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The roar of voices was exceedingly too loud. The sounds of young boys and girls laughing, yelling, squealing, and making inappropriate jokes echoed down the halls of the Academy, bouncing off of lockers, doors, and windows, and created a cacophonous din of undisciplined noise. And it grated on Zinan's nerves. He sat in the front of a classroom full of kids half his age. Children were running to and from, here and there, over desks and off of walls. They tossed wooden shuriken at each other and sparred with wooden kunai. They were practicing walking on walls and ceilings. They were, ultimately, doing exactly what they should not have been doing.

Zinan had roared about for the first ten to fifteen minutes of his assignment with these children, trying to instill the importance of discipline in their thick, dull-witted heads. However, when he started to lose his voice, he decided to wait it out. He did not believe that simply waiting for the children to stop their horse-play would work, but rather, it gave him time to think of a new strategy to control the unruly mass of prepubescent children.

He was leaned back in his chair. The front two legs were suspended in air, as the back of the chair rested against the chalkboard behind him. He had his head settled against the chalkboard. Zinan held his hands near his face and interlaced his fingers. Both index fingers were pressed together, fully extended, and rested just above his upper lip. The genin's eyebrows were furled and shaded his eyes, which were closed. If one were to look closely, they could see that behind his closed eyelids, Zinan was moving his eyes about, deep in thought and formulating a plan. He was tired of these children who thought that they could do whatever they wanted to do. He was going to fix them, once and for all.

One child, a young boy with shaggy, azure hair, darted in front of the classroom. Kinaharu, Zinan believed was his name, was the child and passed between the chair that Zinan was sitting in and the desk that Zinan sitting behind. In a blink of an eye, and with the startling screech of wood chair legs against concrete flooring, Zinan slammed his chair down onto all four feet, snatched the kid off of his running feet, and threw him down on the desk that the child was running by. Kinaharu squalled out in fear and the classroom went silent.

All eyes were on Zinan, though Zinan's eyes were still shut. Slowly, the brooding, irritable ninja opened his eyes to stare directly at Kinaharu. "I've had just about enough of your antics... child...." He stressed the last word of his sentence so that it would sink into, not only Kinaharu, but, the whole classroom full of fledgling shinobi. Zinan slid his eyes up to take in the still shocked children that were scattered about the room. Some were mid-throw of a practice weapon, one or two were slowly sliding down the walls, and several were frozen, still tangled up, from their fighting.

"You are all children.... You will all remain children... unless you change your behavior." Zinan shifted his gaze back down to the pinned Kinaharu. With little effort, the ninja heft the boy aloft by the front his shirt, until the kid's feet dangled. "Do you know why I'm here... boy?" Kinaharu shook his head fearfully. Zinan snarled in response, before roaring out a deafening sentence. "I'm here, because children, like you, can't behave in class!" He slammed the child back down onto the desk. Kinaharu gasped for air, for the impact knocked the wind out of his body. Zinan let go of the child and stalked around the desk.

He stomped his way to a trio of kids that were in the middle of drawing on a fourth, who was asleep in his chair. Zinan slapped the sleeping kid in the face, waking the child up with a tearfully, stinging cheek. He reprimanded the four of them harshly, "You are the reason why we will lose in the next Shinobi War." He spun to the classroom, his arms flung wide. "All of you. You will be the reason we lose."

Zinan leaped over the desk and landed on the one two rows back. His feet pounded down next to a girl's hands. The girl had been making origami animals and empowering them with her chakra, before sending them around the room. The animals would swarm around her targets, slicing multiple paper cuts into their skin, before disintegrating. It was the start of an impressive jutsu, but, for now, it was out of place and out of time. Zinan called down to the girl. "What happens in the real world if you are undisciplined in the field?" He waited a split second, knowing that it was not long enough for anyone to answer his question. He stomped his foot down, crushing an origami dragon, with a resounding thud. "You die. Or worse: you get other people, who are of much more use to this village, killed, because of your own stupidity. Do you want to have that happen, little girl?" The girl shook her head frantically, tears bubbling up in the corners of her eyes. Satisfied with her answer, Zinan dropped down from the desk and stalked back up to the front of the classroom.

"All of you..." he began, "need to straighten up your act. Your behavior is appalling, and the Hokage is not pleased. In fact, that is the whole reason I am here." Zinan walked around to the chair that he left unoccupied. Kinaharu was currently sitting in the chair. When the boy saw Zinan approaching, he began to visibly shudder. Before the angry genin could even reach for the child, the boy had ran back to his desk and sat down quietly. Zinan turned to face the classroom as he sat down. "You have wasted so much of your senseis time, that they believe that this class should not graduate from the Academy... ever...." Zinan knew it was a lie, but it was needed to be said.

With that, the children that were spread throughout the room and settled, quickly into their chairs. Clearly, they were not so fond of the idea of not being Leaf shinobi. Zinan sat still for the next thirty minutes. He had resumed his position, leaned against the chalkboard, fingers above his lips, and eyes closed. But the difference was that this time, the classroom was quiet. All of the children were working on their homework for the Academy, instead of running amok. Zinan had scared the Fire into the children and it would not soon fade.

After the half hour had passed, the sensei of the class returned to dismiss the children. However, upon his entrance, the man stopped dead in his tracks. He could not believe that the classroom was this quiet and behaved. He turned to Zinan, who simply smiled at the man. The genin rose from his seat and passed by the sensei on his way out through the door. He continued on down the hallway and out the main doors.

Once outside, both in the heat and the light, Zinan leaped to the rooftops and began bounding his way to the Administration Building. This mission was finished and he'd soon report to the Hokage of his success.

=Exit Thread-


Reaction Time: E-2 > E-3 > D-0 = 525 Words
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