the nest of blankets and cushions, she wondered what was she would do that day. Perhaps she could practice with her Bow, or have a lovely conversation with Fate. The elder seemed to enjoy her company very much; they would often talk for hours at a time about the nature of the world, or things she'd seen in her travels. Fate was very knowledgeable about the world around them, and had seen much in his time. It was Fate who gave Lamb the idea of using a bow to carry out her duties, something she greatly enjoyed. But she needed something else.. something to use in case someone got too close for her to use her bow.

Maybe there was a way...

Fate gave her a scroll a long time ago with jutsu in it. He explained that Ina, the woman beneath Lamb's mask, was an Uzumaki. It would stand to reason that Ina had inherited certain abilities of her family, namely her aptitude for the sealing arts, as well as the abilty to condense her chakra into chains. Perhaps she could use these as weapons? If so, she would need someone to spar with in order to get better with them. Perhaps dear Wolf would be willing...

[423 + 224 = 647 WC]

4This is the best site ever! Empty Re: This is the best site ever! Tue Nov 24, 2015 9:46 pm



Music, distant and haunting; Lamb was singing, it would seem. He would know that sound anywhere, for years beyond measure he had heard it, and he could listen for years more beyond time. Her voice, it was a balm to his suffering, it soothed his soul in a way that even the hunt could not. He was a beast in the skin of a man, the need to hunt and attack and rend and destroy compacted into this tiny body and tinier mind. He was barely contained fury, only the power of Fate and the purity of Lamb managed to hold him in check. The average hunt was little release, and the few good hunts barely took the edge off; however, it was this time when he could just be, no responsibilities and a chance to just... be; that was when he had a chance to actually sooth his soul.

Lamb's singing was the fastest path to this end.

The instants between each heart beat stretched into infinity as he simple stopped; the world around him stretched and faded away and the soothing tones invaded every aspect of his existence on every level and left nothing but itself. In this spans of infinity, he was able to turn himself over wholly to the sounds, and it left him in a far better mood. His physical form missed nothing, he was still walking toward their room even as his mentality checked itself out of existence. He could just be on the level he was meant to exist; mindless and empty and merely a vessel to an end. If one was to visualize a meter that gave numbers to his fallacy, to his anger and stress and all of the bad, it would be spinning or falling or however you wish to think of it, toward empty; toward zen and perfect peace.

After an infinity of moments, he was at their room, mechanically opening the door and closing it behind him, slipping the bolt so that they could not be bothered at all unless they wished too. He was silent as he did so, unless she was looking directly at the door she wouldn't notice him coming in. That was fine, if he had his way he would lay with his head on her lap forever and just listen to her sing. That was his reward, he believed; for eons of work and strife and pain; one day in the farness of forever, they would be alone finally, their work completed, and they would spend the rest of their eternity together, as it was meant to be.

Now inside, he moved across the room until he was sitting on the bed, still entranced and now gently swaying with an extra rhythm only he could hear. He always heard more than just her vocalized song, there was more to it, the sounds of his own soul; she sang the song of her, he heard the rhythm of his; in his mind they melded into the music of the cosmos, and it was perfection beyond words, beyond thought and feeling and beauty and all the constructs of man and beast and mind. It was emotion, and it was more. It was the fundament of existence, and even more still. It was all, and for these fleeting moments, he was one with it.

He would sit and wait, allow her to notice him; he had long since given himself fully to his Lamb, his perfect, beautiful Lamb; who wears a thousand faces and a thousand bodies and is still always his Lamb, when ever her memories are gone and she is made new she is still his Lamb, and they are still Kindred, and he is her Wolf and he is always her Wolf and his body is not his, but it is all he has; and he is hers, and she is his, and they are one in these moments. Maybe he would sing with her too, now; this new Lamb that is his Lamb that has always been his Lamb but he had not sang for yet he has sung a million times beyond infinity and will again with a billion new voices that are all him. It is always them.

One day he would sing too.

They would sing the Deathsongs, the Forever Songs; they would sing their joy to the hidden silver moon and make music together in the blood of their Marks. Such is the life of Kindred, such is the way of Lamb and Wolf.

WC: 760

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