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1Training upon the lake(Open/NK/Training) Empty Training upon the lake(Open/NK/Training) Sun Sep 13, 2015 5:50 am

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

The boy had grown as he stood there wandering what to do with himself, as the waters around him shifted as he made his way through the forest towards the lake.
Yuzu Ren the last member of his clan and the new head of a broken society he knew he had to rise up in order to take on a new path, a different path, a much darker path then he could ever imagine. As the sun itself was hidden by the mist of the dense clouds that upon the sky imprinted their very image as he looked on waiting for the world to acknowledge him, to acknowledge that he would become the next in line. That one day, he would be the new ...

As he was in his train of thought a leaf blew into his face as he remembered the land of leaves as he had taken his time to get to know Orochi Risu, the anbu member Lamya who had fought him twice, from utter defeat to a close battle with uncertainty in the air. In the end he had no true rivals as to face any rival would mean the loss of one great warrior. He had to rise up to a level which Gin could recognise but he also needed to get to a height that no one else could reach, it was time for the rise to begin and for the fall of the past to settle in the starry night that would soon come once his training was done. It was time as he stood there with his three swords on his back.

He was prepared to make his mark on the world 

Words = 280

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