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1Escaped Prisoner[B-rank mission,Solo] Empty Escaped Prisoner[B-rank mission,Solo] Sun Aug 02, 2015 12:48 pm



Planting a kiss on the sleeping girl's forehead kaekio left a note on the table detailing where she was going, what she was doing, and how long she planne to be out just for safe measures. She didn't want nozomi to worry about her, but she didn't want to wake her up to tell her she was going on a mission today's note read "Hey babe, Sorry i couldn't be here when you wake up, Sano doesn't plan to give me a mission break even though the exams are running. Today ill be hunting down a prisoner who's escaped, it's only a B-rank mission so there shouldn't be much need to worry. I should be home by dinner time... <3 XOXO -Kae" with the note left, and her black cloak zipped up, her Kumogakure headband around her neck as it usually hung, her two black swords on her back, and her kunai pounch on her right and left leg, with her usual shinobi attire on, she was ready to get today's missions started, and with that said she headed out the door. She couldn't say she wasn't excited for today's mission. This man was a prisoner, and she would probably have to fight him to bring him back, the mission said that he wasn't too powerful, but that she should probably be careful. Although it woud be difficult given that kaekio was tasked with brining him back alive. So she couldn't go all out as much as she would like too. She rarely got the chance to blow off steam like this, but she wouldn't get much of a kick out of this mission if she couldn't go all out. 

As kaekio turned around and locked the door behind her, she let out a small sigh. This would be one step closer to becoming a Jounin, her next goal. She would make sure that she did this mission in a timely mannor and in such a way that she would make Sanosuke proud that he was the one who taught her. She was after all a sage now, and that meant that she had a reputation to live up too. Even if it was one she wasn't sure that she could handle outright, her new ability gave her power and strength... among other things. And, as such people expected mroe out of her... She would just have to surpass their expectations. Kaekio's cloak flapped in the wind as she kicked off of her front door step and headed towards the prision. The first place that she was going to begin searching. There she could also probably literally pick up the prisoners scent, and track him from there. There was more than a few benefits that came from being a wolf. Not like she needed much help tracking people anyways, she was a ryuzoji, infamous for being some of the most skilled tracking ninja around, but it would be hard to pick out his eletrical signal if kaekio didn't know it first, and it's not like she could just ask someone there for it. Even if there was a ryuzoji, there wasn't a way to describe accurately how they did what they did or how to explain each current to one another. So, kaekio would just have to do this on her own, which is where her wolf nose came in handy.

It didn't take long for kaekio to reach kumogakure's prison, once there she was granted access to the prison and the prisoner's cell. She breifly actived sage mode whilst in the cell to pick up the convicts scent. Which was gross and smelly, but she figured that was probably because she was well... a prisoner. Then she expored the hole in the wall which was left by the convict. It appeared to be used making doton, and kaekio couldn't help but let out a sigh. Really? they couldn't some how stop a known shinobi from using doton? why not bind his hands so he couldn't made seals or put him in a metal cage or something... really this was almost pitiful and Kaekio would make a report of this to sanosuke when she finished her mission, but for now she had to track a doton user through his own hole, which was probably laced with traps, and the likes, or else there was a good chance someone would have follwoed him through already. Kaekio actived sage mode, and entered the hole using both of her sensories to detect anything and everything the might possibly come her way, all the while sniffing out convict...

Kaekio was surprised when the hole posed no traps to attack her as she made her way through, it did however turn into more of a cave as she got deeper and deeper in. She did however find how why no one had followed him. It was basically a maze in here, you'd come a crossed three door ways, go through one only to find three more, and twisting and winding paths that would split into more paths and it was basically just hell for the average person, and someone could easily get ost in here. However this is where kaekio's nose acted like a compass for her to follow, and it didn't take very much time at all for her to pop out the cave somewhere deep in the forest. Kaekio readied her blades silently as she crouched down. Her current perception as well as sage mode was telling her that there was someone right about the cave entrance standing on top of it, probably waiting ot ambush whoever came out of the doorway. It was a good plan, but not for someone who had sensory. Kaekio et out a small sigh as she took a few steps back, as a image of nozomi laying in bed flashed in her mind. She wasn't going to be taken out by this, she had someone who was waiting for her to return home, and she had promised them that she would. Kaekio Channel Raiton energy into her blades, activing her Aoi yaiba technique. The bue light being emitted from the cave was enough to make the man move back a little bit. Kaekio rushed forwards out of the cave spinning on her heels as she did so, sliding backwards and facing her target. she wasn't surprised when a large bolder came flying towards her at incredibe speeds. She actived two techniques at once, using her Blue blade slash in conjuction with her dual wielding technique to create to slashes with her sword, as she did so with a reverse grip on her black blades. the X shape destroying the bolder and sending pubbles scattering in all directions. kaekio shouted towards the man "Give up now and i won't have to hurt you" She growled through her teeth. She heard a laugh on the hill as the man stood there with his hand on his hip, kaekio extending her current perception range as he did so. "well you're quick i'll give you that, but what makes you think you have the skill to take me on." Kaekio stood up an looked up from the ground, her near glowing blue eyes piercing into the man as if judging his soul. The blue coloring around her eyes evidence of the sage mode she was in. The man's face took a different look, one with a bit more fear, and kaekio grinned. "well the raikage wouldn't have trained me if he didn't have faith in my abilities." Kaekio said with cockiness and playfulness in her voice. Now all she could see on the man's face was anger and fear. "DAMN YOU!" he screamed as he fired two more rocks at kaekio. Kaekio simply cut them with each of her swords. grinning a she did so. Then she dashed forwards. He fired yet another ball of doton. Kaekio moved to the side of it and pushed off of a tree with one foot, using that same foot to kick him in the face with. He stumbled backwards, and made the dragon sign, however kaekio placed her blade threw his armpit, pinning him too a tree and twisted it, causing him to scream out in pain. "Damn you! damn you! damn you!" he screamed out again as he spat blood in kaekio's face. Kaekio et out a low toned growl pulled her blade out violently, severing the man's arm off. He collapsed instatnly passed out from the pain. Kaekio let out a sigh, and wiped the blood from her face, as she press her blade against his open wound caterising it so it stopped the bleeding.

Kaekio then brought the man back to the prison, after cleaning her blade of course. The entire staff apologized for the trouble they caused her, claiming they didn't know about his doton abilities, and promising to make sure this never happened again. Kaekio accepted the apology although she doubted that something like this would never happen again, although she was stil hopeful. she then went to the adminstration building to collect her reward, and she returned home before it was even lunch time. Kaekio had done it. She was now one step closer to becoming a jounin, and she was ready for whatever Sano would throw her way next.

Mission Complete!

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